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Re: Security vs. Simplicity

From: Aarón Mizrachi <unmanarc () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 20:48:24 -0430

On Martes 26 Mayo 2009 19:40:06 Craig S. Wright escribió:
but blackbox are vulnerable in time since:

- When you modify their enviroment, you dont know what is the behavior of


- Every software/library/something could have discovered vulns across the


- Every product have a lifetime, if you dont know the exact behavior, it

cannot be replaced easily, and could lead to Denial Of Service.

- etc.

To an extent all software is a blackbox. The analysis of software is an NP
infeasible problem. Turning and then Distraka demonstrated proofs that the
state of a system can never be fully known. You are making presumptions as
to the level of knowledge an open system holds and as to the level of

Im not implying anything about open systems with my comments... You are taking 

Everyone know that there is no 100% secure system.
We can cover most of the vulnerabilities, and its our job. 

Crystal box testing is a better option. I have published papers on this in
the past. What you are missing is the complexity/simplicity issue. You are
mixing these issues with security.


the issue comes from not well documented systems... that are a source of 
vulnerabilities, by the exposed reasons.

you said that documentation are a source of complexity, i think, that is a 
source of simplicity. (Only if is well documented)


Supose that you have a linux with mysql and you are an average admin.
What is the simplest way to change passwords?

1. google Linux; uname -a; google Change Ubuntu Linux password; read and read 
and read, and do passwd; then, check for superusers, then, check the state of 
mysql, and google it for change mysql root password... probably you need to 
install something like phpmyadmin to manage mysql and check for another 
important users... And probably, the dependant systems will stop to work... 
Then, you have to check third party systems that work with this database 


2. Read a security documentation on section maintenance; search for change 
system passwords; and follow the instructions.

What is more simple for maintenance?

You also never know the state of an open system. You just have a lower cost
of testing and rectification.

As for DoS. There is always a way to DoS a system. The issue here is how
much evidence you create and why you do it. Hit any system with a sustained
attack from 1,000,000 bots and it goes down. End of story. This is not an
argument about complexity impacting security.

There is a difference between DoS created by flooding or by exploiting some 

You could reduce the impact of some DDoS attacks, not 100% effective.
But, when the DoS comes by the software vulnerability, this is unacceptable in 
security matter... or not?. 

Dr. Craig S Wright GSE-Malware, GSE-Compliance, LLM, & ...
Information Defense Pty Ltd

-----Original Message-----
From: Aarón Mizrachi [mailto:unmanarc () gmail com]
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 9:32 AM
To: craig.wright () information-defense com
Cc: security-basics () securityfocus com; 'Stephen Mullins';
dan.crowley () gmail com
Subject: Re: Security vs. Simplicity

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

On Martes 26 Mayo 2009 18:08:58 Craig S. Wright escribió:
"The answer of this question is: There is a delicate balance."
There is a point solution that makes a balance. Security is a dynamical
(spelt correctly) system. Although point equilibria exist, they do not
exist in time.

Nodal minima do exist - sometimes for long periods of time, but these
require tuning and updates.

" blackboxes are prone to be vulnerable "
Not necessarily. There are many B2 and higher (on the old rainbow table
US classification scheme) systems that can operate as a black box. These
can be fit for purpose designed systems. For instance, you can even
create a secure software based system using vulnerability prone software.

I created a proof of concept system that was a secure black box a number


years back. You have a CD boot into memory and a system that scans the
memory processes that is separate to the first. Any changes result in a
memory reload. It can be costly (the issue) to implement, but it is also
very secure (as long as you do not need changes as it was not dynamic).

- Your scanner could be vulnerable
- If you need to change the hardware, your scanner could be vulnerable
unexpected new processor functions.
- On a blackbox you never know what the program needs...
- If you reload the memory, could lead to reseting and Denial Of Service...

Many systems are blackboxes, this is not the sole cause of security


In addition, open source also has just as many flaws.

I disagree. Im not pointing that blackboxes are the sole cause of security

but blackbox are vulnerable in time since:

- When you modify their enviroment, you dont know what is the behavior of
- Every software/library/something could have discovered vulns across the
- Every product have a lifetime, if you dont know the exact behavior, it
cannot be replaced easily, and could lead to Denial Of Service.
- etc.


Protecting a blackbox require the knowledge of how the blackbox works and
interact... then if you can protect a blackbox, this is not a blackbox.

There are too many proofs that every blackbox have a danger itself.

Dr. Craig S Wright GSE-Malware, GSE-Compliance, LLM, & ...
Information Defense Pty Ltd

-----Original Message-----
From: Aarón Mizrachi [mailto:unmanarc () gmail com]
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 7:42 AM
To: craig.wright () information-defense com
Cc: security-basics () securityfocus com; 'Stephen Mullins';
dan.crowley () gmail com
Subject: Re: Security vs. Simplicity

Old Signed by an unknown key

On Martes 26 Mayo 2009 16:16:01 Craig S. Wright escribió:
Basically, there is a small correlation between the effects of security


simplicity. This is complexity for its own sake will not add and may


security. Likewise, simplicity for its own sake will not add security.

"With documentation and organization, you can cover the most of your
First documenting a system is an addition of complexity. It also
matters how well it is done. Next there is the issue of compliance vs
security. They are not the same thing. Documenting a system does not
secure it.

Agree, document does not secure it.

The meaning of my point is... without documentation, the system are prone

be a blackbox, and blackboxes are prone to be vulnerable.

"If you install any device, you must consider the maintainance of this
device, you must consider the end of life of this product, you must
consider the probability that this product itself gets vulnerable


your knowledge."
This is true, but it is not an argument against simplicity or


For the most part, the functions of simplify and security are
perpendicularly polar. This is, although there is a feedback effect one
aligns with a proverbial X and the other a proverbial Y axis. The real
issue also comes to a definitional framework. I speak of simplicity in
a Chaos/Complexity theory framework.

Simplicity adds to security in human system interactions. Complex


(in general) are more prone to catastrophic failure. That is they are
more brittle. To understand this, you need to think how a brittle
material fails. High carbon steel structures can be remarkable strong,
but if they exceed their threshold only once, they shatter. Low carbon
steel will bend at a lower threshold, but can be reformed. If the
strength of a brittle material is sufficiently high, it does not matter
that it can fail catastrophically, as the conditions will never be met.

As in materials science, some of the most robust systems as hybrid
composites. This is a combination of systems. This in itself is a form


complexity, but in the sense that simple and complex systems are

The same applies to information systems. Brittle but strong systems can
survive extremely well as long as they are sufficiently resilient to



capacity to withstand any attack.

Computer is simple analogy. "It is very simply designed. I dare you to


a vulnerability in my computer." Easy Bios. I could keep on. Software
help defend flaws in the design of systems. We have not even started on
OP Code attacks against the processor. The proverbial "block" as a PC
if as flawed as the computer itself.

The flaw here is in software. Although we pose an NP Infeasibility


software validation can be great use. It also poses a cost. A verified
system (such as in the old rainbow A tables) can be extremely
resilient. The cost of such a system is however extraordinarily high.

All software is complex by nature. So the issue is not of pure
simplicity. Even in the face of open source code, software is not
evaluated. It requires a level of complexity to account for the
failings in software. Malcode, bugs, vulnerabilities etc all account
for the


flaw in any system design. To account for this correctly requires the
introduction of multiple systems. This reduces simplicity through
introduced complexity, yet adds to systematic security. An example is
given through an
introduction of dual layers of firewall technologies with separate
vendors such that neither ever suffers the same software flaw (and all
firewalls have had compromises). Another example is the use of multiple
anti-virus engines (such as a email gateway with one product and a
separate engine on the email server and data store).

To contrast this, this increase in security from multiple systems is
impacted through the addition of additional human factors. More systems


complexity make it more difficult for a single individual to run a


system (e.g. firewalls or AV) as they require knowledge in multiple
platforms and thus spend less time on either platform. This can also


to an introduction of more people. Two specialists can be used (1 for
each vendor). This allows the individual to specialise in a particular
area again, but also takes interaction with the other person (which was
previously achieved by one individual).

The requirement to act in concert adds stress points to the security
solution making it more brittle. This can be tempered. Training and
drilling staff leads to a team approach where the effect is in an
individual team rather than a group mindset. This tempering adds to
security. This may (and generally does if you exclude the cost of
failure) increase costs (esp. As contingency costs are not attributed
to project costs).

Training in itself is a source of complexity in its development. The
paradox is that this addition of complexity can create a simpler and


robust system.


And.. this could be expressed as an equation, adding more entropy lead to
a failure. Adding more security system helps you to avoid some threats.

Entropy could lead the failure probability to grow exponentially.

The answer of this question is: There is a delicate balance.


Dr. Craig S Wright GSE-Malware, GSE-Compliance, LLM, & ...
Information Defense Pty Ltd

-----Original Message-----
From: Aarón Mizrachi [mailto:unmanarc () gmail com]
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 4:28 AM
To: security-basics () securityfocus com;

craig.wright () information-defense com

Cc: 'Stephen Mullins'; dan.crowley () gmail com
Subject: Re: Security vs. Simplicity

Old Signed by an unknown key

On Lunes 25 Mayo 2009 16:44:43 Craig S. Wright escribió:
Sites such as Facebook suffer not from complexity, but rather from
the model used in their creation.

These Web 2.0 Agile based code structures (commonly Ruby based
frameworks) are most often derived from a Test After or "Tad too
late" model. The Model, View Controller framework used in Ruby is a
good framework, but it also simplifies the coding process such that
less experienced coders are used - those without the necessary



Your "simple" network is in fact far more complex than many larger


In your example, you have touted an Integrated Firewall. Far from
simplifying the issue, a single host with all in one features is
extremely complex. Far more so than 6 individual system
(IPS/IDS/Firewall/AV/Logging/Router) based networks.

The integration of functions on a single host increases the attack
footprint and likelihood of error.

I completly agree.

There is a balance... There is a right way to secure.

When i said, organization and documentation are simplicity, im trying
to expose the real fact of this topic.

Is like an equation, if you add some extra device to improve your


you must measure and accept the possibility that this mechanism are
itself vulnerable. Also, you must measure and accept the managment time

of this device, that are substracted to another important tasks.

Tasks like:

- Patching
- User Managment
- System check
- Log check
- And productivity

With documentation and organization, you can cover the most of your


A couple years ago, one company, trying to be secure, bought a security
hardening service that includes a SNORT IDS, vlan delimitation,
firewall policies, antivirus, and computers security hardening.

Looking over, you must say: its a fine thing. This company its really

But this company failed... the last year didnt passed the ethical

Without documentation, no one were doing mantainance, the company
consider IDS
a working blackbox defending you.... And a time ago, snort gets
vulnerable (

CVE-2006-5276 ), and the pentester gained access from remote.

Well, im not saying: lets uninstall all the IDS's, no...

Im trying to say that everything must be documented, must be planned...
If you
install any device, you must consider the maintainance of this device,
you must consider the end of life of this product, you must consider
the probability that this product itself gets vulnerable without your

Considering that, you will be able to secure a network.

You can cover a lot of vulnerabilities planning with simple security

But putting devices over devices, only make things worst.

Dr. Craig S Wright GSE-Malware, GSE-Compliance, LLM, & ...
Information Defense Pty Ltd

Ing. Aaron G. Mizrachi P.
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