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re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet]

From: dcrocker at (David Crocker)
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 11:57:55 -0000


It is most certainly true that C++ can be appropriate in those cases. C++
programs can perform just as well as C programs, while also being much better
structured. Of course, it will be necessary to avoid performing frequent
allocation and deallocation of heap memory in the C++ program - but the same is
true of C programs. Poorly-performing programs can be written in either

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

-----Original Message-----
From: Crispin Cowan [mailto:crispin at] 
Sent: 03 November 2006 04:46
To: David Crocker
Cc: 'Secure Coding'
Subject: Re: [SC-L] re-writing college books [was: Re: A banner year for
software bugs | Tech News on ZDNet]

David Crocker wrote:
Unfortunately, there are at least two situations in which C++ is a 
more suitable alternative to Java and C#:

- Where performance is critical. Run time of C# code (using the faster 
.NET 2.0
runtime) can be as much as double the run time of a C++ version of the same
algorithm. Try telling a large company that it must double the size of its
compute farms so you can switch to a "better" programming language!

- In hard real-time applications where garbage collection pauses 
cannot be tolerated.
Except that in both of those cases, C++ is not appropriate either. That is a
case for C.


Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.            
Director of Software Engineering, Novell
     Hack: adroit engineering solution to an unanticipated problem
     Hacker: one who is adroit at pounding round pegs into square holes

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