Politech: by author

132 messages starting May 01 02 and ending May 31 02
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Declan McCullagh

FC: Rep. Ernest Istook says Supreme Ct. will uphold library filtering Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: Newsbytes, R.I.P. Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: Beware Joe Lieberman's broadband-industrial-policy, CEI says Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: Gagged by Google? Body Shop founder protests blog ad deletion Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: Americans' post-911 trust in government is back to normal Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: Philadelphia judges nix library filtering law, cite buggy sw Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: P2P hacking and worm-writing redux, by Nathan Cochrane Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: European Parliament votes 351-133 for surveillance; also spam Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: Observing Surveillance event: Washington DC on Mon, June 3 Declan McCullagh (May 31)
FC: Ashcroft on new investigation rules: FBI has been "frustrated" Declan McCullagh (May 30)
FC: FBI gets more surveillance powers; Cato's Pilon says no problem Declan McCullagh (May 30)
FC: Can technology expose miscreant government officials? Declan McCullagh (May 30)
FC: The death of unmoderated discussion groups in France? Declan McCullagh (May 30)
FC: Congress publishes father-knows-best "cybersecurity" report Declan McCullagh (May 29)
FC: Daniel Pearl video back online after FBI legal threats Declan McCullagh (May 28)
FC: NY suit aims to stop spammer, learn how addresses were harvested Declan McCullagh (May 28)
FC: Wiretaps on the rise in 2001; Jim-Bell-in-prison update Declan McCullagh (May 25)
FC: Hacktivismo News site will cover technology and human rights Declan McCullagh (May 25)
FC: NYT oped on Hollywood's plan: "It'll help Silicon Valley grow up" Declan McCullagh (May 24)
FC: Lawsuit against federal obscenity law asks for prosecution ban Declan McCullagh (May 24)
FC: Gatt.org pranksters are back: WTO announces it will dissolve Declan McCullagh (May 24)
FC: Hollywood wants to plug "analog hole," regulate A-D converters Declan McCullagh (May 24)
FC: Neulevel's PostMinder tracks email without recipient approval Declan McCullagh (May 24)
FC: Visionics facecams to protect "NYC tourist sites" from attack! Declan McCullagh (May 24)
FC: FBI seeks to rid Net of Daniel Pearl video, threatens charges Declan McCullagh (May 23)
FC: House votes 327-101 to permit warrantless searches of U.S. mail Declan McCullagh (May 23)
FC: A snarky spat over lawyernastygrams and "thewarmcompany.com" Declan McCullagh (May 23)
FC: Save the protozoa from inappropriate material on the Internet! Declan McCullagh (May 23)
FC: In remembrance of Stephen Jay Gould, by Jay Ambrose Declan McCullagh (May 23)
FC: Denver judge says yep, photo radar program is bad news Declan McCullagh (May 23)
FC: Charles Platt replies to RIAA, SoundExchange on webcasting fees Declan McCullagh (May 22)
FC: Mich Kabay on young girl strangled... and blaming the Net Declan McCullagh (May 22)
FC: Justicefiles.org sues to overturn Wash. state "cop privacy" law Declan McCullagh (May 22)
FC: NAI was pursuing PGP copyright violations; Radiusnet replies Declan McCullagh (May 22)
FC: Are your pet's medical records private? DogFancy mag reports... Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: Network Associates thwaps PGP sites with DMCA nastystick Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: RIAA, SoundExchange on Library of Congress webcasting decision Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: Webcasters spared high music royalties -- for now Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: Even stranger spam -- and Afghan-scam-spammer terminated Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: Two depressing views on the state of information security Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: Update on "Eldred" copyright extension lawsuit Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: Forget the Nigerian spam scam: Now it's the Afghan-war-scam! Declan McCullagh (May 21)
FC: John C. Dvorak on Politech list and DMCA hoedown photos Declan McCullagh (May 20)
FC: More on Apple's warranties and copy-protected CDs Declan McCullagh (May 20)
FC: Americans historically trade liberty for security? Declan McCullagh (May 20)
FC: Cops reportedly fret about being targets of cellphone surveillance Declan McCullagh (May 20)
FC: Petition asks European Parliament not to require Net-snooping Declan McCullagh (May 20)
FC: Clarification on Apple's warranties and copy-protected CDs Declan McCullagh (May 20)
FC: Congress update: So much Internet regulation, so little time... Declan McCullagh (May 20)
FC: Last word in mini-debate on Supreme Court ruling in FCC/telco case Declan McCullagh (May 18)
FC: More on mailing list operators and Museum Security News case Declan McCullagh (May 18)
FC: South Africa vs. Internet: Tempest brewing over .za domains Declan McCullagh (May 18)
FC: Business Week on Linux, copy protection, and Hollings bill Declan McCullagh (May 18)
FC: More on radar detectors, FCC, and interference with gas pumps Declan McCullagh (May 18)
FC: Will radar detectors be regulated out of existence? Declan McCullagh (May 17)
FC: "Creative Commons" copyright project debuts today Declan McCullagh (May 17)
FC: Senate follows House, tries "morphed" child porn law v2.0 Declan McCullagh (May 16)
FC: Mailing list operators not liable for libel, Public Citizen argues Declan McCullagh (May 16)
FC: Slashdot's Jamie McCarthy reports from "chat room evils" hearing Declan McCullagh (May 16)
FC: GOP-Democrat spat over "securing" slogan spills onto Net Declan McCullagh (May 16)
FC: Ninth Circuit rules 6-5 that Nuremberg files website is unlawful Declan McCullagh (May 16)
FC: Photos from DMCA hoedown on Capitol Hill this afternoon Declan McCullagh (May 16)
FC: Politech photos from SF dinner and CFP conference now online Declan McCullagh (May 16)
FC: Australia will scan passport photos, use face-recognition for ID Declan McCullagh (May 15)
FC: Stu Baker on Internet search warrants, police, and privacy Declan McCullagh (May 15)
FC: Peter Wayner on Agfa, DMCA, and debate over fonts Declan McCullagh (May 15)
FC: Prison supervisor convicted of misusing FBI's computer system Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: "Cyber-liberties" feminists fight obscenity laws, by A. Newitz Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Internet firms say police search rules endanger privacy Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Runner's World and LetsRun.com reply to Politech on deep linking Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Tom Giovanetti: "Agfa's right!" and more replies to DMCA threats Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Agfa DMCA debate: Charles Platt vs. Matt Deatherage Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Slashdot's Robin Miller: Linking should be etiquette, not law Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: "Runner's World" threatens suit over printer-friendly deep links Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Wired mag. on Steven Spielberg's forthcoming "Minority Report" Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Criminal defendant insists his own name is copyrighted Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Jamie Love on DMCA hoedown, party on Capitol Hill this Thursday Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Replies to Ben Edelman's report on "whois" database errors Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: WSJ profile of Pam Samuelson and her copyright battles Declan McCullagh (May 14)
FC: Ben Edelman's report on intentional errors in "whois" database Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: Anonymous political website gains following in New Jersey Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: Update on Nissan Motor vs. Nissan.com suit, trial in Oct. 2002 Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: Congress acts swiftly -- to protect animal privacy! (satire) Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: DMCA hoedown! Copyright fans party on Capitol Hill on Thursday Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: Schedule update for last remnants of Microsoft antitrust case Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: A nice irony: Blizzard sends DMCA nastygram, then DMCA'd by Sony Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: Supreme Court disses COPA anti-erotica law, sends to appeals ct Declan McCullagh (May 13)
FC: Anti-pornsters give Congress tips on banning "virtual" child porn Declan McCullagh (May 11)
FC: Cato Institute celebrates 25th anniversary, dinner tonight Declan McCullagh (May 09)
FC: Public Citizen will defend Dallas Morning News "deep linker" Declan McCullagh (May 09)
FC: "Child modeling" bill would instead censor commercial photography Declan McCullagh (May 09)
FC: Cato's Bob Levy on why states' suit against Microsoft is evil Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: Judge refuses to dismiss DMCA criminal case against Elcomsoft Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: Matt Deatherage on Agfa, DMCA, and font embedding problems Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: Agfa replies to Politech on using DMCA to ban font editing tools Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: Is Sen. Joe Biden's no-counterfeit-hologram bill misworded? Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: Japan's networked national ID system will go live on Aug. 8 Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: Yet another Larry Lessig interview, this time on "Media Dinosaurs" Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: ACLU files amicus brief on behalf of embattled Texas mall critic Declan McCullagh (May 08)
FC: A close look at Southern Poverty Law Center and "hate groups" Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: E.U. will tax offshore digital sales; restrictions on journalists Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: Replies to Feds getting way serious about "Chat Room Dangers" Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: Replies to National Zoo citing animal "privacy rights" Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: E.U. votes on May 15 to log Internet, phone traffic for police Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: ABA journal highlights USA PATRIOT Act, post-9-11 liberties Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: Feds take matters firmly in hand: Hearing on "Chat Room Dangers" Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: Books: Charles Platt's "Enrob," E. Schwartz's "Last Lone Inventor" Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: Lawsuit erupts between MAPS anti-spam blacklist and former director Declan McCullagh (May 07)
FC: Annoy.com attorney replies to new "morphed" child porn bill Declan McCullagh (May 06)
FC: National Zoo cites animal "privacy rights," refuses to release info Declan McCullagh (May 06)
FC: Free speech groups say wacky French laws must not apply to U.S. Declan McCullagh (May 06)
FC: SonicBlue ordered to track ReplayTV users' viewing choices Declan McCullagh (May 03)
FC: Dick Armey's aide replies to Politech on photo radar, speeding Declan McCullagh (May 03)
FC: Replies to scam stealing credit card numbers from eBay members Declan McCullagh (May 03)
FC: RIAA, others reply to webcasters' "Day of Silence" this week Declan McCullagh (May 03)
FC: AOL exec: Skipping commercials is same as stealing? Declan McCullagh (May 03)
FC: Roger Parloff: DMCA is sensible, but Hollings bill is plain nuts Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: Replies to Dick Armey, speeding, and photo radar helping safety Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: Replies to LA Times columnist wanting to limit anonymity online Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: Ex-FBI director Louis Freeh still wants your encryption keys! Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: Photos from NRC porn-kids-Internet report briefing today Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: Summary of Ashcroft "morphed" child porn bill, by Larry Sutter Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: LA Times columnist wants it to "be harder to be anonymous" online Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: Scam extracts credit card numbers, bank info from eBay members Declan McCullagh (May 02)
FC: Rep. Dick Armey on photo radar: It doesn't make driving safer Declan McCullagh (May 01)
FC: EPIC's David Sobel: Government wiretap figures are misleading Declan McCullagh (May 01)
FC: Exciting new use of DMCA! Banning font-twiddling software! Declan McCullagh (May 01)
FC: Ashcroft & friends: We'll try again to ban "morphed" child porn Declan McCullagh (May 01)
FC: Privacilla's Jim Harper to House: Worry more about .gov snoops! Declan McCullagh (May 01)
FC: U.S. assails Ukraine, releases "watch list" of pirate havens Declan McCullagh (May 01)
FC: Latest linking spat: Dallas Morning News sends silly nastygrams Declan McCullagh (May 01)
FC: Secret FISA court approved fewer surveillance applications in 2001 Declan McCullagh (May 01)