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Metasploit pen testing questions

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 13:41:46 -0600

On Wednesday 10 November 2004 16:38, Regence 21 wrote:
On Win2k I can get a reverse shell easily and execute commands, but if
I try and start the Windows command line ftp client won't work (the
command line just sits there after I enter ftp). Am I missing
something? Without ftp, what is the easiest way to upload a file to a
Win2k target host?

Keep in mind that you can also use the win32_(bind|reverse)_upexec 
payloads to automatically upload and execute a file over the socket. This 
feature is getting replaced by mmiller's Meterpreter in the 2.3 release 
(which is still crunching along). The best way to use this payload is via 
a self-extracting archive that launches a backdoor after extraction. In 
most cases, just executing cmd.exe after the extraction completes will 
leave you in a functional shell with all of your tools ready to go.

On Linux I can't find any exploits that work. I tried the two Samba and
the Squid exploits and I am running the correct versions from an old
Red Hat release, but I never see a reverse shell connection work like
it does on Win2k.

Have you used msfupdate to obtain the latest version of samba_trans2open? 
Vlad902 fixed that to work with binaries compiled with newer versions of 
gcc. If you are already running the latest version, could you send us a 
copy (off-list, to msfdev[at] of the "smbd" executable? 


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