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Re North American Box Office Hits Record $11.4 Billion

From: "Rich Kulawiec" <rsk () gsp org>
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 08:29:40 -0500

(for IP, if you wish)

On Mon, Jan 02, 2017 at 05:52:19PM -0500, Richard Bennett wrote:
If the defendant in a case of car theft [snip]

Except copyright infringement is not theft.  Copying bytes does
not deprive the original person who possessed them of their copy.

but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a large number of
musicians willing to assert they're doing as well as they ever have.

I've been a sporadic professional musician for 40-ish years.  During
that time I've been repeatedly ripped off -- by club owners, by
record companies, by booking agents, by promoters, by concert
venues...but NEVER by a music fan.  Those folks have shown up
in snowstorms and patiently waited when we were late and bought
us beers and helped carry our gear and reminded us of the words
to the third verse and applauded even when we didn't deserve it.

This experience -- support from fans, abuse from the music "industry" --
isn't unique.  It's the norm.  See links below for similar stories
from others, some of whom are rather famous.

But this is changing, thanks to technology: we no longer need a
quarter-million dollar recording studio: $2K worth of gear in
the basement will suffice.  We no longer need record pressing
plants and warehouses and trucks and inventory: we can release digitally.
We no longer need to beg for a listen and sign over all our rights
just to get heard: we can post music online and make it immediately
avialable to a potential audience of billions.  The plaintive whining
about piracy that you hear from the record labels/RIAA isn't because they
care about us: they NEVER cared about us.  It's because they know
they're becoming obsolete.  We don't need them any more.

So if I ever get around to releasing my own recording, I *want* it to
be pirated.  I'll be delighted if people like my work and want to share
it with others.  Because for someone like me, that's the best form
of promotion I could possiby hope for.  It's vastly better than anything
I could afford, it comes without the one-sided contractual entanglements
preferred by record companies, and it reflects the reality that for nearly
all of us, the problem isn't piracy: it's obscurity.



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