Security Incidents mailing list archives

RE: Strange set of TCP ports

From: "Romulo M. Cholewa" <rmc () rmc eti br>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 20:29:10 -0300

It's called tcpview, and you may find it here:

Also, there are other ways to monitor this traffic, like installing

... and using ethereal or windump...

... you may use ethereal if anything else fails trying to identify the
connections (at least you will be able to sniff it).

Good luck,

Romulo M. cholewa
PGP key id 0x7F8A3B40

] -----Original Message-----
] From: mgotts () 2roads com [mailto:mgotts () 2roads com] 
] Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 5:10 PM
] To: Harlan Carvey
] Cc: Incidents; Raistlin
] Subject: Re: Strange set of TCP ports
] > Run openports.exe from DiamondCS on the suspect boxen.
] >  If you don't have physical access, but do have admin
] > access, use psexec.exe from SysInternals, as well.
] psexec.exe from SysInternals is a remote program execution 
] utility. I use 
] it now and then, and am not aware of any capability to have 
] it list ports 
] in use and what programs are using them.
] SysInternals probably does have such a utility, but I'm not 
] sure what it 
] is off the top of my head.
] -- Mark
] > 
] > 
] > --- Raistlin <raistlin () gioco net> wrote:
] > > Greetings,
] > > 
] > > can someone help me in identifying the following
] > > strange subset of open
] > > TCP ports ?
] > > 3687/tcp open  unknown
] > > 3688/tcp open  unknown
] > > 3689/tcp open  rendezvous
] > > 3690/tcp open  unknown
] > > 3691/tcp open  unknown
] > > 
] > > Googling or looking at the usual known ports lists
] > > do not yield any
] > > results. I'd like to identify this beast if
] > > possible. Thanks in advance.
] > > 
] > > Stefano
] > > 
] > > 
] > >
] > 
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] > ForwardSourceID:NT000844F2
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