Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Response to phishing e-mails

From: Brandon Hume <brandon.hume () DAL CA>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:52:14 -0300

On 29/10/2014 1:07 PM, Nick Semenkovich wrote:
Spam e-mails they send will end up posted online? Then search engines (that actively de-prioritize spammey-things) won't suppress those results? And employers will conclude they were an active Russian spam king?

I've seen spam archived in the various on-line mailing lists. It does exist. Whether or not Google shows it is a numbers game. And what the employer concludes based on it isn't my problem... most likely they'll believe the user when they say "that wasn't me!", but the rest of the explanation can (should) make the employer think that the user is either careless or gullible.

Most of the time the account is a spam pump and then discarded. It isn't often that the user's account is used to plant viruses, or spam for the *really* nasty stuff. It isn't often that the user has their SIN harvested and used for identity theft. It isn't often that grant information is harvested, or their paycheque mucked with, or their relatives personal details taken for further scamming down the line. But it HAS happened, and my job is to let them know that. Ultimately I don't care what they do with that information, so long as they realize they've got skin in the game.

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