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Re: Full disk encryption options

From: Rob Thompson < () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 16:45:45 -0800

Hash: SHA1

aragonx () dcsnow com wrote:
Hello all,

I have seen this topic on the list before I think but I want to go over it
again if you don't mind.

I have two volumes of business data that is sensitive.  I have a Fedora 9
Linux server that these disks are in.  I would like to have these disks
encrypted.  This is the easy part.

This isn't exactly what you were asking for.  But for future reference,
if you use Ubuntu Server Alternate disk, you can setup encrypted
volume's on the initial installation.  Then, upon every boot/reboot, you
will have to enter the password for each volume.  The only downside to
this, is that you have only one password, so if you have more than one
admin on the server you will lose accountability.

I would assume that other flavors have this built in, but this is what I
am familiar with.

Now for the hard part.  I would like to have the volumes mounted
automatically at boot.  So the security issue comes here.  I would like to
make it so that if the server is not shut down properly (normal init 0)
then on the next boot it requires a pass phrase plus a pass key to access
these volumes.  So the stored pass phrase can not be access able under any
circumstances if the system is not shut down normally.

Guardian Edge should be able to do what you are looking for from a
Commercial product.  This will also give you your accountability.

To work with exactly what you have, you should check into LUKS (which is
what I was referring to in the beginning of my reply).

Hope this helps.

Somehow I think I would also need to disable the power button on the
machine to prevent someone from starting a shutdown without the root

Any ideas on this topic?

Thank you in advance.

Will Y.

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