Security Basics mailing list archives

Re: secure transfers and authentication

From: "mgk.mailing" <mgk.mailing () googlemail com>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:58:04 +0100


Thanks james that looks to be a really handy guide on the whole thing. Thanks for taking the time to put that together. Everyone has given me lots of ideas to think about and incorporate into what im working on. Sorry i cant be more specific as its a work thing.

Thanks to all who contributed.

On a side note does anyone know why i have problems posting to the list using the reply function in my mail client? James if it is only you who receives this could you kindly forward it to the list if possible?


James Bensley wrote:
Hey there,

Not sure if you have got your problem sorted or not because I am a bit
behind with this list. Are you running this on a *nix box? SCP would
indeed be the recommended method of
transfer. If you are using *nix then;

1. Get your self a copy of OpenSSH on the client(s) and server(s)

2. From the server ssh to your clients and save the rsa keys

3. Use ssh-agent to store and manage them (you can use this to
circumvent the "this rsa key is untrusted are you sure you want to
connect" message every time you ssh to a client machine

4. Now with that message bypassed you could write a simple shell
script to copy your files across in one of two methods (obviously more
exist but these are the simplest)

5.1 You could create a script like this:

scp /my_folder/my_file root@ /client_root/client_file &
scp /my_folder/my_file root@ /client_root/client_file &
scp /my_folder/my_file root@ /client_root/client_file &

N.B the ampersand means to run the command in the background and carry
on with the next command in the script file so your *nix server will
run through the script copying each file at the same time instead of
hanging for a connection to each client if one is down or unavailable

5.2 Or you could create a script like this if you are copying multiple
files or syncing directories

ssh -l root (your rsync command goes here) &
ssh -l root (your rsync command goes here) &
ssh -l root (your rsync command goes here) &

Sorry I can't remember the syntax for rsync off the top of my head!
But if you are familiar with it you can drop a command in there to
sync the client back with the server. i think rsync might also support
some basic ssh commands so you could create a script the is the server
connecting out and sync a local folder on the server with remote
folders on client workstation?

If you are not running some sort of *nix server and running and M$ OS
then you can get Cygwin which is like windows version of a unix
terminal and supports basic shell apps such as ssh and rsync.

I hope this helps in some way. If you have any more question feel free
to email me back ;)



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