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Re: Compliance VS Pen-Test and there relative value

From: Andrew van der Stock <vanderaj () greebo net>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 17:33:33 -0400


Compliance done well is awesome and it works. Compliance done in the wrong way ("Don't tell the QSA anything they don't ask for" or "You have five days to look at this 45 year old system with 10 million lines of COBOL and 150,000 POS terminals"), or with the wrong motivation ("We must have the Hack Proof Mark") simply puts back our entire industry's move to become trustworthy.

One of the biggest issues with compliance is that the folks who dream up the lists simply do not know all potential outcomes, and then being wishy-washy about the requirements they require to the point that it is possible to honestly say "I am compliant with X" when realistically, you've done nothing to fix the real risks. This is a problem for all standards, not just PCI, ISO 27000 family or COBIT.

Add in if a firm has a weak assessor who can be talked into downgrading the risk of a really dumb idea, or worse, never knew about the really dumb idea, you can get certified when you're not really secure. This is allegedly how TJ Maxx got done over. The use of insecure wireless connections at outlying stores breaks the hard outside / soft inside model used by nearly everyone. All security folks would have said "hey, that's going to get you into trouble one day and it's an easy fix". They also stored track 2 data, and at some stage someone told them to encrypt it, for the attackers apparently used TJX's own decryption utility to get at the track 2 data. If you're encrypting data using reversible encryption to meet a compliance requirement, you're probably doing it a bit wrong. For TJX, it was a set of really dumb ideas that cost them a bucket load of money so far, and way more to come.

Would PCI compliance have helped TJX? Absolutely. If they'd done it right instead of chasing the cheapest way to PCI compliance.

First by not capturing any track two info (a key PCI DSS requirement). That alone would have eliminated or dramatically reduced the loss because they had PCI-compliant POS registers that correctly encrypted the PIN and cardholder info before sending it through to their central systems. No amount of sniffing would have got around that. Attacking CC storage would have been the only option, and if they had done the right thing (capturing only the necessary CC info for a limited period of time) would have dramatically reduced the attacker's breadth and ease of capture without being caught by other mandatory PCI requirements, such as host and network monitoring.

You can guess I believe in compliance. But only in the context of assurance, and only if it's done well as part of a wider program of appropriate corporate governance. Notice that I didn't say "IT security" or something silly like that. IT security has nothing to do with this - the business wants assurance that their systems and processes will cause the minimum loss in the face of motivated attack with a reasonable spend to get there. Strong corporate governance is way beyond just giving an isolated and powerless group such as IT Security a bucket of money to go test stuff. Instead, it's consistent, long term actions that count towards assurance.

Assurance comes in many ways. Personally, I don't think penetration testing alone helps:

a) the skill of the tester is by far the most important decider if a pen test is going to provide assurance or just be a complete waste of time. If I find nothing, am I skilled and found nothing, or did I read Slashdot the entire day? You can't tell by this one artifact alone.

b) the time generally allotted (one day to several weeks, but typically a week to two weeks) is not long enough for how long a motivated attacker would spend attacking you. They only need one workable attack. Even if you're a good pentester and you have awesome tools and pen-test-fu, you may only have a day to do some of the more important areas, such as access control. This is simply not long enough.

c) the tools and the skill of the tester in using them are far too much of a variable. Some folks will use just the browser, others rely heavily upon automated scans, but do not know how to use those results to leverage further attacks. See (a).

d) information disclosed prior to the start of the test can affect how much is found. Zero knowledge tests are a case in point: essentially a rod length check (i.e. a WAFTAM) and not at all useful (and in my view, are actually illegal in any country with even partially effective anti-hacking laws)

Does that mean that compliance helps? Yes and No. SAS70 certification - useless*. COBIT - not so useless. PCI - is a good start. SOX - what compliance with SOX exactly means is subject to massive interpretation and is the subject of what I consider to be snake oil projects - pet projects with no real security outcomes were part of the SOX process at many large firms, and will have no bearing on the issue at hand - initiator / approver controls for value transactions with effective security controls for systems with a financial impact. What really happened? A lot of reviews, a lot of useless software was bought and installed, and often no improvement to the key systems in point, such as SAP or Oracle Financials.

Compliance helps start absolutely insecure folks down the road of security. I think every organization needs to work on assurance:

a) Assurance what they're doing is current industry best practice, by accessing peer resources such as this list, attending OWASP meetings and other industry conferences, and formal training and education, and to a certain degree - choosing a standard to comply with (COBIT, ISO 27000, ISO 27034, OWASP Top 10, etc)

b) Assurance their design is robust against likely threats, via secure architecture reviews

c) Assurance their implementation is built to an adequate standard for the information they are trying to protect, by peer reviews, help from security buddies, and obviously, manual code reviews and automated static code analysis. SCA tools are really coming along in leaps and bounds now. Let the manual testing be for things SCA tools can never figure out - process issues, and deep authorization issues, etc.

d) Assurance their deliverables are robust against a motivated attacker, such as a grey box test - a pen test using the code to find as much as possible in the time available. This probably means the use of both manual testing and automated scans. Automated scanning should be considered the low hanging fruit, but it is remarkably useful to eliminate.

e) Building up a picture of assurance over time, by having a risk register and coming back to it regularly. Security is not a one time event.

f) Continuous improvement. 2002 webappsec security is simply not going to cut the mustard today, let alone tomorrow. Implement lightweight processes which helps cement the gains won by the assurance process. It's not enough to get a pen test or code review or SAR - you must action the things that will bite you on the derriere.

I think compliance has its place, just as I think SARs, manual code reviews, source code analysis, and final verification tests - even WAFs, have their place. It's part of the total picture.

There is no "Hack proof" seal of approval - period, only marketing. Compliance without thought is marketing. Compliance with risk based assurance works best to move insecure folks to a mature risk based approach so that money sunk into the assurance process is wisely spent on real risks.


* SAS 70 reviews can only be conducted by a certified accountant and are generally interview based. That's exactly like asking me to do Microsoft's taxes using Google to learn the tax code - just because you're a professional in one field does not make you a professional in another.

On Sep 2, 2008, at 3:24 PM, Rivest, Philippe wrote:

I'm a bit surprised as to all the feedbacks I'm getting. Everyone who answers me is reducing the value of a compliant company if you check it security
wise. But on the other hand you all seem to praise the pen-test a lot.

I know that if a client is compliant with standard XYZ it may still be
insure, vulnerable to a lot of exploits and so on. I know it could be
penetrated with ease. But take this picture I'm new to auditing and my
experience is pretty much book wise (ISACA, Cobit, COSO, SOX, CISA), how ever I only see good with compliance, SOX and COBIT/COSO (keeping to IT). Here I am out of my books and everyone is taking doing compliance. What did I not

Are you taking down compliance because its hard to get properly set within a

Please explain and help me get why compliance has a low reputation and
pen-test is so great *(I know the difference between them)


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