WebApp Sec mailing list archives

RE: Session security with cookies

From: "WebAppSec" <webappsec () technicalinfo net>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 21:50:43 -0500

I wrote a paper related to this subject a few years back - still applicable

Check out -

-----Original Message-----
From: listbounce () securityfocus com [mailto:listbounce () securityfocus com] On
Behalf Of Vicente Aguilera
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 3:25 AM
To: jatkinson () zelvin com
Cc: 'Till Elsner'; webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: Session security with cookies


Jeffory Atkinson wrote:
Here are some factors that you will want to ensure. 
-Session token is delivered after authentication
-Each session token is unique and not predictable (requiring a strong
random token generator)  
-Session token is transfer over an encrypted tunnel
-Session token is marked secure
-Ensure the session is terminated at logout
-Ensure the session times out in a reasonable amount of time
-All access control should be based on the user's session token and only
the session token

The information to authenticate a user should not rely solely on the
session cookie. In this case it would be vulnerable to CSRF (Cross
Site Request Forgery) attacks. It's necessary to use another token
(URL parameter, hidden form fields, etc.) cryptographically secure
to prevent these attacks.

Vicente Aguilera Díaz
Director Auditoría
OWASP Spain Chapter Leader
vaguilera () isecauditors com
PGP: 0x3E74464D - 8D3C B308 4F40 896E 50A8  B66B 80DF 107D 3E74 464D

Internet Security Auditors, S.L.
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-----Original Message-----
From: listbounce () securityfocus com [mailto:listbounce () securityfocus com]
On Behalf Of Till Elsner
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 6:32 PM
To: webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: Session security with cookies

Hi, i'm investigating in web application security this time and i'm  
trying to find some information about session management with cookies  
and related security issues. Can anyone point me to tips on how to  
make cookie based sessions more secure and how to prevent session  
hijacking? How secure is session handling using cookies and what are  
the main risks? Is anyone aware of good literature on that topic?
Thanks and have a nice day

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