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Re: OWASP Top Ten - My Case For Updating It

From: "Frank O'Dwyer" <fod () littlecatZ com>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 21:42:12 +0100

Mark Curphey wrote:

Todays OWASP Top 10 consists of;

Unvalidated Input
Broken Access Control
Broken Authentication and Session Management
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Flaws
Buffer Overflows
Injection Flaws
Improper Error Handling
Insecure Storage
Denial of Service
Insecure Configuration Management

If you examine the overall picture you will see that the list is actually a
mix of 1, Security Mechanisms, 2, Attack Patterns and 3, Vulnerabilities. 

Actually at least 9 out of 10 of those are vulnerabilities, or classes
of them, and that is one source of the problem.. Basically people are
going to use any such list of vulnerabilities like a 'default permit'
policy - i.e. they will assume that anything that's not on the list must
be OK. It doesn't matter if it's top 10 or the top 1,000 vulnerabilities
you list, this approach is fundamentally flawed.

What is actually needed is the list of right things to do. Tell people
to assume that anything not on that list is bogus - i.e. default to deny
- and then you would have something much more defensible. ("Default
deny" is also one of the right things to do, incidentally :-).

I would suggest "most useful countermeasures', or 'most useful security
mechanisms', or something like that, myself. People who are trying to
get things done don't give a damn about threats and vulnerabilities,
they want to know what to do. Not what not to do. Think about
authentication or session management for example - there are practically
infinite ways to do it wrong and a handful of ways to do it right. The
list of ways to do it right is both a lot shorter and a lot more useful.

(I would have said "top 10 countermeasures" but that's another source of
problems. No doubt the "top 10" phrase is good marketing, but it is
plainly implies that you will cover most problems if you adhere to it -
this is pandering to morons who are looking for a quick checklist of
boxes to tick. So why is anyone surprised when the morons show up in
droves and use it as exactly that?.)

T10 - Things a company should have as part of its software security program
T10 - Things to look for in a protection system
T10 - Things to look for in an assessment system

This is all good stuff, too.

(Although again it suffers from the 'top 10' syndrome!)


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