WebApp Sec mailing list archives

Re: OWASP Top Ten - My Case For Updating It

From: "Dean H. Saxe" <dean () fullfrontalnerdity com>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:51:21 -0400

Having worked with Jeff in the past (he's one of the brightest guys I've had the pleasure of working with), I'm familiar the problems that he's making mention of. The problem is inertia. If you've always done things a certain way and been successful at it -- measured by length of time in business, customer base, lack of discovered hacks, whatever -- there is no driver for change. And when there is a driver for change -- customers demanding less buggy/ more secure software -- the focus is going to be on fixing the obvious flaws!

Until we fix the process of building software in shops that are without process controls, we'll never change the outcome.


Dean H. Saxe, CEH
dean () fullfrontalnerdity com
Here in America everything is bought and sold, you can get anything for little bits of gold. We'll rape the earth and ruin the air, cut down every tree from here to there.
    -- Donna The Buffalo "America"

On Jul 11, 2005, at 8:11 AM, Mark Curphey wrote:

Hallelujah brother !

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Robertson [mailto:Jeff.Robertson () DigitalInsight com]

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Curphey [mailto:mark () curphey com]

If the problem of web application security is poor software quality,
it is a natural conclusion that the solution is to build better
software. Not once in the top ten does the list address the fact that
the majority of software is built without a design, security
requirements or a repeatable software security development process.

I would go so far as to say that unless a development shop is already
following a process (I don't want to start waterfall vs. RUP vs. XP wars here) to keep plain old functionality bugs down to a minimum, they have no
hope of producing secure software.

If a software company haven't even figured out that their developers need to be doing unit tests, then the idea that they could successfully implement any sort of security testing is just putting the cart before the horse.

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