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Re: secure storage of sensitive data in J2EE

From: Nick Seward <nseward () cscn com>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 21:17:47 +0000

Randy wrote:

I've always wondered what the point of a System.gc() was... what applications would calling System.gc() be useful if the JVM has the right to choose wether or not it gets called?

Does anyone know of an actual useful implementation of System.gc()?


On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Nick Seward wrote:

Ashish Popli wrote:

Cant we simply force garbage collection when you are done using the object?
Here is a link.

Kevin Conaway wrote:

A followup question:

Once the data (be it a password or a key) has been read into memory,
what is an effective and secure way of minimizing the window that the
plaintext key or password is in memory?

If the data is read into a char [] and then overwritten with junk
data, would that work?


On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:18:15 +0000, chaim moshe <xor256 () hotmail com> wrote:

Hello list,

where can I store sensitive data like encryption keys, passwords, etc. in
surely, you can save it in the keystore, but the catch is where do you store
the keystore password to protect it from external access?
storing the keystore password in code or in config files is not secured

In the .NET environment you have DPAPI that was designed exactly for this kind of problem, the sensitive data is encrypted at the OS level with the
user/machine password and is decrypted at runtime.
What is the solution in the J2EE environment ?


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Forcing garbage collection through System.gc() does not gaurantee garbage collection will occur. The API for Java 1.5.0 says this about System.gc() : " Calling the |gc| method suggests that the Java Virtual Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects......." Notice it uses the word suggest. The JVM will try to run garbage collecting but it may not. The same goes with the System.Runfinalization(). You are just requesting it does this. The JVM may not actually do it.


I am not sure of a useful implementation of System.gc(). This might be better answered by studying the garbage collector in the JVM. This is not a trivial subject and something I have no knowledge of. Maybe there is some documentation online or some one on this list that knows. All I know is that the garbage collector does it's very best to keep things "clean".


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