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RE: XSS, SQL injection etc - permutations of input strings

From: Keith Roberts <keith () kar eclipse co uk>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 07:38:49 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Chris.

Seems like a sensible way to handle to situation, by
educating the bosses, then letting them take the initiative!


On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, Conacher, Chris wrote:

To: Mike Andrews <mike () se fit edu>, webappsec () securityfocus com
From: "Conacher, Chris" <Chris.Conacher () negt com>
Subject: RE: XSS, SQL injection etc - permutations of input strings


I worked on a project with a very large software company training their internal (not product) developers and 
application testers on application security testing and development.

That company overcame the problem of what needed to be demonstrated before it would be fixed by educating senior 
decision makers as to the potential implications of xss, sql injection, buffer overflows, etc.

These people in turn decided that it was not acceptable for applications to be deployed in the environment that had 
any potential for certain vulnerabilities. Other vulnerabilities were assessed on the basis of available time, 
resource implications, etc for fixing and were rated as to priority or the level of exploitation that needed to be 
demonstrated. Note that buffer overflows did not need to be shown to be exploitable as it was considered that no 
developer working there should be allowing buffer overflows in any situation.

This was then published as a company policy with great effect.

For example, all a tester had to show was that it was possible to bypass an input validation designed to prevent sql 
injection by entering a tick a returning an error and the application was kicked back to the developers for them to 

This removed any ability of the developers to argue as to the 'real impact' of a particular vulnerability and saved 
so much time in the to-ing and fro-ing between testers and developers.

The business basically understood that just because a tester is not able to demonstrate serious potential for a 
vulnerability does not mean that there are not people out there with more ability and time who could and made a 

It removed the ability of the developers and testers to affect the decision making process and became a business 
decision as what was acceptable to that business.


Chris Conacher
Security Analyst

Ext:    34508
Tel:    +1.503.833.4508
Email:  chris.conacher () negt com

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