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Re: Security Testing

From: Bill Pennington <billp () boarder org>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 11:22:59 -0800

For good web application security papers I would recommend 2 sites:

OWASP - http://www.owasp.org
CGISecurity - http://www.cgisecurity.org/ Mainly the Library section http://www.cgisecurity.org/lib/index.shtml

I would generally recommend having a separate team perform security testing and not the developers. Hopefully you do not have developers performing QA functions, security testing is no different.

Security testing generally should be performed during the QA stage of application or directly after QA. When I use the term QA I am referring to the functional testing of the application, i.e. does it work? I like to perform security testing after the functional testing has already taken place. It takes longer to test something that doesn't function correctly in the first place. A typical system development cycle would look like this:

1. Spec
2. Develop
3. Functional QA testing
4. Security QA testing
5. Go live.

There are of course loops back into Dev. during steps 3 and 4 when bugs are encountered.

There is a political issue with this methodology that must be pointed out. The security testing is the last thing before the app. goes live. This can put a tremendous amount of pressure on the security testers as must products have deadlines and go-live dates that someone is going to get a bonus if they are meet. This sets up a pretty bad situation where the security tester may not perform a diligent job due to adverse pressures or vulnerabilities might by overlooked or classed as "Acceptable risk" by management just so the deadline can be meet. I have not found a good way around this yet other than to make sure you have all risk acceptance issues in writing and signed.

I strongly feel you should have a team dedicated to doing this type of testing. You can do this in house or hire consultants. Consultants can get expense if you are performing a lot of assessments but for 1-5 a year it might be worth an outsiders perspective. Experience really matters when testing web applications. I have performed around 350 of them in the past 4 years and I am still running into new things and new ways people have coded really insecure apps. Also I really mean you need a team. It is very difficult for one person to be an expert on all the issues that surround web app. security. In a corporate environment it might be a bit easier since there are theoretical standards in place. (Like we only use IIS, ASP, MS SQL server). The issue you will run into though is that you will be asked to test a biz. partner that will be using (iPlanet, JSP, and Informix).

Well I have rambled enough, hopefully I have given you a few things to consider. Feel free to ask me more questions.

On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 10:09 AM, Ramirez, Manuel N (CORP, DDEMESIS) wrote:

Hi everybody,
I was wondering if some of you have some papers regarding web applications security testing. I'm working on a CMM iniciative and we are planning to include a security testing phase so every new developed application is security-error free.

Would you recommend every development team to perform security testing or it's better to have a group of experienced people doing these activities for all of the developed applications?

Best regards,

Bill Pennington, CISSP, CCNA
Senior Information Security Engineer
WhiteHat Security Inc.

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