Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

RE: Anyone looked at the canary stack protection in Win2k3?

From: "Jason Coombs" <jasonc () science org>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:45:11 -1000

I wrote up a simple analysis of Microsoft's /GS compiler option for Visual C++
in my book "IIS Security and Programming Countermeasures" -- includes
disassembly-mode debugger screen shots before and after using a simple exploit
proof of concept.

See Chapter 1, Figure 1-4, for the unguarded scenario and Chapter 10, Figures
10-5 to 10-8 for the /GS scenario.

This is introductory-level material, but important for anyone who has never
seen a stack buffer overflow occur in a debugger. Chapter 10's text is
reproduced below. Take a look at the figures, which you'll find in the
above-referenced ZIP file.

Jason Coombs
jasonc () science org


Compiler Security Optimizations

Nearly every software vendor in the last twenty years has faithfully repeated
the same information security mistakes made by every other software vendor
before them. Standard operating procedure throughout the twentieth century for
software vendors was build it, ship it, fix it. For the twenty-first century
software vendors are expected to behave differently, and the toolset used by
programmers today reflects this change. Security optimizations in runtime
libraries and compilers are part of the new and improved software industry. Do
they prevent security problems? No, but they’re a lot of fun. And they do more
good than harm, hopefully. One such compiler security optimization that has
had a big impact on IIS version 6 is the new Visual C++ /GS compiler option.
Most of IIS version 6 was written with Visual C++ and unlike previous releases
of IIS, IIS source code is now compiled with the new Guard Stack (/GS) option
in the Visual C++ compiler.

In Chapter 1 you saw the simplest possible buffer overflow, where an array
index reference exceeds the dimensional boundary of a stack-allocated buffer
and thereby modifies the function return address that is popped off the stack
when the microprocessor encounters a return instruction. Most buffer overflow
vulnerabilities exploitable in the wild involve less explicit means of
stuffing malicious bytes into stack memory, so that every byte of memory
beginning with the starting address of the buffer is overwritten with
malicious bytes that have just the right length and structure to drop a
replacement value onto the authentic return address. This messy slaughter of
everything in between the memory buffer and the function return address leaves
evidence of a buffer overflow condition, if we could just get all attackers to
give us predictable malicious bytes in their exploit byte stuffing code then
we could detect such conditions at runtime. Or, we could do as coal miners did
before technical safety innovations improved gas fume detection: bring a
canary with us everywhere we go. The coal miner’s canary died quickly in the
presence of odorless toxic fumes, and when the canary died the miner knew to
leave the mine while the fumes dissipate. Our electronic canary equivalent is
a cookie, a token of unpredictable value selected at runtime that we can use
to confirm that the authentic return address has not been modified before we
allow the microprocessor to trust it and pop it off the stack. The /GS
compiler option in Visual C++ 7.0 places just such a canary on the stack and
checks to see that it is still alive when a vulnerable stack frame returns. A
modified version of the Hello World! stack buffer overflow Chapter 1 sample
appears below.

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
 void * p[2] = {(void *)p[3],(void *)p[4]};
 char unchecked[13];
 p[3] = (void *)&p[0];
 p[4] = (void *)0x00411DB6;
 printf(strcpy(unchecked,"Hello World!\n"));
 return 0; }

This code, when compiled with /GS enabled in Visual C++ 7.0, results in
precisely the same endless loop demonstration as illustrated in Chapter 1
(where the compiler used was Visual C++ 6.0). The difference is that when p[4]
is set equal to the address of the original call to the main function (to set
up the infinite recursion while reusing the current stack frame base address)
0x00411DB6 it results in the death of the canary and program execution
terminates abruptly after the first iteration. Figure 10-5 shows the security
cookie being retrieved into the EAX register. This cookie value was generated
dynamically by the C runtime prolog code and stored in memory location
0x00425B40 where the compiled code expects to find it at runtime. The security
cookie is not the canary, it is the pseudorandom encryption key used to
produce the canary through the very next instruction involving exclusive or

Figure 10-5: The Guard Stack Security Cookie Retrieved into EAX

What happens next is the birth of the canary, or its placement into the cage
if you prefer to think of it in those terms. The canary is the bitwise xor
combination of the security cookie and the authentic return address to which
the current call stack expects program execution to return when the subroutine
completes. Figure 10-6 shows the canary, the value 42FC11E7 stored in the four
bytes just below the previous stack frame base address that was pushed onto
the stack in the very first instruction at the beginning of the main function
(push ebp). The four byte canary is placed in this location because it is the
last four byte region of the new stack frame. Any buffer overflow exploits
that impact the stack frame will have to write through the canary to get at
the return address, which is stored in the four bytes of memory beginning four
bytes above the base address of the new stack frame. Between the canary and
the return address are the four bytes containing the previous stack frame base
address 0012FFC0. The authentic return address shown in Figure 10-6 is
00411DBB which you can see on the line addressed beginning at 0x0012FEDC which
happens to be the current value of EBP; the current stack frame base address.

Figure 10-6: An Electronic Canary 42FC11E7 on The Stack

Like the sample shown in Chapter 1, this sample’s mission is to capture the
previous stack frame base address into the first element of void pointer array
p and then take control of the return address to which the present stack frame
will jump when the next return instruction is executed. Figure 10-7 shows
these steps being carried out as planned. The hard-coded address 0x00411DB6 is
the address to which the sample exploit prefers instead of the authentic
return address and you can see the mov instruction at the top of the
disassembly shown in Figure 10-7 that forces this new value in place of the
authentic original. The authentic address of the previous stack frame base has
also been overwritten by this time. Both of these malicious replacement values
appear on the line addressed beginning at 0x0012FEDC. The next instruction to
be executed, marked by the arrow and the address shown in EIP, moves the
canary into the EXC register where it can be examined.

Figure 10-7: Our Sample Exploit Code Hard at Work

You can see in Figure 10-8 that the canary is still alive in its cage located
at the very top of the stack frame where it was first placed as shown in
Figure 10-6. Or is it? The canary value hasn’t changed, but the return pointer
has. Another quick xor using the new return address and the same security
cookie as used previously and we can take the pulse of the canary to see if it
’s really alive. Figure 10-8 shows the result. The ECX register contains a
value other than the security cookie and the canary is shown to have died. Of
old age, perhaps, since it’s now outdated and doesn’t confirm the authenticity
of the return address that program execution is about to be handed over to
when the return instruction is encountered. The __security_check_cookie
runtime library function calls ExitProcess when it detects the security

Figure 10-8: The Canary Looks Fine Until It Fails The Security Check

The compiler used to build object code from C++ source may have some security
optimizations available but it can’t change the basic fact that low-level
control over code safety is placed in the hands of the C++ programmer. Many of
the problems that are caused by unsafe code are indefensible so long as the
unsafe code is present. Without a way to predict the type of problems that
impact data security you can’t add defensive layers around code that might
benefit from such layers. Guarding against predictable problems is important,
but if you already knew what all of the problems were and where those problems
lived in code you would remove the dangerous code completely or place
protective wrappers around every bit of it. This makes the unknown more
dangerous than the known, and code known to be unsafe is often allowed to
execute in spite of its attendant risks because the risks are known.

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