Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Potential hole in Ettercap 0.6.2

From: Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf () coredump cx>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 14:56:44 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Blue Boar wrote:

Goobles sent another post to vuln-dev today, which was rejected due to
personal attacks in their note.

GOBBLES is a good, one-time joke gone annoying... This guy is certainly a
good english speaker - the nature of "mistakes" made by him are not ones
newbies do; people with poor English skills tend to traslate idioms or
grammar constructions literally, to use the incorrect meaning of a word,
to use synonyms in their language that are not synonyms in English, to
make _certain_ spelling mistakes and such. Actually, he either knows
English very good (I guess better than me), or, more likely, is a native
English speaker. He personally attacks AtStake, Alfred Huger and many
other people, so apparently has a good knowledge of the community. This
might be a way of someone to disclose some less revelant findings and have
some fun. One way or another, I can hardly say any of GOBBLES advisories
so far had a real value. I must say I do not find this offensive style
entertaining, and I do not perceive it as something clever. Anyone
familiar with the Usenet should have a good idea what a troll is, and how
to deal with it... GOBBLES posts are written exclusively to cause endless
discussions, flame wars, unnecessary noise - or, to be short, to get some

I hate to say so, but maybe it is time to ignore him? Instead of
forwarding posts or excerpts or notification about yet another
vulnerability in a discontinued line of scientific calculators,
command-line buffer overflow / format string bug in a program that is not
supposed to be setuid, claims that a failure to log authentication failure
is a "remote root exploit", or an advisory on data leak as revelant to the
security of your system as disclosing your system time or username by
Sendmail in mail headers? I am not saying we should ignore valuable
research if it does not conform to some "style guidelines", or that we
should reject such very minor (and often unverified) bug reports if
described in an acceptable manner, but if it does not have any value and
lacks style, it is just sad.

Just my $.02... or even less.

Michal Zalewski [lcamtuf () bos bindview com] [security]
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