Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Squid doesn't quote urls in error messages.

From: Robert Collins <robert.collins () ITDOMAIN COM AU>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 21:10:11 +1100

In fact someone posted a proof-of-concept (no spaces) 'ploit later that
day - and I threw together a patch for squid to html quote the url.

The squid dev team is currently cross checking other generated pages (such
as gopher-html retrieval) and there will be an official supported patch for
all currently supported versions of squid in the near future.

Just as a side note: Even though squid is open source and not proprietary,
it might have been nice to run this past the squid developers before giving
Mr Georgi Guninski and others ideas :-].

There hasn't been a 'formal' security address for squid - but one is being
set up to allow quick examination of these issues.


NB: I don't speak for the squid in any official sense... I just hack on
squid in my spare time.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lincoln Yeoh" <lyeoh () POP JARING MY>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Squid doesn't quote urls in error messages.

At 12:16 PM 28-10-2000 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
You have to get the browser to send non-escaped URI's for that to work.

Some Netscape browsers don't convert spaces to %20. But you don't need to
rely on that. All you need to do is find some way of getting the Squid
proxy to complain, and then it will send an error page with the url to

For example you could try:<script>alert(this.document.cookie)</scrip

Squid will then give you a "The requested URL could not be retrieved"
and if you have javascript enabled you'll get an alert box.

What's the general consensus on this as a risk? Getting the exact
url from squid is very useful for troubleshooting problems through squid.
And Squid cannot change the url when it receives it - thats against rfc

I strongly agree, getting the exact unaltered url from squid can be
But if I'm getting one, I want an exact unaltered url from squid, not a
full fledged autosubmitting form or fancy javascript bird flying around my
cursor ;).

It's a risk, especially to those who have javascript on. I believe there
are already ways to exploit it. Even if there aren't any now, I'm sure Mr
Georgi Guninski can come up one or two every couple of weeks ;).


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