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Solar Eclipse's Guide To Stealing 100000 Credit Cards in 21 Days

From: solareclipse () SOFTHOME NET (Solar Eclipse)
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 14:31:33 -0600

ICQ stealing CCs might be just FUD, but I am tempted to believe that
something similar has happened or is going to happen soon.

Solar Eclipse's Guide To Stealing 100000 Credit Cards in 21 Days

Day 1. Find a victim. There are a lot of companies offering direct
download of their software.Some of them have a HUGE user base. A site
with shareware will be better, because more people will download the
files. ICQ will be one of the best victims - they have a lot of
downloads every day and their software will be downloaded mostly by
clueless users.

Day 2. Do some security research. Most of big software companies have
fairly good protection for their development servers. But their weak
point are the web servers. Often the system administrators think that
isolating the web server from the rest of the internal network (aka
Intranet) will be good for the overall site security. Sometimes they
leave the web server less protected than the rest of their network.
Breaking into the web server is much easier than breaking into the
development servers. Fortunately for the hackers, everything they need
is on the web server.

Day 3. r00t the web server. Clean the logs, install a backdoor, have

Day 4. Download the latest ICQ version from the web server. You will
attach your trojan code to it.

Day 5. Write your trojan code and attach it to the executable ICQ file.
You might want to use some InstallShield unpacker to get the ICQ.EXE
file, infect it and than put it back into the packed SETUP.EXE. You
don't need the source code of ICQ to put a trojan in it. There are ways
to add executable code to existing binary files. Viruses have been doing
this for years.

Day 6. Upload the infected ICQ setup file to the server, replacing the
old one. Questions to the sysadmins: How many of you are running
Tripwire on your web server files?

Day 7. Wait

Day 8. Check your email account and see how many new CCs you've got.
(I assume that you are using email for getting the CCs back to you.
More advanced ways to do this exist, but I'll keep it simple and

Day 9. - Day 20. Buy stuff.

Day 21. Get busted and spend the rest of your life giving pleasure to big
sweaty inmates. But hey, you might like it!

Appendix A. Where are the CCs stored?

There are 3 different approaches to getting the CCs from the user's
computer. You can try scanning the whole hard drive for strings that
look like credit card numbers. There is a simple algorithm for checking
if a given string of digits is a credit card or not. Consult your
favorite CCgen program. This way is slow and the chances of success are
not very high.

You can also try putting the user's network card in promiscuous mode,
or capture the outgoing data from his modem. Unfortunately (or
fortunately, depending on your point of view) almost everybody uses SSL
nowadays and the number of unencrypted CCs floating around is not very

The third way is to target a specific application. A good example is
Microsoft Wallet. You might need to deal with the encryption of the
stored CC data - it's not impossible, but quite hard. Btw, think about
Internet Explorer. The vast majority of Windows users use IE for online
shopping. Somewhere in MSIE there is a function that takes some
parameters as its input and combines them into a URI encoded string,
just like the thing that you see in your browser's location field after
submitting a GET form. This function is called every time you submit a
form and its parameters are the names and the values of the form input
fields. A logical approach for the browser designers is to use this
function for every form (both SSL and non-SSL) and to encrypt the data
in the transport layer, just before passing them to the Winsock. If you
know exactly where this function is located, you might be able to patch
the DLL and make it pass the _unencrypted_ contents of every submitted
form to you. It took me 18 hours of debugging and disassembling MSIE to
find this function. Unfortunately, you will need to do the same with
every version of MSIE, because the exact address of the code changes.

Probably best approach is to do keyboard capture. Relatively few people
use software like Microsoft Wallet. Most of the enter their CC number
every time they buy something online. This is not only the most
successful method, but also the simplest.

Solar Eclipse
solareclipse () phreedom org

key ID: 4096D/3B98D2E9 (DSS)  user ID: Solar Eclipse <solareclipse () phreedom org>
fingerprint: E0FA 3B25 BDE5 9CC1 E67A  1E1D CEF6 9808 3B98 D2E9

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