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Possible to use libpcap without root privileges?

From: <markus74 () bredband net>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 14:42:42 +0100


Is it possible to use libpcap without root privileges?  

our case, we are testing an IP-stack in a "simulated" environment, this
means the IP-stack-program has a "special" socket interface where we
send and receive IP-packets from. 

For example:The traffic generator
runs on (we will probably use scapy or netexpect as
traffic generator and analyzer)And the simulated IP-stack program runs
on the same machine on 

The IP-packets go directly
between the traffic generator process and the IP-stack-process withouth
using the NIC. Since the NIC is not used in this scenario libpcap
shouldn't need root privileges, correct? 

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