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Hardware timestamp ?

From: Pierre Karampournis <pkarampournis () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 18:49:45 -0600


I am currently working in a university lab and I need to capture packets with a nanosecond precision timestamp using the Pcap format.

Pcap format allows nanosecond timestamping (even if it is not implemented in libpcap yet) so I tried to modify libPcap and Tcpdump to realize that. But my first naive and ugly modification was erasing the kernel timestamp (currently in microseconds) by a user timestamp (in nanosecond of course) so I loose precision trying to gain precision... Thinking about that, user timestamping is imprecise due to scheduling and other factors, but kernel timestamping, even if it is a lot better, isn't really accurate too.

So I read few things about using hardware timestamping and I wonder if something like that is being developed in libPcap or if solutions exists ?

With current networks bandwidth, why the time precision still isn't better ?

Thank you,

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