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Re: Problems with libpcap and C++

From: David Rosal <david.rosal () upf edu>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:08:50 +0200

Ury Segal wrote:
The buttom of the problem is this:

You excpect libpcap to call X::dumper in
the context of an instance of class X.
(The "real" first parameter of "X::dumper"
is a variable named "this" of the type "X*".)

But the libpcap API is not defining a
`void (X::)(u_char*,  const pcap_pkthdr*, const

Therefore, you cannot pass a non-static member
function to libpcap. You can make dumper() a static member.

Yes. If I make dumper() a static member of class X, then the compiler accepts it.

It works even if I use it whithin a concrete instance of X. I mean the following two ways are accepted:

        X x;
        pcap_loop(..., x.dumper, ...);
        pcap_loop(..., X::dumper, ...);


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