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Re: AIX BPF Problems

From: Shaun <delius () progsoc uts edu au>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:08:35 +1100 (EST)

AIXs tcpdump is based on an older version of libpcap that doesn't do the
magic BIOCSBLEN processing.

Does it also set immediate mode with BIOCIMMEDIATE?

Yes, in fact it does so before EVERY read.

If not, that might
make some difference (it doesn't wake up the application on every
packet), but, as per earlier messages, the timeout doesn't appear to
work, so if they don't set immediate mode they somehow manage to get the
timeout to work.

From what I can tell the timeout basically doesn't work at all (though
admitedly I haven't really tried since I don't need that functionality)

    - I found that if I didn't use pcap_findalldevs() at all and
simply opened the device immediately everything worked perfectly (i.e no
EFAULTs). Resulting in a magic buffer size selection of 16384

I assume by "magic buffer size selection" you mean that the process that
starts with 32K and works its way down by cutting the buffer size in
half succeeds at 16K.

Yes, exactly.

    - If I listed all the interfaces first using pcap_findalldevs
(opening and doing the magic buffer selection of 16384 on them), it
doesn't work properly

What buffer size does it choose on the "real" open?


    - If I list all of the interfaces first but don't do the magic
buffer size selection (i.e choose 4096 as the start of the magic buffer
selection code),

I.e., you still do the magic buffer size selection, you just start it at


So if you do the "search for a good buffer size" stuff in the open done
by "pcap_findalldevs()", starting at 32768, it screws things up, but if
you start at 4096, it doesn't?

Yeah, that's the symptom. It's very strange.

    - If we do the same as above but start buffer size selection at
8k, doesn't work

...and if you start at 8K, it also doesn't work?


    - If we stop pcap_open_live from working on any interface except
en0, i.e rejecting them before making any attempt to process them, doesn't

So if you make "pcap_findalldevs()" not open anything other than "en0",
so "pcap_findalldevs()" opens "en0" and then the program opens "en0", it
still doesn't work with the buffer size selection starting at some value
above 4K?

Exactly. Where is gets even weirder is that further experimentation showed
        - Modifying bpf_load() to always do the sysconfig stuff even if
the loaded flag was already set caused the problem to go away
        - Modifying the bpf_load() code to not query the ODM via
getminors() caused the problem to go away
        - Modifying pcap to call bpf_load() before doing anything (i.e
before iterating over the devices etc) caused the problem to go away

    - If we open and close the en0 device a number of times (straight
off, no list of devices), it works perfectly with magic buffer size
selection of 16384

...but if you just open "en0" twice, with the buffer size selection
starting at 32K, it works?


So in the previous two cases:

      use "pcap_findalldevs()", opening only "en0", and then opening

      opening "en0" twice;

what is the difference in the set of system calls being made?

None that is obvious, the only difference appears to be that one involves
the bpf_load being called during the iteration of the devices, the other
does not. Though closing the UDP socket before calling pcap_open_live and
reopening it on the other side of the pcap_open doesn't fix the problem.

    - Disabling pcap_open_live(name, 68, 0, 0, errbuf) call in
add_or_find_if() causes it all to work fine with magic discovered buffer
size 16384

So that's equivalent to not doing "pcap_findalldevs()" at all, when it
comes to calls to "pcap_open_live()" made in the program.


That's the same as

            - If we stop pcap_open_live from working on any interface except
      en0, i.e rejecting them before making any attempt to process
      them, doesn't work


Yeah, sorry, repeated myself on that one

    - If I call pcap_open_live(sInterface, 68, 0, 0, acErrBuf) on the
interface before listing devices it works ok

So if you open the interface *three* times - once before calling
"pcap_findalldevs()", once in "pcap_findalldevs()", and once in the
application, with all opens starting the buffer size scan at 32K, it

That would certainly appear to be the case.

    - Disabling or enabling timeout processing in pcap_open_live has
no noticable effect
    - Disabling the reconfigure of the driver in bpf_open() had no
effect at all

So.... I can't see much logic in this madness, any ideas?

What's the snapshot length you're using in the "pcap_open_live()" calls
you're doing explicitly?  68?

Yeah, 68, though from my cursory search I didn't see that value getting
passed to the kernel?


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