Snort mailing list archives

Re: Problems with logging to mysql db

From: David Alonso De La Vega Tapage <delavegad () bancoaliado com>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 08:35:14 -0500

my idea ..
set a password for snort user ..  and config it in snort.conf ..

give us all parameter on the snort start line ...  ( flags that u use .. )

cheers ..

d_greenjr wrote:

1) I am running snort 2.0 on RH8.0.
Snort is running fine when logging to /var/log/snort/
2) I installed mysql.
mysql is running fine BY ITSELF
3) Next, I configured snort with mysql and executed the snort scripts.
The snort db & tables are present
4) I edited the line in snort.conf to read output database: log, mysql, user=snort password= dbname=snort host=localhost (The user snort in the mysql db does not have a password so I left it blank in snort.conf) 5) I restart mysql and snort Problem: When I start snort now, I get the message "SNORT is up and running!", but when I execute the command "ps -ef | grep snort" snort is not running. ( The mysql db is)


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