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RE: Problem logging to postgres

From: Frank Knobbe <fknobbe () knobbeits com>
Date: 24 Apr 2003 11:46:29 -0500

On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 11:07, Roger D. Vargas wrote:
I'm using Postgres without any problem. The only issue I've been facing was
due to the username to access the DB. I created specific Postgres users,
granted the rights (select, insert) as specified in documentation, but I was
still unable to make it run properly. I finally turned back to postgres
user, and had it working fine. Since we're in a hurry on that project, I'll
let run Snort with that user.

The issue was probably that you didn't give enough rights to the sensor
table. There is a 'misprint' in the documentation in regards to the
required rights.

I tried, but it doesnt work anyway. Ill have to go back to 1.9 and try 
postgres support in that version.

Snort works great with Postgres. Both the documentation and the
createpostgres have errors in them. I had sent a patch to Snort devel
some time ago.

For the rights, the doc should read:

          - First create a user - for this example we will use
          - now grant the right privileges for that user 
          > grant INSERT,SELECT on snort.* to snortusr@localhost;
+         - In addition, grant that user the UPDATE privilege on the
+           'sensor' table
+         > grant INSERT,SELECT,UPDATE on snort.sensor to

The + marked lines were added. Also, there are several _SEQ tables that
Postgres creates. The snort user needs to have write access to those.

Here is what my table looks like:
                       Access privileges for database "snort"
 Schema |               Table                | Access privs (sanitized)
 public | data                               | {=,snort=ar
 public | detail                             | {=,snort=ar
 public | encoding                           | {=,snort=ar
 public | event                              | {=,snort=ar
 public | icmphdr                            | {=,snort=ar
 public | iphdr                              | {=,snort=ar
 public | opt                                | {=,snort=ar
 public | reference                          | {=,snort=ar
 public | reference_ref_id_seq               | {=,snort=arw
 public | reference_system                   | {=,snort=ar
 public | reference_system_ref_system_id_seq | {=,snort=arw
 public | schema                             | {=,snort=r
 public | sensor                             | {=,snort=ar
 public | sensor_sid_seq                     | {=,snort=arw,
 public | sig_class                          | {=,snort=ar
 public | sig_class_sig_class_id_seq         | {=,snort=arw
 public | sig_reference                      | {=,snort=ar
 public | signature                          | {=,snort=ar
 public | signature_sig_id_seq               | {=,snort=arw
 public | tcphdr                             | {=,snort=ar
 public | udphdr                             | {=,snort=ar

Also, in the createsql script, you need to change DATETIME to TIMESTAMP.
There is also a missing index:

Instead of:
CREATE INDEX sig_class_id ON signature (sig_class_id);

It should be:
CREATE INDEX sig_class_idx ON signature (sig_class_id);

Note the x at the end of idx.

Hope that helps. 


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