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migrate from mysql to oracle (sorry if this arrive twice)

From: "Master Brian" <mangabbs () hotmail com>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 13:33:02 +0100

Greetings :)

I'm new of this list and to snort. I've used it for 3 month on a linux box and I found it very usefull. 
Now I want to migrate my snort/database from mysql (on local linux box) to another computer running oracle. 

I've read the faq and the docs. 

I've created a "snort" user, created the table with "create_oracle.sql" and changed my /etc/snort.conf from:

output database: log, mysql, user=snort password=mypassword dbname=snort host=localhost


output database: log, oracle, user=snort password=mypassword dbname=snort host=ip_of_oracle_server encoding=ascii 

BUT, when I try yo restart snort I get OK but snort died immediatly... can someone help me to solve this problem pls?

P.s. sorry if this msg arrive twice :(

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