Snort mailing list archives

Two questions: SNMP/Syslog

From: Lance Lloyd <lance.lloyd () atlasdmt com>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 13:55:50 -0800

First, my setup:
Redhat 8
Snort 1.9.1
Configuring snort with:
configure --with-mysql --with-snmp --enable-flexresp
The first time I ran this I ran into this problem:
ERROR: unable to find snmp headers (snmp_parse_args.h in net-snmp-5.0.x) 

I found a work around that involved commenting out a line in the
"" file.  Everything seemed to install fine, but when I tried to
enable the SNMP output plugin, snort kicks out this error:
WARNING: unknown output plugin: 'trap_snmp'
I take that as the "--with-snmp" part of my configure didn't work.  Is this
because of the "work around" and commenting out that line in the
"" file? 
Second part of my question.  Is there a way to configure snort to dump to a
remote syslog daemon? 


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