Snort mailing list archives

Oinkmaster 0.7 - better win32 support (still needs cygwin)

From: Ueli Kistler <iuk () gmx ch>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:40:05 +0100


i've modified the Perl script Oinkmaster v0.7 by Andreas Östling <andreaso () it su se> to better support Win32 platform (but it still requires Cygwin). I've also made a zip package with all necessary cygwin files (but not attached to this mail) so that it becomes a "standalone" tool on win32 ;)

I don't know when i'm releasing the zip package...
i've planned to add it to Eagle X (so that i don't have to write my own update code for IDScenter, because i've no time for this currently)

   Ueli Kistler
   eclipse () packx net

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# $Id:,v 1.141 2003/02/17 11:32:56 andreaso Exp $ #

use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Std;
#use POSIX qw(strftime);

sub show_usage();
sub parse_cmdline($);
sub read_config($ $);
sub sanity_check();
sub download_rules($ $);
sub unpack_rules_archive($);
sub disable_and_modify_rules($ $ $);
sub setup_rules_hash($);
sub find_line($ $);
sub print_changes($ $);
sub print_changetype($ $ $);
sub make_backup($ $);
sub get_modified_files($ $);
sub get_changes($ $);
sub get_new_filenames($ $);
sub update_rules($ @);
sub is_in_path($);
sub clean_exit($);

my $VERSION           = 'Oinkmaster v0.7 by Andreas Östling <andreaso () it su se>';
my $TMPDIR            = "/cygdrive/c/eaglex/snort/tmp/oinkmaster.$$";
my $WINTMPDIR         = "c:/eaglex/snort/tmp/oinkmaster.$$";                    # UK

my $PRINT_NEW         = 1;
my $PRINT_OLD         = 2;
my $PRINT_BOTH        = 3;

my $config_file       = "./oinkmaster.conf";
my $outfile           = "snortrules.tar.gz";
my $verbose           = 0;
my $careful           = 0;
my $quiet             = 0;
my $super_quiet       = 0;
my $check_removed     = 0;
my $preserve_comments = 1;

# Regexp to match a snort rule line.
# Multiline rules are currently not handled, but at this time,
# all of the official rules are one rule per line. The msg string
# will go into $1 and the sid will go into $2 if the regexp matches.
my $SNORT_RULE_REGEXP = '^\s*#*\s*(?:alert|log|pass) .+msg\s*:\s*"(.+?)"\s*;.+sid\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*;';

use vars qw
      $opt_b $opt_c $opt_C $opt_e $opt_h $opt_o
      $opt_q $opt_Q $opt_r $opt_u $opt_v $opt_V

my (
      %config, %new_files

#### MAIN ####

# No buffering.
$| = 1;
$| = 1;

my $start_date = scalar(localtime);

# Parse command line arguments and add at least %config{output_dir}.
# Will exit if something is wrong.

# Why would anyone want to run as root?
# die("Don't run as root!\nExiting...\n") if (!$>);

# Create empty temporary directory. Die if we can't create unique filename.
mkdir("$WINTMPDIR", 0700)       # UK
  or die("Could not create temporary directory $TMPDIR: $!\nExiting");

# Read in $config_file. Will exit if something is wrong.
read_config($config_file, \%config);

# Do some basic sanity checking and exit if something fails.
# A new PATH will be set.

# Set new umask if one was specified in the config file.
umask($config{umask}) if exists($config{umask});

# Download the rules archive.
# This will leave us with the file $TMPDIR/$outfile
# (/tmp/oinkmaster.$$/snortrules.tar.gz). Will exit if download fails.
download_rules("$config{'url'}", "$WINTMPDIR/$outfile");        # UK

# Verify and unpack archive. This will leave us with a directory
# called "rules/" in the same directory as the archive, containing the
# new rules. Will exit if something fails.

# Create list of new files that we care about from the downloaded archive.
# Filenames (with full path) will be stored as %new_files{filenme}.
# Make sure there is at least one file to be updated.
if (get_new_filenames(\%new_files, "$WINTMPDIR/rules/") < 1) {                  # UK: win32 fix
    clean_exit("no rules files found in downloaded archive.");

# Disable (#comment out) all sids listed in conf{sid_disable_list}
# and modify sids listed in conf{sid_modify_list}.
# Will open each file listed in %new_files, make modifications, and
# write back to the same file.
                         \%{$config{sid_modify_list}}, \%new_files);

# Setup rules hash.
my %rh = setup_rules_hash(\%new_files);

# Compare the new rules to the old ones.
my %changes = get_changes(\%rh, \%new_files);

# Get list of modified files (with full path to the new file).
my @modified_files = get_modified_files(\%changes, \%new_files);

# Update files listed in @modified_files (move the new files from the temporary
# directory into our output directory), unless we're running in careful mode.
# Create backup first if running with -b.
if ($#modified_files > -1) {
    if ($careful) {
        print STDERR "No need to backup old files (running in careful mode), skipping.\n"
          if (exists($config{backup_dir}) && (!$quiet));
    }  else {
        make_backup($config{output_dir}, $config{backup_dir})
          if (exists($config{backup_dir}));
        update_rules($config{output_dir}, @modified_files);
} else {
    print STDERR "No files modified - no need to backup old files, skipping.\n"
      if (exists($config{backup_dir}) && !$quiet);

# Print changes.
my $something_changed = 0;

$something_changed = 1
  if ($#modified_files > -1 ||
      keys(%{$changes{added_files}}) > 0 || keys(%{$changes{removed_files}}) > 0);

if ($something_changed || !$quiet) {
    print "\nNote: Oinkmaster is running in careful mode - not updating/adding anything.\n"
      if ($careful && $something_changed);
    print_changes(\%changes, \%rh);

# Everything worked. Do a clean exit without any error message.


# Show usage information and exit.
sub show_usage()
    print STDERR << "RTFM";


Usage: $0 -o <output dir> [options]

<output dir> is where to put the new files.
This should be the directory where you store your rules.
Note that your current files will be overwritten by the new ones
if they had been modified.

-b <dir>   Backup your old rules into <dir> before overwriting them
-c         Careful mode - only check for changes, but do not update anything
-C <cfg>   Use this config file instead of $config_file
-e         Re-enable all rules that are disabled by default in the rules
           distribution (they are disabled for a reason, so use with care)
-h         Show this usage information
-q         Quiet mode - no output unless changes were found
-Q         über-quiet mode (like -q but even more quiet when printing results)
-r         Check for rules files that exist in the output directory
           but not in the downloaded rules archive (i.e. files that may
           have been removed from the distribution archive)
-u <url>   Download from this URL (http://, ftp:// or file:// ...tar.gz)
           instead of the URL specified in the configuration file
-v         Verbose mode
-V         Show version and exit


# Parse the command line arguments and exit if we don't like them.
sub parse_cmdline($)
    my $cfg_ref    = shift;
    my $cmdline_ok = getopts('b:cC:eho:qQru:vV');

    $$cfg_ref{backup_dir} = $opt_b if (defined($opt_b));
    $config_file          = $opt_C if (defined($opt_C));
    $$cfg_ref{url}        = $opt_u if (defined($opt_u));
    $careful              = 1      if (defined($opt_c));
    $preserve_comments    = 0      if (defined($opt_e));
    $quiet                = 1      if (defined($opt_q));
    $check_removed        = 1      if (defined($opt_r));
    $verbose              = 1      if (defined($opt_v));

    if (defined($opt_Q)) {
        $quiet       = 1;
        $super_quiet = 1;

    show_usage()                   if (defined($opt_h));
    die("$VERSION\n")              if (defined($opt_V));

    show_usage unless ($cmdline_ok);

  # -o <dir> is the only required option in normal usage.
    if (defined($opt_o)) {
        $$cfg_ref{output_dir} = $opt_o;
    } else {

  # Don't accept additional arguments, since they're invalid.
    $_ = shift(@ARGV) && show_usage();

  # Remove possible trailing slashes (just for cosmetic reasons).
    $$cfg_ref{output_dir} =~ s/\/+$//;
    $$cfg_ref{backup_dir} =~ s/\/+$// if (exists($$cfg_ref{backup_dir}));

# Read in stuff from the configuration file.
sub read_config($ $)
    my $config_file = shift;
    my $cfg_ref     = shift;
    my $linenum     = 0;

    unless (-e "$config_file") {
        clean_exit("configuration file \"$config_file\" does not exist.\n".
                   "Put it there or use the -C argument.");

    open(CONF, "<$config_file")
      or clean_exit("could not open config file \"$config_file\": $!");

    while (<CONF>) {

      # Remove comments unless it's a modifysid line.
        s/\s*\#.*// unless (/^\s*modifysid/i);

      # Remove leading/traling whitespaces.

      # Skip blank lines.
        next unless (/\S/);

        if (/^disablesids*\s+(\d.*)/i) {                 # disablesid <SID[,SID, ...]>
            my $args = $1;
            foreach $_ (split(/\s*,\s*/, $args)) {
                if (/^\d+$/) {
                } else {
                    warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file is invalid, ignoring\n");
        } elsif (/^modifysid\s+(\d+)\s+(".+"\s*\|\s*".+")/i) {   # modifysid <SID> "substthis" | "withthis"
            push(@{$$cfg_ref{sid_modify_list}{$1}}, $2);
        } elsif (/^skipfiles*\s+(.*)/i) {                # skipfile <file[,file, ...]>
            my $args = $1;
            foreach $_ (split(/\s*,\s*/, $args)) {
                if (/^\S+$/) {
                    $verbose && print STDERR "Adding file to ignore list: $_.\n";
                } else {
                    warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file is invalid, ignoring\n");
        } elsif (/^url\s*=\s*(.*)/i) {                   # URL to use
            $$cfg_ref{url} = $1
              unless (exists($$cfg_ref{url}));           # may already be defined by -u <url>
        } elsif (/^path\s*=\s*(.*)/i) {                  # $PATH to be used
            $$cfg_ref{path} = $1;
        } elsif (/^update_files\s*=\s*(.*)/i) {          # regexp of files to be updated
            $$cfg_ref{update_files} = $1;
        } elsif (/^umask\s*=\s*([0-7]{3,4})$/) {         # umask
          $$cfg_ref{umask} = oct($1);
        } else {                                         # invalid line
            warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file is invalid, ignoring\n");

# Make a few basic tests to make sure things look ok.
# Will also set a new PATH as defined in the config file.
sub sanity_check()
   my @req_config   = qw (path update_files);  # Required parameters in oinkmaster.conf.
   my @req_binaries = qw (gzip rm tar);        # These binaries are always required.

  # Can't use both -q and -v.
    clean_exit("both quiet mode and verbose mode at the same time doesn't make sense.")
      if ($quiet && $verbose);

  # Make sure all required variables are defined in the config file.
    foreach $_ (@req_config) {
        clean_exit("the required parameter \"$_\" is not defined in $config_file.")
          unless (exists($config{$_}));

  # We now know a path was defined in the config, so set it.
    $ENV{'PATH'} = $config{path};

  # Reset environment variables that may cause trouble.
    delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

  # Make sure all required binaries can be found.
  # (Wget is not required if user specifies file:// as url. That check is done below.)
     foreach $_ (@req_binaries) {
         clean_exit("\"$_\" could not be found in PATH")
           unless (is_in_path($_));

  # Make sure $url is defined (either by -u <url> or url=... in the conf).
    clean_exit("incorrect URL or URL not specified in neither $config_file nor command line.")
      unless (exists($config{'url'}) &&
        $config{'url'}  =~ /^(?:http|ftp|file):\/\/\S+.*\.tar\.gz$/);

  # Wget must be found if url is http:// or ftp://.
    clean_exit("\"wget\" not found in PATH")
      if ($config{'url'} =~ /^(http|ftp):/ && !is_in_path("wget"));

  # Make sure the output directory exists and is readable.
    clean_exit("the output directory \"$config{output_dir}\" doesn't exist ".
               "or isn't readable by you.")
      if (!-d "$config{output_dir}" || !-x "$config{output_dir}");

  # Make sure the output directory is writable unless running in careful mode.
    clean_exit("the output directory \"$config{output_dir}\" isn't writable by you.")
      if (!$careful && !-w "$config{output_dir}");

  # Make sure the backup directory exists and is writable if running with -b.
    clean_exit("the backup directory \"$config{backup_dir}\" doesn't exist or ".
               "isn't writable by you.")
      if (exists($config{backup_dir}) &&
        (!-d "$config{backup_dir}" || !-w "$config{backup_dir}"));

# Download the rules archive.
sub download_rules($ $)
    my $url       = shift;
    my $localfile = shift;

    if ($url =~ /^(?:http|ftp)/) {     # use wget if URL starts with "http" or "ftp"
        print STDERR "Downloading rules archive from $url...\n"
          unless ($quiet);
        if ($quiet) {
            clean_exit("unable to download rules from $url (got error code from wget).\n".
                       "Consider running in non-quiet mode if the problem persists.")
              if (system("wget","-q","-O","$localfile","$url"));         # quiet mode
        } elsif ($verbose) {
            clean_exit("unable to download rules from $url (got error code from wget).")
              if (system("wget","-v","-O","$localfile","$url"));         # verbose mode
        } else {
            clean_exit("unable to download rules from $url (got error code from wget).")
              if (system("wget","-nv","-O","$localfile","$url"));        # normal mode
    } elsif ($url =~ /^file/) {        # grab file from local filesystem
        $url =~ s/^file:\/\///;        # remove "file://", the rest is the actual filename

        clean_exit("the file $url does not exist.")
          unless (-e "$url");

        clean_exit("the file $url is empty.")
          unless (-s "$url");

        print STDERR "Copying rules archive from $url... "
          unless ($quiet);

        copy("$url", "$localfile")
          or clean_exit("unable to copy $url to $localfile: $!");

        print STDERR "done.\n"
          unless ($quiet);

  # Make sure the downloaded file actually exists.
    clean_exit("failed to get rules archive: local target file $localfile doesn't exist after download.")
      unless (-e "$localfile");

  # Also make sure it's at least non-empty.
    clean_exit("failed to get rules archive: local target file $localfile is empty after download ".
               "(perhaps you're out of diskspace or file in url is empty?)")
      unless (-s "$localfile");

# Make a few basic sanity checks on the rules archive and then
# uncompress/untar it if everything looked ok.
sub unpack_rules_archive($)
    my $archive  = shift;                       # UK: get relative path of tmpfile in tmpdir
    my $tarchive = "$TMPDIR/$archive";          # UK: set tmpdir (cygwin style)
    $archive     = "$WINTMPDIR/$archive";       # UK: set tmpdir (windows style)
    my $ok_lead  = 'a-zA-Z0-9_\.';       # allowed leading char in filenames in the tar archive
    my $ok_chars = 'a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-/';    # allowed chars in filenames in the tar archive

    my ($dir) = ($archive =~ /(.*)\//);  # extract directory part of the filename

    my $old_dir = getcwd or clean_exit("could not get current directory: $!");
    chdir("$dir") or clean_exit("could not change directory to \"$dir\": $!");

  # Run integrity check (gzip -t) on the gzip file.
    clean_exit("integrity check on gzip file failed (file transfer failed or ".
               "file in URL not in gzip format?).")
      if (system("gzip","-t","$archive"));

  # Decompress it.
    system("gzip","-d","$archive") and clean_exit("unable to uncompress $archive.");

  # Suffix has now changed from .tar.gz to .tar.
    $tarchive =~ s/\.gz$//;     # UK: remove .gz suffix
    $archive  =~ s/\.gz$//;

  # Read output from "tar tf $archive" into @_.
    if (open(TAR,"-|")) {
        @_ = <TAR>;
    } else {
        exec("tar","tf","$tarchive")                                            # UK: cygwin style                      
          or die("Unable to execute untar/unpack command: $!\nExiting")         # UK: ignore archive problems "bad file 
                if ("Bad file descriptor" ne $!);
    close(TAR);                                                                 # UK: Close handle

  # For each filename in the archive...
    foreach $_ (@_) {

      # Make sure the leading char is valid (not an absolute path, for example).
        clean_exit("forbidden leading character in filename in tar archive. ".
                   "Offending file/line:\n$_")
          unless (/^[$ok_lead]/);

      # We don't want to have any weird characters anywhere in the filename.
        clean_exit("forbidden characters in filename in tar archive. ".
                   "Offending file/line:\n$_")
          if (/[^$ok_chars]/);

      # We don't want to unpack any "../../" junk.
        clean_exit("filename in tar archive contains \"..\".\nOffending file/line:\n$_")
          if (/\.\./);

  # Looks good. Now we can untar it.
    print STDERR "Archive successfully downloaded, unpacking...\n"              # UK: new line
      unless ($quiet);
    opendir(TARGET, "$WINTMPDIR")
      or clean_exit("could not open directory $WINTMPDIR: $!");
    print "Extracting $tarchive\n" unless ($quiet);                             # UK: print info
    clean_exit("failed to untar $tarchive.")
      if system("tar","xf","$tarchive");                                        # UK: cygwin style
    closedir(TARGET);                                                           # UK: close handle

    clean_exit("no \"rules/\" directory found in tar file.")
      unless (-d "$dir/rules");

    chdir("$old_dir") or clean_exit("could not change directory back to $old_dir: $!");

    print STDERR "done.\n" unless ($quiet);

# Open all rules files in the temporary directory and disable (#comment out)
# all rules in listed in the disable list and then write back to the same files.
# Also clean unwanted whitespaces from them.
sub disable_and_modify_rules($ $ $)
    my $disable_sid_ref = shift;
    my $modify_sid_ref  = shift;
    my $newfiles_ref    = shift;
    my $num_disabled    = 0;

    if (!$preserve_comments && !$quiet) {
        warn("WARNING: all rules that are disabled by default will be re-enabled\n");

    print STDERR "Disabling rules according to $config_file... "
      unless ($quiet);
    print STDERR "\n"
      if ($verbose);

    foreach my $file (keys(%$newfiles_ref)) {

      # Make sure it's a regular file.
        clean_exit("$file is not a regular file.")
          unless (-f "$file" && ! -l "$file");

        open(INFILE, "<$file")
          or clean_exit("could not open $file for reading: $!");
        @_ = <INFILE>;

      # Write back to the same file.
        open(OUTFILE, ">$file")
          or clean_exit("could not open $file for writing: $!");

        RULELOOP:foreach my $line (@_) {

          # Only care about snort rules we understand.
          # (The other lines are printed right back to the file.)
            unless ($line =~ /$SNORT_RULE_REGEXP/o) {

              # Our regexp didn't match, but make a less strict check to see if
              # it's likely to be a Snort rule anyway. If it is, then print a warning.
              # Only care about active rules to avoid false alarms.
                if ($line =~ /^\s*(?:alert|log|pass) .*msg.*;\)\n$/) {
                    $_ = $file;
                    $_ =~ s/.*\///;    # remove path
                    warn("\nWARNING: I don't understand this rule in downloaded file $_ ".
                         "(perhaps bad syntax or missing SID etc?):\n$line");

              # Write this non-rule line right back to the same file.
                print OUTFILE $line;
                next RULELOOP;

          # We've got a valid snort rule. Grab msg and sid.
            my ($msg, $sid) = ($1, $2);

          # Remove unwanted whitespaces.
            $line =~ s/^\s*//;
            $line =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/;
            $line =~ s/^#+\s*/#/;

          # Some rules may be commented out by default. Enable them if -e is specified.
            if ($line =~ /^#/) {
                if ($preserve_comments) {
                    print STDERR "Preserving disabled rule (SID $sid): $msg\n"
                      if ($verbose);
                } else {
                    print STDERR "Enabling disabled rule (SID $sid): $msg\n"
                      if ($verbose);
                    $line =~ s/^#*//;

          # Modify rule if requested (mod = "substthis" | "withthis").
            foreach my $mod (@{$$modify_sid_ref{$sid}}) {

              # Remove leading/trailing ".
                $mod =~ s/^"//;
                $mod =~ s/"$//;

                my ($sub, $repl) = split(/"\s*\|\s*"/, $mod);
                if ($line =~ /\Q$sub\E/) {
                    print STDERR "Modifying SID $sid with expression: $mod\n" .
                                 "Before: $line"
                      if ($verbose);

                    $line =~ s/\Q$sub\E/$repl/;

                    print STDERR "After:  $line\n"
                      if ($verbose);
                } else {
                   print STDERR "\nWARNING: SID $sid does not contain modifysid-string ".
                                "\"$sub\", skipping\n"
                     unless ($quiet);

          # Disable rule if requested.
            if (exists($$disable_sid_ref{"$sid"})) {
                print STDERR "Disabling SID $sid: $msg\n"
                  if ($verbose);
                $line = "#$line" unless ($line =~ /^\s*#/);

          # Write rule back to the same rules file.
            print OUTFILE $line;

    print STDERR "$num_disabled rules disabled.\n"
      unless ($quiet);

# Setup rules hash.
# Format for rules will be:     rh{old|new}{rules{filename}{sid} = rule
# Format for non-rules will be: rh{old|new}{other}{filename}     = array of lines
# List of added files will be stored as rh{added_files}{filename}
sub setup_rules_hash($)
    my $new_files_ref = shift;
    my %rh;

    foreach my $file (keys(%$new_files_ref)) {
        warn("WARNING: downloaded rules file $file is empty (maybe correct, maybe not)\n")
          if (!-s "$file" && $verbose);

        open(NEWFILE, "<$file")
          or clean_exit("could not open $file for reading: $!");

      # From now on we don't care about the path, so remove it.
        $file =~ s/.*\///;

        while (<NEWFILE>) {
            s/\s*\n$/\n/;                    # remove trailing whitespaces (for rules and non-rules)

            if (/$SNORT_RULE_REGEXP/) {      # add rule line to hash
                my $sid = $2;
                s/^\s*//;                    # remove leading whitespaces
                s/^#+\s*/#/;                 # remove whitespaces next to the leading #

                warn("WARNING: duplicate SID in downloaded rules archive in file ".
                     "$file: SID $sid\n")
                  if (exists($rh{new}{rules}{"$file"}{"$sid"}));
                $rh{new}{rules}{"$file"}{"$sid"} = $_;
            } else {                         # add non-rule line to hash
                push(@{$rh{new}{other}{"$file"}}, $_);


        # Also read in old file if it exists.
        if (-f "$config{output_dir}/$file") {
            open(OLDFILE, "<$config{output_dir}/$file")
              or clean_exit("could not open $config{output_dir}/$file for reading: $!");

            while (<OLDFILE>) {
                s/\s*\n$/\n/;                # remove trailing whitespaces (for rules and non-rules)

                if (/$SNORT_RULE_REGEXP/) {  # add rule line to hash
                    my $sid = $2;
                    s/^\s*//;                # remove leading whitespaces
                    s/^#+\s*/#/;             # remove whitespaces next to the leading #

                    warn("WARNING: duplicate SID in your local rules in file ".
                         "$file: SID $sid\n")
                      if (exists($rh{old}{rules}{"$file"}{"$sid"}));
                    $rh{old}{rules}{"$file"}{"$sid"} = $_;
                } else {                     # add non-rule line to hash
                    push(@{$rh{old}{other}{"$file"}}, $_);

        } else {                             # downloaded file did not exist in old rules dir

    return (%rh);

# Try to find a given string in a given array. Return 1 if found, or 0 if not.
# Some things will always be considered as found (lines that we don't care if
# they were added/removed). It's extremely slow and braindead, but who cares.
sub find_line($ $)
    my $line    = shift;   # line to look for
    my $arr_ref = shift;   # reference to array to look in

    return (1) unless ($line =~ /\S/);                         # skip blank lines
    return (1) if     ($line =~ /^\s*#+\s*\$I\S:.+Exp\s*\$/);  # also skip CVS Id tag

    foreach $_ (@$arr_ref) {
        return (1) if ($_ eq $line);                           # string found

    return (0);                                                # string not found

# Backup files in output dir matching $config{update_files} into the backup dir.
sub make_backup($ $)
    my $src_dir  = shift;    # dir with the rules to be backed up
    my $dest_dir = shift;    # where to put the tarball containing the backed up rules

    my $date       = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M", localtime);
    my $bu_tmp_dir = "$TMPDIR/rules-backup-$date";

    print STDERR "Creating backup of old rules..."
      unless ($quiet);

    mkdir("$bu_tmp_dir", 0700)
      or clean_exit("could not create temporary backup directory $bu_tmp_dir: $!");

  # Copy all rules files from the rules dir to the temporary backup dir.
    opendir(OLDRULES, "$src_dir")
      or clean_exit("could not open directory $src_dir: $!");

    while ($_ = readdir(OLDRULES)) {
        if (/$config{update_files}/ && !exists($config{file_ignore_list}{$_})) {
          copy("$src_dir/$_", "$bu_tmp_dir/")
            or warn("WARNING: error copying $src_dir/$_ to $bu_tmp_dir: $!")


  # Change directory to $TMPDIR (so we'll be right below the directory where
  # we have our rules to be backed up).
    my $old_dir = getcwd or clean_exit("could not get current directory: $!");
    chdir("$TMPDIR")     or clean_exit("could not change directory to $TMPDIR: $!");

  # Execute tar command. This will archive "rules-backup-$date/"
  # into the file rules-backup-$date.tar, placed in $TMPDIR.
    warn("WARNING: tar command did not exit with status 0 when archiving backup files.\n")
      if (system("tar","cf","rules-backup-$date.tar","rules-backup-$date"));

  # Compress it.
    warn("WARNING: gzip command did not exit with status 0 when compressing backup file.\n")
      if (system("gzip","rules-backup-$date.tar"));

  # Change back to old directory (so it will work with -b <directory> as either
  # an absolute or a relative path.
    chdir("$old_dir") or clean_exit("could not change directory back to $old_dir: $!");

  # Move the archive to the backup directory.
    move("$TMPDIR/rules-backup-$date.tar.gz", "$dest_dir/")
      or warn("WARNING: unable to move $TMPDIR/rules-backup-$date.tar.gz ".
              "to $dest_dir/: $!\n");

    print STDERR " saved as $dest_dir/rules-backup-$date.tar.gz.\n"
      unless ($quiet);

# Print all changes.
sub print_changes($ $)
    my $ch_ref = shift;
    my $rh_ref = shift;

    print "\n[***] Results from Oinkmaster started " . scalar(localtime) . " [***]\n";

    print "\n[*] Rules modifications: [*]\n    None.\n"
      if (!keys(%{$$ch_ref{rules}}) && !$super_quiet);

  # Print added rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{added})) {
        print "\n[+++]          Added rules:          [+++]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_NEW, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{added}}, $rh_ref);

  # Print enabled rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{ena})) {
        print "\n[+++]         Enabled rules:         [+++]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_NEW, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{ena}}, $rh_ref);

  # Print enabled + modified rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{ena_mod})) {
        print "\n[+++]  Enabled and modified rules:   [+++]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{ena_mod}}, $rh_ref);

  # Print modified active rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{mod_act})) {
        print "\n[///]     Modified active rules:     [///]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{mod_act}}, $rh_ref);

  # Print modified inactive rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{mod_ina})) {
        print "\n[///]    Modified inactive rules:    [///]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{mod_ina}}, $rh_ref);

  # Print disabled + modified rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{dis_mod})) {
        print "\n[---]  Disabled and modified rules:  [---]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{dis_mod}}, $rh_ref);

  # Print disabled rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{dis})) {
        print "\n[---]         Disabled rules:        [---]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_NEW, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{dis}}, $rh_ref);

  # Print removed rules.
    if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{removed})) {
        print "\n[---]         Removed rules:         [---]\n";
        print_changetype($PRINT_OLD, \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{removed}}, $rh_ref);

    print "\n[*] Non-rule modifications: [*]\n    None.\n"
      if (!keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}}) && !$super_quiet);

  # Print added non-rule lines.
     if (exists($$ch_ref{other}{added})) {
        print "\n[+++]      Added non-rule lines:     [+++]\n";
        foreach my $file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}{added}}))) {
            print "\n     -> File $file:\n";
            foreach my $line (@{$$ch_ref{other}{added}{$file}}) {
                print "        $line";

  # Print removed non-rule lines.
    if (keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}{removed}}) > 0) {
        print "\n[---]     Removed non-rule lines:    [---]\n";
        foreach my $file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}{removed}}))) {
            print "\n     -> File $file:\n";
            foreach my $other (@{$$ch_ref{other}{removed}{$file}}) {
                print "        $other";

  # Print list of added files.
    if (keys(%{$$ch_ref{added_files}})) {
        print "\n[+] Added files (consider updating your snort.conf to include them): [+]\n\n";
        foreach my $added_file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{added_files}}))) {
            print "    -> $added_file\n";
    } else {
        print "\n[*] Added files: [*]\n    None.\n"
          unless ($super_quiet);

  # Print list of possibly removed files, if requested.
    if ($check_removed) {
        if (keys(%{$$ch_ref{removed_files}})) {
            print "\n[-] Files possibly removed from the archive ".
                  "(consider removing them from your snort.conf): [-]\n\n";
            foreach my $removed_file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{removed_files}}))) {
                print "    -> $removed_file\n";
        } else {
             print "\n[*] Files possibly removed from the archive: [*]\n    None.\n"
               unless ($super_quiet);

    print "\n";

# Help-function for print_changes().
sub print_changetype($ $ $)
    my $type   = shift;
    my $ch_ref = shift;
    my $rh_ref = shift;

    foreach my $file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%$ch_ref))) {
        print "\n     -> File $file:\n";
        foreach my $sid (keys(%{$$ch_ref{$file}})) {
            if ($type == $PRINT_OLD) {
                print "        $$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid}"
            } elsif ($type == $PRINT_NEW) {
                print "        $$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid}"
            } elsif ($type == $PRINT_BOTH) {
                print "        old: $$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid}";
                print "        new: $$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid}";

# Return list of modified files (with full path).
sub get_modified_files($ $)
    my $changes_ref   = shift;    # ref to hash with all changes
    my $new_files_ref = shift;    # ref to hash with all new files (with full path)
    my %modified_files;

  # For each new rules file...
    foreach my $file_w_path (keys(%$new_files_ref)) {
        my $file = $file_w_path;
        $file =~ s/.*\///;    # remove path

      # Check if there were any rules changes in this file.
        foreach my $type (keys(%{$$changes_ref{rules}})) {
               if (exists($$changes_ref{rules}{"$type"}{"$file"}));

      # Check if there were any non-rule changes in this file.
        foreach my $type (keys(%{$$changes_ref{other}})) {
              if (exists($$changes_ref{other}{"$type"}{"$file"}));

      # Added files are also regarded as modified
      # since we want to update (add) those as well.
      # We only have a list of added files without the full path,
      # so that's why we have to do the special check below.
        foreach my $added_file (keys(%{$$changes_ref{added_files}})) {
              if ($added_file eq $file);

    return (keys(%modified_files));

# Compare the new rules to the old ones.
# For each rule in the new file, check if the rule also exists
# in the old file. If it does then check if it has been modified,
# but if it doesn't, it must have been added.
sub get_changes($ $)
    my $rh_ref        = shift;
    my $new_files_ref = shift;
    my %changes;

    print STDERR "Comparing new files to the old ones... "
      unless ($quiet);

  # We have the list of added files in $rh_ref{added_files}, but we'd rather
  # want to have it in $changes{added_files} now.
    $changes{added_files} = $$rh_ref{added_files};

  # Add list of possibly removed files into $removed_files, if requested.
    if ($check_removed) {
        opendir(OLDRULES, "$config{output_dir}")
          or clean_exit("could not open directory $config{output_dir}: $!");

        while ($_ = readdir(OLDRULES)) {
              if (/$config{update_files}/ && !exists($config{file_ignore_list}{$_}) &&
                !-e "$TMPDIR/rules/$_");


  # Compare the rules.
    FILELOOP:foreach my $file_w_path (keys(%$new_files_ref)) {    # for each new file
        my $file = $file_w_path;
        $file =~ s/.*\///;                                        # remove path
        next FILELOOP if (exists($$rh_ref{added_files}{$file}));  # skip diff if it's an added file

        foreach my $sid (keys(%{$$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}})) {  # for each sid in the new file
            my $new_rule = $$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid};

                if (exists($$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid})) {  # also exists in the old file?
                    my $old_rule = $$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid};

                    unless ($new_rule eq $old_rule) {                             # are they identical?
                        if ("#$old_rule" eq $new_rule) {                          # rule disabled?
                        } elsif ($old_rule eq "#$new_rule") {                     # rule enabled?
                        } elsif ($old_rule =~ /^\s*#/ && $new_rule !~ /^\s*#/) {  # rule enabled and modified?
                        } elsif ($old_rule !~ /^\s*#/ && $new_rule =~ /^\s*#/) {  # rule disabled and modified?
                        } elsif ($old_rule =~ /^\s*#/ && $new_rule =~ /^\s*#/) {  # inactive rule modified?
                        } else {                                                  # active rule modified?

                } else {    # sid not found in old file so it must have been added
        } # foreach sid

      # Check for removed rules, i.e. sids that exist in the old file but not in the new one.
        foreach my $sid (keys(%{$$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}})) {
            unless (exists($$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid})) {

      # Check for added non-rule lines.
        foreach my $other_added (@{$$rh_ref{new}{other}{$file}}) {
            unless (find_line($other_added, \@{$$rh_ref{old}{other}{"$file"}})) {
                push(@{$changes{other}{added}{$file}}, $other_added);

      # Check for removed non-rule lines.
        foreach my $other_removed (@{$$rh_ref{old}{other}{$file}}) {
            unless (find_line($other_removed, \@{$$rh_ref{new}{other}{"$file"}})) {
                push(@{$changes{other}{removed}{$file}}, $other_removed);

    } # foreach new file

    print STDERR "done.\n" unless ($quiet);

    return (%changes);

# Create list of new files (with full path) that we care about.
# I.e. files that match the 'update_files' regexp and isn't listed
# in the ignore list.
sub get_new_filenames($ $)
    my $new_files_ref = shift;
    my $rules_dir     = shift;

    opendir(NEWRULES, "$rules_dir")
      or clean_exit("could not open directory $rules_dir: $!");

    while ($_ = readdir(NEWRULES)) {
          if (/$config{update_files}/ && !exists($config{file_ignore_list}{$_}));

  # Return number of new interesting filenames.
    return (keys(%$new_files_ref));

# Copy modified rules to the output directory.
sub update_rules($ @)
    my $dst_dir = shift;
    my @files   = @_;

    foreach my $file_w_path (@files) {
        my $file = $file_w_path;
        $file =~ s/.*\///;    # remove path
        move("$file_w_path", "$dst_dir/$file")
          or clean_exit("could not move $file_w_path to $file: $!");

# Return true if file is in PATH and is executable.
sub is_in_path($)
    my $file = shift;

    foreach $_ (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
        return (1) if ("$_/$file"); # UK

    return (0);

# Remove temporary directory and exit.
# If a non-empty string is given as argument, it will be regarded
# as an error message and we will use die() with the message instead
# of just exit(0).
sub clean_exit($)
    system("rm","-rf","$TMPDIR")  # UK
      and warn("WARNING: unable to remove temporary directory $TMPDIR.\n");

    if ($_[0] eq "") {
    } else {
        $_ = $_[0];
        die("\n$0: Error: $_\n\nOink, oink. Exiting...\n");

#### EOF ####
# $Id: oinkmaster.conf,v 1.40 2003/02/16 18:42:51 andreaso Exp $ #

#    General options you may want to change    #

# URL to the rules archive to download (or copy).
# Must begin with http://, ftp:// or file:// and end with .tar.gz

# Use this one if you're running the latest release version of Snort
# (or following snort-STABLE):
url =

# Use this one *only* if you're following snort-CURRENT.
# This ruleset usually only works with recent develop versions of Snort!
# url =

# Or if you prefer to download the rules archive from outside Oinkmaster,
# you can then point to the file on your local filesystem by using
# file://<filename>, for example:
# url = file:///tmp/snortrules.tar.gz

# The PATH to use during execution.
# 'tar' and 'gzip' must be found, and also 'wget' if fetching from a remote host.
path = c:/eaglex/oink

# The umask to use during execution if want it to be something else
# than the current value when starting Oinkmaster
# (keep it commented out to use the current value).
# For example:
# umask = 0027

# Files in the archive matching this regexp will be checked
# for changes, and then updated or added if needed.
# (You can then choose to skip individual files by specifying
# the "skipfile" keyword below".)
# Normally you shouldn't need to change this one. 
update_files = \.rules$|\.config$|\.conf$|\.txt$|\.map$

# Files to totally skip (i.e. never update them or check for changes) #
#                                                                     #
# Syntax: skipfile filename                                           #
# or:     skipfile filename1, filename2, filename3, ...               #

# Ignore (skip) "local.rules" from the rules archive by default, since we might
# have put some local rules in our own "local.rules", and we don't want
# it to get overwritten by the empty one from the archive after each update.

skipfile local.rules

# Also skip snort.conf from the rules archive by default since we don't
# want to overwrite our own snort.conf if we have it in the same directory as
# the rules. (If you have your own ("real") snort.conf in another directory, it
# may be really nice to check for changes in this file though, especially since
# new variables are sometimes added!)

skipfile snort.conf

# SIDs to modify after each update (only for the skilled/stupid/brave!)  #
# Don't use it unless you have to.                                       #
# If you just want to disable SIDs, please skip this section and have a  #
# look at the "disablesid" keyword below. It's much simpler.             #
#                                                                        #
# Oinkmaster will clean out whitespaces next to the leading "#" (if any) #
# in all rules, so always use "#alert" to match a rule that is commented #
# out, even if it really begins with "# alert" and not "#alert".         #
# You may specify several modifysid directives for the same SID.         #
# The strings are the exact strings you want to match/replace, they are  #
# not regular expressions.                                               #
#                                                                        #
# Note that #comments are NOT allowed on "modifysid" lines.              #
#                                                                        #
# Syntax: modifysid SID "replacethis" | "withthis"                       #

# Example to enable a rule (in this case SID 1325) that is disabled by
# default, by simply replacing "#alert" with "alert":
# modifysid 1325 "#alert" | "alert"

# Example to add "tag" stuff to SID 1325:
# modifysid 1325 "sid:1325;" | "sid:1325; tag: host, src, 300, seconds;"

# Example to replace $EXTERNAL_NET with $HOME_NET in SID 302:
# modifysid 302 "$EXTERNAL_NET" | "$HOME_NET"

# SIDs to comment out after each update     #
#                                           #
# Syntax:  disablesid SID                   #
# or:      disablesid SID1, SID2, SID3, ... #

# SID 1-6 are disabled by default, just as an example.

# You can specify one SID per line:
disablesid 1
disablesid 2
disablesid 3

# And also as comma-separated lists:
disablesid 4, 5, 6

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