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RE: snort behind firewall ??

From: "Martijn Heemels" <martijn () yggdrasil yi org>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 00:10:37 +0200

Hi Josh,

I'm not seeing packets that are stopped by the firewall... So, in effect
I'm seeing a lot of traffic on the internal interface and barely none on
the external.

My setup:
pentium-1 233MHz, 128Mb SDRAM
Linux RedHat 6.2 with all updates applied...
kernel 2.2.16-3 (I don't know how it's configured... standard redhat
kernel from rpm package)
firewall: ipchains 1.3.9-5 (using a ruleset from but customized)
Also running portsentry 1.0-9 in stealth tcp/udp mode.
External interface is a 3com 3c509
Internal interface is a Realtek NE2000 compatible
I'm running snort with:
/usr/sbin/snort -u snort -g snort -s -d -D -l /var/log/snort -i
$INTERFACE -c /etc/snort/snort.conf
When running ifconfig no interfaces seem to be in Promiscuos mode... Is
that bad?

If any more info is needed, let me know... I'll be glad to help...
I didn't know snort was supposed to see these packets until this was
brought up on the list.

Hope this helps,

M. Heemels          | Yoda of Borg are we.
Eindhoven, NL       | Futile is resistance.
martijn () heemels com | Assimilate you, we will.
   *** encrypt for secure email ***

It is up in the air right now wether or not snort can see packets before
the firewall drop them. It seems  it is system dependant. I would like
to take a poll of who can snort through there firewall and who can't.
We'll need to know what kernal you are using, how it's configured, what
firewall your using, how it's configures, and what os your using.

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