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Fully Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling

From: ge at (Gadi Evron)
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:43:58 +0200

Wheeler, David A wrote:
Gadi Evron said:
David, this is very cool indeed. Thank you for sharing, and a lot of luck!


I'd like to note in a semi-related fashion that the concept of trusting
trust, while in the original paper limited to the compiler case, is a
generic concept in security and could go on up and down the chain of
trust forever (beyond the compiler), until at some point you take
something on blind faith.

Actually, I talk about that in the dissertation.

First, it is perfectly reasonable to redefine the word "compiler" to include all sorts of components that you might 
traditionally define as part of the "environment".  For example, you could include the entire operating system as 
well as what we would traditionally define as "compiler".  Of course, now you need all of ITS source code, as a 
different trusted compiler that's able to compile it, as well as time to make it work.  The good news is that, once 
you did that, you'd have then verified that ALL of those executables correspond to their source code.

Second, I do not agree that this is BLIND faith.  I agree that you must eventually accept SOME set of components as 
being sufficiently trustworthy.  But the idea is to use a separate trusted compiler/environment to verify your 
original items.  At that point, I don't think it's BLIND at all; you hope the original components are okay, but 
you've also performed a verification step to increase your confidence that this is so.  The phrase "trust, but 
verify" comes to mind :-).

Exactly, it is an endless process of trust, as you trust the second 
system/environment to be secure, or at least without a backdoor.

But while I really like the discussion, I don't want to take away from 
the value of your work. Thanks again for sharing!


Gadi Evron,
ge at


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