Secure Coding mailing list archives

FW: How Can You Tell It Is Written Securely?

From: James.McGovern at (McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT))
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 17:01:43 -0500

I am of the belief that the examples you provided are more requirements
for your own staff. For example, shouldn't your business analysts define
regular expressions and include them as functional requirements where
the firm simply calls them?

If you want regex's externalized into properties files, shouldn't this
be more about specifying acceptance criteria for the overall design vs
waiting to measure it against code.

For number three, you would have to think about such a clause as it is
an out if performance isn't met. 

If you work for a large enterprise, I would think that number 4 would be
encompassed into asking them to align with consistent DB access
practices where you hand them your coding standards. 

It is different to have coding standards and having clauses that ask
others to adhere to them vs embedding coding type requirements into the
contracts themselves.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Manico [mailto:jim at] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 4:44 PM
To: McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT)
Cc: SC-L at
Subject: Re: [SC-L] FW: How Can You Tell It Is Written Securely?

I think adding clear security requirements at the contractual level is
*fundamental and necessary* when yes?
yesworking with vendors who are writing software for you.

Don't we talk about software security as being just another integrated
part of writing software, not as an external activity?

I'm not talking about foolish general requirements like "Be OWASP top 10
free" that does not help anyone.

I'm talking about clear, somewhat undebatable requirements like:

1) Add in CSRF protection by using a form nonce
2) Make every field maps to a unique regular expression.  Ensure that
this regular expression exists in a properties file so it can be
configured without needing to recompile code.
3) Ensure that every piece of user-driven data is encoded via HTML
Entity Encoding before it is displayed to any user.
4) Use only prepared statements and binding of variables when selecting
from a database


Sure, we want our vendors to be security educated (good luck finding
them these days). But really, we need to get the job done. We need to
hire vendors. It's likely that software development vendors are not
super security educated since software security is so new. We need to
communicate contractual requirements anyways and those agreements do
indeed matter. Our best bet is to add in clear functional security
requirements to our contractual agreements if we have any hope of them
being built in in a cost effective manner.

- Jim

 Asking about security in terms of an RFP is a big joke and reminds me

of tactics I used in sixth grade when I used to figure out creative 
ways of answering a question by turning the question into an answer. 
One has to acknowledge that RFPs are not authoratative and are usually

completed by sales teams who don't have adequate detail.

So, instead of focusing on comprehensive documentation, you need to be

agile and think more about working software. I believe that 
penetration tests are sadly too late in the process in order to be 
meaningful and only have value in scenarios where you can mandate that

the presses be stopped and that they fix immediately before you give 
them a single penny.

Avoid the contract stuff as well as you can't really put meaningful 
things into agreements. You have to acknowledge that if I were 
successful in putting say a clause into our next EMC agreement 
requiring all document management software to support XACML and be 
OWASP Top Ten free, do you think that a developer on the other end 
would even have a chance to read it and address going forward? Way too

many degrees of separation between those who write contracts and those

who implement software.

Again, I think you need to measure developers and their participation 
in groups such as OWASP since it is observable and measurable without 
requiring a lot of effort. It is not a guarantee but can be a 

-----Original Message-----
From: sc-l-bounces at
[mailto:sc-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Herman Stevens
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 1:55 PM
To: Marcin Wielgoszewski
Cc: SC-L at
Subject: Re: [SC-L] FW: How Can You Tell It Is Written Securely?

Hello Marcin,

I agree with your statement that many companies have some requirements

in their SLA's with outsourced development firms. However, if these 
are really F-100 businesses they usually have all non-core processes 
out-sourced (because a Big4 company told them that would reduce 
costs), the relationship management with the outsourced companies is 
also out-sourced (probably to the same Big4). This means after a few 
years all knowledge has left the company and if a Request For Proposal

needs to be written (e.g. for a new application supporting their core 
functions) this is outsourced again to the same Big4 since the company

itself does not even have the required knowledge to write its own RFPs


I really doubt that anything that goes in that RFP (and ultimately in 
the contracts) will have any _real_ security value.

Using penetration tests and vulnerability requirements might be part 
of the acceptance process, but I do not call these tests _security_ 
requirements. They are acceptance requirements ...

The original request asked for how can someone determine if an 
application is written in a secure manner. My reasoning is that this 
is the wrong question (the application must _be_ secure and for this 
there is no direct link with coding practices). And even if one can 
proof the application is written in a secure manner, this will not be 
enough to be secure (e.g. about 99% of all security relevant features 
are nowadays in the configuration, the customer will never issue a 
change request for a new java library of javascript library yet in 
many of my penetration tests I 'break' the application because of old
libs, ...).

I do not think that penetration tests and vulnerability assessments 
are a 'proof' that an application is written securely. I've seen many 
applications that were written horrendously but were very secure (in 
the sense that they abided to all security-relevant business 
requirements) and I have seen many applications written using the 
'best practices' in coding and developed with very mature processes 
that could be hacked in minutes.

So, are there any studies that proof that a company that performs some

tests (e.g. pen-tests) or include security requirements in the 
contracts ultimately is better off than a company that does not do 
what we consider 'best practices'? And if we don't have that proof, 
shouldn't we be very prudent in what we advise to our customers?

Please note that my company sells security related software and 
performs vulnerability assessments, so I'm not saying that these are 
useless (:)), but maybe there are better methods than penetrate & 
patch or enforcing very heavy processes on innocent development 
teams... So, this is question to this list: Are we on the right track?

Is application security really improving? Do we measure the correct 
things and in the correct way? My point of view is that only certain 
vulnerabilities are less common than in the early days just because of

more mature frameworks, but not due to better processes or after the
fact testing.
Does this mean all efforts were vain? Or did the threat landscape 
change? And yes, there are many vendor driven statistics floating 
around but they really cannot be considered unbiased ... Lots of 
questions, maybe not all relevant for the Secure Coding list, but 
Secure Coding should have an final objective. Or not?

herman.stevens at
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Jim Manico, Senior Application Security Engineer
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