Secure Coding mailing list archives

Tools: Evaluation Criteria

From: James.McGovern at (McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT))
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 12:34:23 -0400

Peter, I think I agree with your comments at some level but disagree at another. Your comment about using languages and 
tools is spot on yet the reason no one is actually approaching it from this fashion is that you can't make money off 
it. For example, if we all jumped in and make the GNU C compiler better and even worked with code generation products 
that subscribe to say MDA, then how would most folks here profit?

Maybe folks are still building square windows because we haven't realized how software fails and can describe it in 
terms of a pattern. The only pattern-oriented book I have ran across in my travels is the Core Security Patterns put 
out by the folks at Sun. Do you think we should stop talking solely about code and start talking about how 
vulnerabilities are repeatedly introduced and describe using patterns notation?

It is also important to realize that the folks with decision-making authority in terms of procuring tools usually 
aren't from an engineering background. Nowadays, many decision-makers may not have even written a single line of code 
in their lifetime and use process as a substitute for competence. While process weenies don't necessary understand 
coding, they do usually understand the notion of auditing which these tools cater to.

If one can produce a metric, scorecard or other terms attractive to modern IT executives, it is certainly more 
attractive than engineering practices they don't understand.

Audit-oriented thinking also allows folks to put clauses into contracts when enterprises procure software from 
third-parties and can mandate scans by multiple tools that produce a score below say X while what you are proposing is 
a lot harder and requires more trust when third parties are involved.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Amey [mailto:peter.amey at]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:27 AM
To: McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT)
Cc: SC-L at
Subject: RE: [SC-L] Tools: Evaluation Criteria



Good to see that folks are expanding the criteria in terms of 
what it scans for, but criteria as to how it integrates is 
also equally useful.

On the contrary I find the idea of evaluating tools by "what they scan
for" very disturbing.  It shows a continuing belief that software
engineering involves building things then "scanning" them for defects.
We /must/ move to tools and methods that help us construct correct
programs rather than looking for defects in them afterwards.

Let me give you an example from my previous aeronautical career.  The
DeHavilland Comet was the world's first transatlantic jet airliner.  All
went well until after a year of two of service there were a series of
catastrophic airframe failures in flight, all with total loss of those
on board.  ISTR that there were 3 crashes in all.  The design defect
that caused the disasters was a combination of square cabin windows and
hull pressurisation on each flight.  The square windows caused amplified
stress at each window corner which, with the cyclic stress changes from
pressurisation caused metal fatigue failures and hull loss.  Metal
fatigue was little understood at the time.

Now for the lessons.  The aero industry quickly learned about metal
fatigue and stress raisers and used that information to design fuselages
that did not suffer from the Comet's defects.  That is why your airliner
window is oval not square.  There have been very, very few Comet-style
failures since (and they are usually associated with corrosion or poor
maintenance).  So, the problem was analysed, understood, disseminated
and hence eliminated.

In the software world we seem to content to build "window squareness
detection tools".  Some will find 70% of square windows but miss others
and produce false alarms in yet other cases.

Buffer overflows are the square windows of secure software: we shouldn't
be /scanning/ for them but using languages and tools that /prevent/
their introduction.





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