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FC: More on new antitrust book sides with Microsoft, closing arguments

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:40:35 -0400

I have been out of town in Pittsburgh and then busy at the Microsoft
closing arguments. I was filing from the courtroom via my Palm VII
yesterday with frequent updates to the article on wired.com's live site. It
worked out pretty well, with near-perfect 9600 bps service through
BellSouth's national pager network. Laptops are banned from the courtroom
(and my Ricochet can't penetrate the thick walls anyway), but even the
ever-so-persnickety guards who threaten to arrest you if you walk on the
carpet (not kidding) didn't seem to care about me quietly scrawling
Graffiti text. Highly recommended. My article:


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 15:26:47 +0100
To: declan () well com
From: Gus Hosein <i.hosein () lse ac uk>
Subject: Re: FC: Review: New antitrust book sides with Microsoft


FYI, The Economist also did a review of the issue of network externalities 
in its edition last week.  It's a thinner version of your article, but 
equally interesting given the context.



 Lock and key

According to some economists, today^Òs new technologies call for an entirely 
new economics: one that, unlike the orthodox sort, can cope with pervasive 
externalities and increasing returns. Are they right?

 TWO sorts of claim are made about the ^Ónew economy^Ô. The first says that 
technology is spurring growth so dramatically that old assumptions about 
productivity, inflation, profits and so on no longer hold. This is a bold 
position, but it poses no great challenge to orthodox theory: old-fashioned 
^Óneoclassical^Ô economics can comprehend it very well. The second claim is 
different. It says that orthodox economics itself needs to be revised 
wholesale to take account of the way the new economy actually works.
The ^Ónew theorists^Ô, let us call them, say that technology-driven market 
failures are now pervasive. The chief culprit is increasing returns. In a 
world where unit costs fall without limit as output rises, monopoly 
thrives: a bigger firm can always undercut a smaller one. Industries based 
on knowledge, the argument goes, are especially prone to increasing 
returns, and hence to monopoly. Think of software. The costs are largely 
fixed and upfront; once they have been incurred, production can be expanded 
without limit at very little cost.

Increasing returns in the form of ^Ónetwork effects^Ô can affect consumption 
as well as production. A common feature of the new technologies, it is 
argued, is that their value to any user increases in proportion to the 
number of users. The result is that, once a product is established in the 
market, demand for similar products will collapse: consumers get ^Ólocked 
in^Ô. And if they get locked in to a bad product, you have another market 
failure to compound the first one. The classic example of the ^Óbad 
standard^Ô, or of ^Ópath dependence^Ô as this syndrome is called, is the 
QWERTY keyboard: the layout makes no sense, it is claimed, but by an 
accident of history it has established itself and there is no getting rid 
of it.

Our Economics focus of April 3rd discussed ^ÓThe Fable of the Keys^Ô, a paper 
by Stan Liebowitz and Stephen Margolis, which showed that the QWERTY story 
was wrong, because the standard layout is not in fact demonstrably worse 
than the alternatives. This cast doubt on the whole new-theory movement. 
Now the authors have brought out a book, ^ÓWinners, Losers and Microsoft^Ô 
(published by the Independent Institute). It includes the keyboard paper 
but moves on from that, by way of a close look at the software industry, to 
a broader and deeper attack on the would-be heretics. By a long way, it is 
the best single thing to read on this tangle of issues. The book reviews 
the new theory carefully and in language accessible to the general reader, 
and then subjects it to a detailed empirical examination. At the end, very 
little of the fashionable critique of neoclassical economics is left

To begin with, the authors question the theoretical appeal of the 
path-dependence paradigm. Network effects are real, and it follows that 
lock-in is a possibility. But note that lock-in is inefficient (that is, it 
is a kind of market failure) only if the inferior product survives despite 
the fact that the benefits of switching would exceed the costs. If the 
inferior product survives because the costs of switching are high, that is 
as it should be: in that case it would be inefficient to switch. (Recall 
that the point of the bogus QWERTY story was that the benefits of switching 
would be great and the costs low: the market failure consisted in the 
difficulty of making a co-ordinated jump to the new layout.) Taking 
switching costs into account immediately narrows the extent of plausible 
market failures.

The new theory needs to be qualified in another way, too. Where lock-in is 
a factor, it is wrong to suppose that consumers and producers will blunder 
on as if it were not. On both sides of the transaction, there is an 
incentive to find ways round the problem. On the demand side, groups of 
consumers can get together and co-ordinate their choices. On the supply 
side, producers can start by selling their superior new product at a loss: 
if it really is superior, the market will adopt it and move across. Or they 
can spend heavily on advertising. Or they can help newcomers to switch by 
promising compatibility, as when cable-television companies offer to 
convert old televisions to the new system. With these and other strategies, 
it becomes an empirical question whether inefficient lock-in is as common 
as is often supposed; it is certainly not self-evident.

Turning to the actual evidence, the authors find no such cases at all. 
Again and again they show that good products win. The standard lock-in 
stories are examined and, like QWERTY before them, debunked.

Betamax was not beaten by an ^Óinferior^Ô VHS video format: at the time, 
reviewers were divided over which system offered better quality, and VHS 
offered the unambiguous advantage of longer playing-time. The triumph of 
DOS over the Macintosh operating system is equally explicable. Macs cost 
more, and Apple had developed a reputation for changing operating systems 
so as to make earlier software redundant; until Windows 2000 (see article), 
Microsoft^Òs successive operating systems were consistently 
backwards-compatible (a feature that explains many of the problems that 
some Windows users complain of, but which is prized by many others). The 
book gives example after example of software that came and went, at one 
time dominating the market but then giving way to a better newcomer: 
throughout, reviewers^Ò ratings of the products explain market-share.

Unsurprisingly, in view of all this, the authors take Microsoft^Òs side in 
the firm^Òs battle with the Justice Department. Their view of that endlessly 
complicated issue, set out in an appendix, is not so much a resounding 
acquittal as ^Ócase not proven^Ô^×but they would say this should suffice. Be 
that as it may, the case they make against the path-dependence paradigm as 
a way to see the world could hardly be stronger: it is a big idea that 
simply fails to stand up.

DH/DSS 2048/1024-bit key fingerprint:  D8FA CF93 4C82 77C8 114C  33EA 5485 
619E 3550 2083
key ID:  0x35502083
RSA PGP 2048-bit key fingerprint:  D06E 15BA 3643 BD65  7CB4 AE14 CB2B E265
key ID:  0x6019F689
Gus Hosein
Tutorial Fellow
Department of Information Systems
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street, London

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