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Re: Smells Funny: Looking for help against Chinese Hacking Team

From: "Adriel T. Desautels" <ad_lists () netragard com>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 17:58:01 -0500

First,. there's no need to get testy. I was asking you what you were talking about because I don't understand specifically what you are asking. Are you asking if the Chinese hacking threat is real, or if the person that was asking for help was a troll of some sort?

That said, I only read a part of the original thread because it got boring fast. IIRC the person asking for help just didn't know what he was doing. He wasn't being specifically targeted, but he was being compromised. Usually when you're specifically targeted you don't know it. Does that make sense?

On Jan 11, 2009, at 4:55 PM, jc wrote:

Read the org. thread, how is this not clear? If you didn't read/ remember the thread, I'm simply asking was it real or a put on? If it is real, I'm flabbergasted by the inanity.

On Jan 11, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Adriel T. Desautels wrote:

What are you talking about?

On Jan 10, 2009, at 1:20 PM, jc wrote:

While I can't speak for others, by nature I'm paid to be paranoid. It goes with the career, that and realizing no one will exclaim, "Thanx for keeping us safe" -- rather, more like, "Why couldn't you keep us safe...?" The negatives are expounded long before the positives....metrics, people, information be dammed (your 'Atta- Boy!' mileage may vary)...

...So when I look back on the thread, with further research on stings, setups, and phishing scenarios, I get the feeling this was some kind of troll, some kind of experiment, some kind of
juicy target, a lawful honeypot if you will.

Does anyone else get the same sort of creepy-crawly feeling? When I look at the way it was written, and the obvious vulnerabilities/clues given, it smells to good to be true. Or is this level
of innate incompetence the norm?

Do I need to leave the building and get some fresh air? Speak Human instead of Binary? Or does something not smell right about the whole thing a month later?


        Adriel T. Desautels
        ad_lists () netragard com

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        Adriel T. Desautels
        ad_lists () netragard com

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