Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: Certifications: Not worth the paper they are printed on?

From: "M.B.Jr." <marcio.barbado () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 19:51:38 -0300

Yeah, right.

Learning from the books, baaad!
Learning from "real world" experience, gooood!

C'mon, both are important.

On 10/5/08, Jon Kibler <Jon.Kibler () aset com> wrote:
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 Yesterday I was reading a blog where someone with no security experience
 whatsoever was grousing that they flunked the Security+ exam. The
 blogger also claimed to have over 100 certifications. In my opinion,
 that many certifications undoubtedly qualifies this blogger to be the
 Poster Boy for everything that is wrong with the certification process.

 I do not know of anyone who has the real world experience to pass 100+
 certification exams based only upon their experience. The fact that
 someone can pass a certification exam WITHOUT ANY EXPERIENCE clearly
 illustrates something is critically wrong with our industry's
 certification process. (MCSE: Must Call Someone Experienced!)

 The certification process today is utterly and completely broken.  The
 single biggest problem that I see with the certification industry is the
 scarcity of "real world" certifications -- those certifications that
 cannot be passed by book knowledge alone -- certifications that require
 hands-on real-world experience to pass, such as the RHCE, CCIE, or any
 of the GIAC Gold certifications. All certifications should be as
 rigorous as these and similar certifications that reflect one's ability
 to do real work in the area in which they are certified.

 In my humble opinion, most certifications today are not worth the paper
 they are printed on. Certifications were originally conceived as a means
 to help weed out fictitious resumes, or to verify that someone claiming
 to have "10 years of experience" is not someone who really has "the
 equivalent of one year of experience, times ten."

 However, the fact that so many certifications are so lame that anyone
 can buy a book, memorize it, and take and pass an exam, shows how
 critically broken is the certifications process. Most certifications
 today do not show that you are capable of DOING anything except
 memorizing mostly useless and dated facts.

 Certifications have gone from something potentially useful and
 meaningful to being the equivalent of Country Club Dues. It has become
 the price of admission to join a certain group of people in the
 workplace. Just like your ability to pay your country club dues does not
 say anything about your ability to play golf, certifications say nothing
 about your ability to do the work associated with the certification. We
 need to change certifications from being country club dues to being more
 like PGA tour qualifications.

 The entire certification process needs to change. Certifications must
 once again reflect an individual's ability to DO something, verses their
 ability to memorize. When someone presents a certification, an employer
 needs to have some confidence that the prospective employee can actually
 do the job in the real world. What needs to change? At least four things
 immediately come to mind:

   1) Before taking a certification exam, you must be able to
 demonstrate an auditable degree of associated work experience. For
 example, the new Security+ certification calls for a minimum of 2 years
 of day-to-day security experience as a recommended prerequisite. Well,
 it should be made a REQUIREMENT that you MUST HAVE at least 2 years of
 experience doing day-to-day security work before you are allowed to sit
 for the exam.

   2) Exams must be changed from being fact-based to become
 experience-based. It should not be possible to simply read books and
 pass an exam. For example, the Security+ exam should include questions
 that only a security practitioner would be able to answer. It should
 include packet captures and ask for an interpretation. It should require
 you to be able to verify a digital signature. It should present log
 files and ask you to identify how the system was compromised. Etc. Real
 world experience-based questions should be an integral part of each
 exam's questions. It should not be possible to pass the exam without the
 required hands-on experience.

   3) Certifications must have an expiration date. Knowledge in every
 area of technology is transient in nature. Certifications must reflect
 that they are based on the qualifications to do a job at a particular
 point in time, and that those qualifications will change over time. As I
 stated previously, the initial certification should require auditable
 work experience. Recertification should require not only demonstrated
 continued work experience, it should also require CEUs/CPEs to maintain
 the certification. In fact, continuing education should be made an
 annual requirement to maintain certifications between recertifications.

   4) Instructors teaching certification courses *MUST* have
 demonstrable real world work experience before being deemed qualified to
 teach the certification course. Probably the two certifications with the
 greatest "Instructor Qualification Laugh Factor" are the EC-Council's
 CEH and CHFI courses. The majority of instructors that I have met that
 teach either of these two courses have NEVER done ANY real work in
 either associated profession.
   -- How can an instructor properly convey to students the real thought
 processes of a hacker, if they themselves have not performed dozens of
 successful real world penetration tests?
   -- How can an instructor properly convey to students all that they
 need to know about forensics, if they themselves have never performed a
 real world forensics examination, and prepared and presented evidence in
   -- It is simply not possible to study, get a certification, and teach
 these (and similar) courses without the instructor and ed center doing
 an extreme disservice to their students. Instructors should be required
 to not only have the certification, but they must have real world work
 experience actually doing what they are teaching.
   -- Instructors should also be required to maintain additional
 CEUs/CPEs beyond those required to maintain certification. Attending two
 relevant conferences a year should be mandatory. (I would bet that most
 CEH instructors have never even been to Defcon! How many CHFI
 instructors have ever attended TechnoForensics? I bet almost none have!)
 Similar qualifications and continuing education needs to be mandated of
 all instructors teaching in any area of technology.

 Perhaps another analogy would help clarify my concerns. Would you hire a
 pilot for your corporate jet that only has a certificate saying that
 they had passed flight school ground training? Someone that had no
 actual experience as a pilot? Would you want this same person teaching
 other wannabe pilots? I would hope not!

 However, that is the situation we find ourselves in with technology
 certifications. We are getting hordes of people that simply "pass ground
 school" and now claim to be "capable of flying a 747." Still worse, the
 majority of our instructors for technology certifications have only
 "passed ground school", but are using that as the basis to hang out
 their shingle claiming that they can teach others to fly, when they
 themselves have never even seen the inside of the cockpit of an
 airplane, not less ever actually having piloted a real aircraft.

 Until certifications can become a meaningful means of verifying a
 claimed level of experience and expertise, they shall remain not worth
 the paper they are printed on.

 In the meantime, we in the industry need to educate our managers, and
 our training and HR departments as to what certifications are meaningful
 and which ones are not. At the same time, we need to be teaching them
 what certifications are appropriate for a given job skill. For example,
  I see CISSP mandated for numerous jobs (such as penetration tester)
 where other more appropriate certifications should be used instead. But,
 because CISSP is thought to be the ultimate certification in security,
 they think that "one size fits all" security positions. We need help
 change that thought process!

 Jon Kibler
 - --
 Jon R. Kibler
 Chief Technical Officer
 Advanced Systems Engineering Technology, Inc.
 Charleston, SC  USA
 o: 843-849-8214
 c: 843-224-2494
 s: 843-564-4224

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