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RAID 2001 -- Call For Participation

From: Giovanni Vigna <vigna () cs ucsb edu>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 14:10:31 -0700

        Can you distribute this Call For Participation?


[Please excuse any multiple mailings of this message.]

                     RAID 2001 -- Call For Participation 

                      Fourth International Symposium on 
                    Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection 

                             October 10-12, 2001
                               Davis, CA, USA

The RAID 2001 Program Committee  invites participants interested in the newest
technologies  developed  in  the  area  of intrusion  detection  research  and
deployment, to register with our local organizer, the University of California
at Davis,  CA.  A preliminary program  is available. In a  nutshell, RAID 2001
will welcome 21 presentations and two panels over 2 1/2 days.

This  symposium, the  fourth  in  an annual  series,  brings together  leading
figures from  academia, government,  and industry to  discuss state-of-the-art
intrusion detection  technologies and issues from the  research and commercial
perspectives.  The RAID International  Symposium series is intended to further
advances in intrusion detection by promoting  the exchange of ideas in a broad
range of topics.

RAID'98, held  in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium,  was the first in  an anticipated
annual  series of  international Symposia  that has  brought  together leading
figures from academia, government and  industry to ponder the current state of
intrusion  detection   technologies  and  paradigms  from   the  research  and
commercial  perspectives. More  than 130  participants attended  RAID'98, with
nearly 50%  from outside  Europe, reflecting the  international nature  of the
meeting. RAID'99, held  in Purdue, Indiana, was hosted  by CERIAS and welcomed
more than 180 participants from  academia, government and industry. RAID 2000,
hosted by ONERA in Toulouse,  France, welcomed more than 130 participants from
academia (50%), government  (20%) and industry (30%), 40%  coming from USA and
Canada, 60% from Europe. After  Louvain-la-Neuve, Purdue and Toulouse, RAID is
being locally organized in 2001 by University of California at Davis.

Registration information, directions to  UC Davis, and preliminary program are
available  at the  symposium's  site (
For more information, please contact the RAID 2001 Program Committee co-chairs
Wenke Lee (wenke () cc gatech edu) or Ludovic Me (lme () supelec-rennes fr).

Giovanni Vigna                           
University of California Santa Barbara - Dept. of Computer Science

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