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Airport Fun : Queue Jumping

From: dninja at (Robin Wood)
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 13:46:24 +0100

2009/8/13 Bradley McMahon <bradmcmahon at>:
Or you could just wait till almost everyone is on the plane already and
there is no line, I hate standing in line waiting for people trying to shove
their huge carry on lugage into a overhead that can possible contain it.

I once jumped the long x-ray queues because I saw a sign that said
priority lane, by invitation only so I said to the nice lady "Can I
have an invite" and she said yes and sent me through the empty fast

For getting on to the plane, I agree, just say sat down till the queue
has gone, your seat will still be there and the flight won't leave
without you.


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:15 PM, k41zen at <k41zen at>

Everyone probably already knows this and I'm the last to discover it
but I found a way to jump the long boarding queue to get on the plane

Just before the check-in desk opened I went up to the check-in staff
and asked them for an upgrade from economy class. I explained that we
were newly engaged and this would be a perfect ending to the perfect
holiday - blah blah blah. I was told to talk to the purser on board
the plane. I asked how I can distinguish them and when would be best
to approach them and the kind lady said that she would need to send me
on board before anyone else giving the staff on the plane enough time
to handle the query.

Check in opened, she called us forward, checked us in and then sent us
onto the plane before anyone else.

Up to you if you want to talk to the purser or not. No-one was
expecting us. I did find them in the end but declined the upgrade
offer due to the ridiculous $4,000 price tag.

Anyone else know any similar SE tricks?
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