oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: Asserts considered harmful (or GMP spills its sensitive information)

From: Jeffrey Walton <noloader () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2019 11:45:39 -0500

On Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 11:19 AM Torbjörn Granlund <tg () gmplib org> wrote:

  The assert that Jeffrey has hit is in sec_powm.c,

    ASSERT_ALWAYS (enb >= windowsize);

  As far as I can see, "enb" is the input argument to the win_size function,
  and "windowsize" is the return value. I'm waiting for more information,
  since it works fine in my build. Possible explanations I see are

A reasonable assumption is that this user has modified the sources to
cause this bug.  The motive would be to support his auxesis about how
insecure GMP is.

My bad, I did not mean to imply this was a problem with GMP only. GMP
has a lot of company, like GnuPG and OpenSSL.

I believe the assumption  is incorrect. The sources were not modified,
and a standard (?) 'configure; make; make check' was used. The
reproducer script is available at
https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2018/12/31/1; see

For completeness here's a quick audit of some security libraries.
Botan, Crypto++ and OpenSSL use -DNDEBUG to remove asserts from
production/release builds. They use asserts as a debugging/diagnostic
aide. They don't depend on crashing the program and risk egressing
sensitive information outside the app's security boundary.

gmp-6.1.2$ grep -iIR assert | wc -l

openssl-1.0.2$ grep -iIR assert | wc -l

libgcrypt-1.8.4$ grep -iIR assert | wc -l

gnupg-2.2.12$ grep -iIR assert | wc -l

cryptopp-8.0$ grep -iIR assert | wc -l

botan-2.8$ grep -iIR assert | wc -l

Cheers, Jeff

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