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Re: MySQL - use-after-free after mysql_stmt_close()

From: Pali Rohár <pali.rohar () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 23:47:54 +0200


Any idea how to handle this particular problem?

On Thursday 08 June 2017 23:49:03 Pali Rohár wrote:

MySQL applications written according to Oracle's MySQL documentation
& examples for mysql_stmt_close() function call are vulnerable to
use- after-free defect.

In mysql_stmt_close() documentation [1] for return value is written:
"Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred." And there are
other parts of documentation can be understood that error messages
for statements could be obtained by mysql_stmt_error() function [2].

Whole example of usage is written in mysql_stmt_execute() function
[3]. The relevant part for mysql_stmt_close() is at the end of

/* Close the statement */
if (mysql_stmt_close(stmt))
  fprintf(stderr, " failed while closing the statement\n");
  fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

And here is a problem, use-after-free defect. Current implementation
of mysql_stmt_close() function unconditionally free passed statement
structure and therefore following mysql_stmt_error() call is
defective to use-after-free.

Relevant part of implementation of mysql_stmt_close() function is:

my_bool mysql_stmt_close(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
  int rc=0;
  if ((rc= stmt_command(mysql, COM_STMT_CLOSE, buff, 4, stmt)))
    set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, &mysql->net);
  return rc;

As you can see it stores real error message into stmt structure, but
at the end it is freed. Which means error message is no longer
available and caller is not able to read it (even via
mysql_stmt_error() call).

As such defective code is in example of the usage, probably couple of
MySQL applications written according to that defective documentations
are affected to this issue.

There is reported real bug for MySQL DBI driver that is affected by
this issue [4]. Reporter probably compiled MySQL library or driver
itself with some compiler options which could detect buffer
overflows and uncovered this issue.

In April 17 I reported this issue to oCERT team and it was forwarded
to MySQL, MariaDB and Percona security teams.

MariaDB team answered that this is problem in Oracle & MySQL and
their documentation as MariaDB do not have such vulnerable example
in their documentation.

Oracle team was unwilling to tell anything, provide any information
how to handle such issue or what to do, therefore with suggestion
from oCERT I decided to make this report public and open public
discussion for other people on oss-security list how to handle this

As Oracle fully ignored this problem and have not stated if problem
is in documentation, implementation or both, I see probably 3
different solutions:

1) Documentation with examples is correct and this is how it should
be used. What is wrong is implementation.

It would mean that function mysql_stmt_error() and mysql_stmt_errno()
needs to specially handle statement pointers which were already freed
by mysql_stmt_close(). This can be done e.g. by storing hash table
of pointers and assigning for them last received error.

Or clarifying that mysql_stmt_close() does not always free passed
memory. Because from current description in documentation it is not
fully unambiguous what happen if function fails.

In this case implementation of mysql_stmt_close(), mysql_stmt_error()
and mysql_stmt_errno() are vulnerable to use-after-free defect and
needs to be fixed. And it should be assigned CVE for MySQL for this

2) Implementation is correct, documentation is wrong.

Documentation needs to be fixed to properly describe how are those
functions implemented. Important note must be that if function
mysql_stmt_close() fails it is not possible to take error code via
mysql_stmt_error() or mysql_stmt_errno(). Also examples needs to be

And then all MySQL applications which were written according to wrong
documentation needs to be fixed and for each one needs to be assigned
CVE. Number of those applications is unknown, to get it first every
application which uses libmysqlclient.so needs to be checked and
verified. What we know now is that MySQL Perl DBI is affected.

3) Documentation is wrong, but implementation of mysql_stmt_close()
is not-so-correct.

Which would mean that return value of mysql_stmt_close() is fully
meaningless as there is no way to recover from bad state. Currently
mysql_stmt_close() unconditionally free memory for statement, so no
recover is possible.

There are two options what can be done:

* Always return value zero which means no error occurred. This
basically mitigate use-after-free vulnerability in Oracle's
documentation and also all applications which were written according
to documentation.

* When error occurred, do not free memory of passed structure. This
would mean that following mysql_stmt_error() call would not be
affected by use-after-free anymore.

As Oracle ignored this security related problem (***) I would like to
ask, how to handle this problem? And to which software needs to be
requested for CVE? To MySQL itself (as described in option 1)? Or to
every one software which uses MySQL (as described in option 2)?

I think you understand me, that MySQL DBD driver needs to be fixed,
ideally ASAP. Bug report on github is from April 13 [4]. And as
Oracle is not willing to do anything, I hope that people on public
oss-security list give some advice how to handle this situation.

I'm CCing all relevant security teams, when replaying please do not
forget to include them + me. Thanks!


[1] - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-close.html
[2] - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-error.html
[3] - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-execute.html
[4] - https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql/issues/120

Just to note that Oracle silently updated above documentation pages
after I sent this email. Original versions are available in web.archive:

[1] - http://web.archive.org/web/20161220021610/https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-close.html
[2] - http://web.archive.org/web/20161220021610/https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-error.html
[3] - http://web.archive.org/web/20161220021610/https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-execute.html

(***) - This is not a first time! Previous two security issues
reported by me were ignored too. Oracle is the worst company in
handling security issues. It is useless to report them anything.
They just start threaten if you make information about issue public.
And they are not competent to start working on it or fix it in less
then 6 months! Really I suggest to not report any security bug to
Oracle, it is just wasting of time.

Pali Rohár
pali.rohar () gmail com

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