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Possible CVE Request: Multiple stack overflows in squashfs-tools and sasquatch

From: Giancarlo Canales <gcanalesb () me com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 19:26:49 -0400

I recently discovered several highly similar stack overflow weakness in squashfs-tools and sasquatch.
This issue has already been made public to both projects, with recommendations on how to fix them, but a fix has not 
been released by the project maintainers.

Sasquatch is an experimental fork of squashfs-tools.
Squashfs-tools is present in the repositories of Debian, CentOS, and other Linux distributions.

The vulnerability can be exploited by using the unsquashfs command to unpack a malicious squashfs image that causes a 
stack overflow in an unchecked variable length array.
Thereafter, a function that copies data from the squashfs image to the overflown array is executed.

I’m requesting a CVE number for this vulnerability,  per project.

Title: Stack overflows in squash-fs
Products: squash-fs
Affects: All versions
Type: Stack overflow
First CVE ID Request: Yes

Title: Stack overflows in sasquatch
Products: sasquatch
Affects: All versions
Type: Stack overflow
First CVE ID Request: Yes

Fore information about the stack overflow, please visit:

Thanks in advance,

Giancarlo Canales Barreto

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