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RE: Re: SWFUpload <= (Object Injection/CSRF) Vulnerabilities Multiple flaws

From: "Christey, Steven M." <coley () mitre org>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:10:15 +0000

Kurt etc. - no CVE REJECT decisions yet, please.  We might be dealing with a CVE *triplicate*.

There have been a lot of disclosures about swfupload.swf lately with... ummm... mixed levels of detail and varying 
levels of researcher skill and diligence.  For example, the movieName parameter vector was given CVE-2012-3414 by Kurt 
in July of 2012, for an April 2012 disclosure - 
https://nealpoole.com/blog/2012/05/xss-and-csrf-via-swf-applets-swfupload-plupload/  (assignment is in 
http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2012/07/17/12 but is listed for the "libjs-swfupload" package).  The 
CVE-2013-4145 that Kurt just assigned also involves the movieName vector.

Since swfupload.swf is apparently widely used, researchers may be finding the same issue over and over again in 
different packages, and presenting them as if they are new.  Yet there might be some attack variants buried in there, 

Because of the amount of attention by researchers who don't check whether an issue has already been disclosed, and/or 
the number of independent products that use this library, any "new" swfupload.swf issues should be regarded with 
extreme suspicion while CVE tries to iron out all the existing duplicates.

Andrew Nacin said:

CVE-2013-4145 (XSS) is actually CVE-2012-2399.

CVE-2012-2399's only public details are that it's an unspecified vulnerability in Wordpress before 3.3.2, yet 
http://wordpress.org/news/2012/04/wordpress-3-3-2/ is pretty vague and mentions multiple products (although it does 
credit Neal Poole for at least one issue).  That said, a statement by a lead developer of Wordpress is important for 
this clarification ;-)  Andrew, can you confirm for sure that CVE-2012-2399 is *also* the same as CVE-2012-3414 for 
Neal Poole's movieName vector?

- Steve

-----Original Message-----
From: andrewnacin () gmail com [mailto:andrewnacin () gmail com] On Behalf Of
Andrew Nacin
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 4:37 PM
To: Kurt Seifried
Cc: Open Source Security; Jay Turla; nacin () wordpress org
Subject: [oss-security] Re: SWFUpload <= (Object Injection/CSRF) Vulnerabilities
Multiple flaws

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Kurt Seifried <kseifried () redhat com> wrote:
This was brought to my attention by Jay Turla <shipcodez () gmail com>,
after some searching I found:


and after testing (it works). So please use:

CVE-2013-4144 swfupload KedAns-Dz object injection
CVE-2013-4145 swfupload KedAns-Dz XSS
CVE-2013-4146 swfupload KedAns-Dz CSRF

CVE-2013-4145 (XSS) is actually CVE-2012-2399. And, CVE-2013-4146
(CSRF) seems to be just the potential for CSRF via XSS -- don't think
this is a separate issue.

Neither of those are reproducible in

We're aware of CVE-2013-4144 and intend to fix it soon, but it's
really tough to classify "image injection" as a serious vulnerability
without there being any actual XSS there to further trick the user.

Also alerting WordPress.

Thank you.

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