oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: Denial of Service and Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON [CVE-2013-0269]

From: jordi gemsstatus <jordigemsstatus () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 13:01:38 +0100

What about json_pure gem?

2013/2/11 Aaron Patterson <tenderlove () ruby-lang org>

Denial of Service and Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON

There is a denial of service and unsafe object creation vulnerability in
the json gem. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier

Versions Affected:  All. This includes JSON that ships with Ruby
Not affected:       NONE
Fixed Versions:     1.7.7, 1.6.8, 1.5.5

When parsing certain JSON documents, the JSON gem can be coerced in to
creating Ruby symbols in a target system.  Since Ruby symbols are not
garbage collected, this can result in a denial of service attack.

The same technique can be used to create objects in a target system that
act like internal objects.  These "act alike" objects can be used to bypass
certain security mechanisms and can be used as a spring board for SQL
injection attacks in Ruby on Rails.

Impacted code looks like this:


Where the `user_input` variable will have a JSON document like this:


The JSON gem will attempt to look up the constant "foo".  Looking up this
constant will create a symbol.

In JSON version 1.7.x, objects with arbitrary attributes can be created
using JSON documents like this:


This document will result in an instance of JSON::GenericObject, with the
attribute "foo" that has the value "bar".  Instantiating these objects will
result in arbitrary symbol creation and in some cases can be used to bypass
security measures.

PLEASE NOTE: this behavior *does not change* when using `JSON.load`.
 `JSON.load` should *never* be given input from unknown sources.  If you
are processing JSON from an unknown source, *always* use `JSON.parse`.

All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one of
the work arounds immediately.

The FIXED releases are available at the normal locations.

For users that cannot upgrade, please use the attached patches.  If you
cannot use the attached patches, change your code from this:


To this:

    JSON.parse(json, :create_additions => false)

If you cannot change the usage of `JSON.parse` (for example you're using a
gem which depends on `JSON.parse` like multi_json), then apply this monkey

    module JSON
      class << self
        alias :old_parse :parse
        def parse(json, args = {})
          args[:create_additions] = false
          old_parse(json, args)

To aid users who aren't able to upgrade immediately we have provided
patches for the three supported release series.  They are in git-am format
and consist of a single changeset.

* 1-7-VULN.patch - Patch for the 1.7 series
* 1-6-VULN.patch - Patch for the 1.6 series
* 1-5-VULN.patch - Patch for the 1.5 series

A huge thanks goes to the following people for responsibly disclosing this
issue and working with the Rails team to get it fixed:

* Thomas Hollstegge of Zweitag (www.zweitag.de)
* Ben Murphy

Aaron Patterson

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