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Re: Randomness Attacks Against PHP Applications

From: Vladimir Vorontsov <vladimir.vorontsov () onsec ru>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 19:49:24 +0400

Hi all,

Main problem is code architecture.
Do not use many calls of various rand() for random generating.

i.e. vulnerable code:
function generateRandomString($len){
        $chars = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,.1234567890";
        return $rstr;

it is relevant for all pseudo-random generator, not only PHP.

p.s. slides 18-21

15.09.12, 6:36, Solar Designer пишет:
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 02:31:07PM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 11:19:14AM -0700, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
Paper authors tried to port this to PHP security team, but it seems the
answer was that it was an application problem.

Here's a vulnerability in and attack on session IDs of PHP proper:


This is not exactly the same topic (PHP apps vs. PHP itself), yet it's
closely related and the timing of it was provoked by the same research.

FWIW, here's a PHP mt_rand() seed cracker that I wrote:


It finds possible seeds given the very first mt_rand() output after
being seeded with mt_srand().

Here's a sample run.  First, generate a sample "random" number (using
PHP 5.3.x in this case):

$ php5 -r 'mt_srand(1234567890); echo mt_rand(), "\n";'

Now build and run the cracker:

$ make
gcc -Wall -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fopenmp php_mt_seed.c -o php_mt_seed
$ time ./php_mt_seed 1328851649
Found 0, trying 654311424 - 671088639, speed 13631488 seeds per second
seed = 658126103
Found 1, trying 1224736768 - 1241513983, speed 13585543 seeds per second
seed = 1234567890
Found 2, trying 4278190080 - 4294967295, speed 13617003 seeds per second
Found 2

real    5m15.397s
user    41m58.185s
sys     0m0.044s

In 5 minutes of real time (on an FX-8120 CPU), it found the original
seed, another seed that also produces the same mt_rand() output, and it
searched the rest of the 32-bit seed space (not finding other matches).

Note that this is a lot slower than crackers for LCG PRNG seeds, which
were crackable in way under 1 second even in 1990s (IIRC, some IDS
products did that for potential Back Orifice backdoor traffic, to detect
it regardless of password used).  There's a 397 iterations loop per seed
tested here.  Of course, a rainbow table would be quick.

Here's an OpenCL implementation by Gifts:


According to Gifts, this one tests 190 million seeds per second on a GTX
560 Ti, for a total running time of 22 seconds.

Maybe these PoCs will help convince someone.


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