Nmap Development mailing list archives

Re: [NSE] broadcast-igmp-discovery.nse: add group names

From: Vasily Kulikov <segoon () openwall com>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 18:58:52 +0400

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 19:58 -0800, David Fifield wrote:
Thanks, these changes look nice. Can you edit your patch to include
changes to the NSEDoc @output so that we can see how the output changes?
I think you want

Thanks, the updated version:

--- scripts/broadcast-igmp-discovery.nse.old    2012-11-28 12:38:03.044421190 +0400
+++ scripts/broadcast-igmp-discovery.nse        2012-11-29 18:57:16.755609391 +0400
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 -- @args broadcast-igmp-discovery.interface Network interface to use.
+-- @args broadcast-igmp-discovery.mgroupnamesdb Database with multicast group names
 -- nmap --script broadcast-igmp-discovery
 -- nmap --script broadcast-igmp-discovery -e wlan0
@@ -46,23 +48,43 @@
 -- |     Version: 3
 -- |     Group:
 -- |       Mode: EXCLUDE
+-- |       Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365)
 -- |     Group:
 -- |       Mode: EXCLUDE
+-- |       Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365)
 -- |     Group:
 -- |       Mode: INCLUDE
+-- |       Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365)
 -- |       Sources:
 -- | 
 -- |
 -- |     Interface: wlan0
 -- |     Version: 2
 -- |     Group:
+-- |     Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365)
 -- |
 -- |     Interface: wlan0
 -- |     Version: 2
 -- |     Group:
+-- |     Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365)
 -- |_  Use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets
+-- The Multicast Group names DB can be created by the following script:
+-- #!/usr/bin/awk -f
+-- BEGIN { FS="<|>"; }
+-- /<record/ { r=1; addr1=""; addr2=""; rfc=""; }
+-- /<addr>.*-.*<\/addr>/ { T=$3; FS="-"; $0=T; addr1=$1; addr2=$2; FS="<|>"; }
+-- /<addr>[^-]*<\/addr>/ { addr1=$3; addr2=$3; }
+-- /<description>/ { desc=$3; }
+-- /<xref type=\"rfc\"/ { T=$2; FS="\""; $0=T; rfc=" ("  $4  ")"; FS="<|>"; }
+-- /<\/record/ { r=0; if (addr1) { print addr1 "\t" addr2 "\t" desc rfc; } }
+-- wget -O- http://www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses/multicast-addresses.xml | \
+--      ./extract-mg-names >nselib/data/mgroupnames.db
 prerule = function()
     if nmap.address_family() ~= 'inet' then
@@ -262,6 +284,36 @@
           < ipOps.todword(b.src) + b.type + (b.ngroups or ipOps.todword(b.group))
+local mgroup_names_fetch = function(filename)
+    local groupnames_db = {}
+    local file = io.open(filename, "r")
+    if not file then
+       return false
+    end
+    for l in file:lines() do
+       groupnames_db[#groupnames_db + 1] = stdnse.strsplit("\t", l)
+    end
+    file:close()
+    return groupnames_db
+local mgroup_name_identify = function(db, ip)
+    --stdnse.print_debug("%s: '%s'", SCRIPT_NAME, ip)
+    for _, mg in ipairs(db) do
+        local ip1 = mg[1]
+        local ip2 = mg[2]
+        local desc = mg[3]
+        --stdnse.print_debug("%s: try: %s <= %s <= %s (%s)", SCRIPT_NAME, ip1, ip, ip2, desc)
+        if (not ipOps.compare_ip(ip, "lt", ip1) and not ipOps.compare_ip(ip2, "lt", ip)) then
+            --stdnse.print_debug("%s: found! %s <= %s <= %s (%s)", SCRIPT_NAME, ip1, ip, ip2, desc)
+            return desc
+        end
+    end
+    return false
 action = function(host, port)
     local timeout = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".timeout")) or 7
@@ -275,6 +327,10 @@
     local responses, results, interfaces, lthreads = {}, {}, {}, {}
     local result, grouptable, sourcetable
+    local group_names_fname = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".mgroupnamesdb") or
+        nmap.fetchfile("nselib/data/mgroupnames.db")
+    local mg_names_db = group_names_fname and mgroup_names_fetch(group_names_fname)
     -- Check the interface
     interface = interface or nmap.get_interface()
     if interface then
@@ -335,6 +391,10 @@
            elseif response.type == 0x16 then
                table.insert(result, "Version: 2")
                table.insert(result, "Group: ".. response.group)
+               local mg_desc = mgroup_name_identify(mg_names_db, response.group)
+               if mg_desc then
+                   table.insert(result, "Description: ".. mg_desc)
+               end
            elseif response.type == 0x22 then
                table.insert(result, "Version: 3")
                for _, group in pairs(response.groups) do
@@ -345,6 +405,10 @@
                    elseif group.mode == 0x02 then
                        table.insert(grouptable, "Mode: EXCLUDE")
+                   local mg_desc = mgroup_name_identify(mg_names_db, group.address)
+                   if mg_desc then
+                       table.insert(grouptable, "Description: ".. mg_desc)
+                   end
                    if group.nsrc > 0 then
                        sourcetable = {}
                        sourcetable.name = "Sources:"
Vasily Kulikov
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Attachment: mgroupnames.db

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