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Re: [NSE] rpc library

From: Djalal Harouni <tixxdz () gmail com>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 23:36:06 +0100

On 2010-04-08 22:10:38 +0200, Patrik Karlsson wrote:
Hi Djalal,

Once again, thanks for the patch, I appreciate it! I think it brings some great improvement to the error handling and 
I like the changes you've done in regard of how the Comm class is used.
I also think there are some good points in your TODO (specifically the NFSv4 support and authentication). If you want 
to help out looking in to these let me know.
yes I am interested in NFSv4, I will give it a try in the next days.

Here are a few comments in regard to the patch:

* Make sure that all function names and parameters follow the same naming convention as used in the library.
  I know this is somewhat messy, looking at the NSE libraries and scripts as a whole. I have certainly introduced my 
share of the mess too changing conventions between scripts.
  That said, I think you should keep to the same naming convention as already used by a script or library to keep it 

* The parameters "program" and "version" in the Comm:new method are never used.
   When creating a Comm instance like this Comm:new({program='mountd', version=mountd.version}) the program and 
version parameters are passed as a table in parameter o.
   While the function could take additional parameters, the current implementation does nothing with them.
I will use a more basic model. 

* I'm not particularly happy with the set_rpcinfo function as it does not really match up with its description and 
also because it's never called outside of the constructor/new method. 
  I guess the reason for this code not being inside of the constructor is that it could then be returning nil on 
failure which isn't great.
  I therefore suggest you to move this code out to the connect method instead and catch any version mismatch there 
and return an error.
Yeh, the idea was: since the lib uses the OO paradigm, perhaps creating simple facilities functions to change the 
propreities of an rpc Comm object: SetProgram (changes the program name and the id), SetVersion etc. I will create a 
new function: ChkVersion() used in the Connect() and in the SetVersion() (I didn't forget that this is Lua :) ).

* The RPC_Registry table is somewhat superfluous and in my opinion the code becomes more difficult to read this way.
the RPC_registry table is useful when adding new rpc services and to
avoid hard coding in functions which is not flexible.
perhaps a new name for the table ?

And what about this:
- patches for nfs-* and rpcinfo scripts, to use "return stdnse.format_output(false, data)" on errors
- separate code: NFS code in nfs.lua ... etc, all these libraries will require("rpc") to handle rpc communications, 
Portmap class and RpcInfo functions must stay in rpc.lua

NB: I will send you the new version ASAP, so we can move to other
features, thx.


On 6 apr 2010, at 01.52, Djalal Harouni wrote:

attached are two files: rpc.lua.diff and rpc.lua.new (new lib)

new rpc.lua (code cleaned):
- Comm Class/object will store/handle all rpc program infos and low
 level network operations.
- Comm object is passed to NFS, Mount, Portmap functions as a parameter
 (they don't need to have a local copy).
- added some debug output, nfs and mount versions mismatch check.
- added NFS and Mount stat codes support with msg descriptions, perhaps
 useful in the futur: nfs vulnerabilitu check (check nfs code, check
 permissions issues, ressource limits ... etc)!!, i don't know if there
 is a tool that let as check the common POSIX ACLs issues over NFS
 (NFSv4 is a good condidate) or mount options: filesystems with block
 special devices enabled ... etc, perhaps patrik's nfs-acls.nse script
 is a good start.

- new protocols who may use the rpc.lua, must be added to the RPC_version table.
- all the nse scripts wich uses the rpc.Helper class functions, must use
 this code to handle errors:
 return stdnse.format_output(false, data)
 so we need probably simple patches for nfs-* and rpcinfo scripts.

- separate code: NFS code in nfs.lua ... etc, all these libraries will
 require("rpc") to handle rpc communications, Portmap class and RpcInfo
 functions must stay in rpc.lua
- complete the NFS procedures.
- add others filetypes support.
- add NFSv4 support.
- add more rpc stuff: error code, authentification ... etc
- ...

NB: patrik has already implemented this sutff, this is simply a
thx patrik.

feedbacks ?

On 2010-04-02 20:03:40 +0200, Patrik Karlsson wrote:
I've commited this as r17146. I ended up patching only the ReadDir function as the StatFs function is only 
available for version less than 3 where the file handle length is fixed at 32 octets.
Thanks for the bug report Djalal!


On 2 apr 2010, at 17.49, Djalal Harouni wrote:

BTW patrik if you can commit these changes (nfsv3 fhandles correction) it will
be cool so i can work on a clean svn copy.

On 2010-04-02 16:41:47 +0100, Djalal Harouni wrote:
On 2010-04-02 17:32:08 +0200, Patrik Karlsson wrote:
Hi Djalal,

On 2 apr 2010, at 17.23, Djalal Harouni wrote:

On 2010-04-02 17:10:00 +0200, Patrik Karlsson wrote:
I'm having some trouble applying this patch against the rpc.lua in svn.
A portion of the patch gets rejected and my diff/patch skills are limited.

Can anyone share some diff/patch magic or can you send me a patch against svn Djalal?

hi patrick i just send you the patch nfsv3_rpc.lua.diff against r17144
and it's attached to, for the second patch i will probably add some more
error handling and reporting as suggested by david:


This patch looks very small compared to the first you sent me which contained both the NFS3 file handle fixes, 
comm class re-design and improved error handling.
I had a quick look at the comm re-design in the previous patch you sent, and it looked quite good. Will it be 
part of the second patch you mentioned?
yes, i must rewrite the error handling code.

Oh, and the self.version > 2 patch is incorrect as NFSv3 does not have the STATFS procedure, the procedure 17 
has been replaced with READDIRPLUS in v3.
ah sorry.

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Patrik Karlsson


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Patrik Karlsson

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Patrik Karlsson

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