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Call for testers: Nping 0.1BETA1 Released.

From: "Luis M." <luis.mgarc () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 13:37:26 +0100


I am pleased to announce the first beta version of Nping, the new Nmap's packet generation utility. 

Nping, inspired by Antirez's hping application, lets you take your probing to a lower level. It allows to generate 
network packets of a wide range of protocols, letting users to tune virtually any field of the protocol headers. While 
Nping can be used as a simple ping utility to detect active hosts, it can also be used as a raw packet generator for 
network stack stress tests, ARP poisoning, Denial of Service attacks, route tracing, etc.

This is a call for betatesters. Please, if you have the time, download Nping, play with it, and report any problems you 
find. Here are some simple instructions to get Nping working in 2 minutes:


You can download the latest version from the SVN repo running the following command:

svn co --username guest --password "" svn://svn.insecure.org/nmap-exp/luis/nping


2.1 UNIX systems:

The traditional "./configure && make && make install" should get Nping installed on your system.

2.2 Windows systems:

1. Open Visual Studio and the Nping solution file (nping/mswin32/nmap.sln).
2. Choose “Build Solution” from the “Build Menu”. Nping should begin compiling, and end with the line “-- Done --” 
saying that all projects built successfully and there were zero failures.
3. The executable file can be found in nping/mswin32/Debug/nping.exe. 
4. Ensure that you have WinPcap installed. You can obtain it by installing our binary self-installer or executing 
winpcap-nmap-<version>.exe from our zip package. Alternatively, you can obtain the official installer at 


A complete reference guide is available in the form of a man page. After installation, simply type "man nping" to 
access it. Also, an HTML version is available in nping/docs/nping_man.html. The man page is long so the attached file 
provides some examples that you can copy&paste into your terminal directly. 

Well, that's it. Thank you very much.



# These can be run with no privileges ******************************************

/* Do simple TCP connect()s to one host */
nping --tcp-connect google.com

/* Do simple TCP connect()s to multiple hosts */
nping --tcp-connect google.com ask.com yahoo.com bing.com

/* Send an UDP packet with 100 bytes of random data */
nping --udp google.com -p 53 --data-length 100

/* Try to TCP connect() to a range of ports */
nping --tcp-connect google.com -p75-85 -c 1

# These require root access ****************************************************

# Send TCP Syn with the ECN flag also set
sudo nping --tcp google.com --flags syn,ecn -p80,443

# Send UDP packet with a bogus checksum from port 1337
sudo nping --udp --badsum --source-port 1337 -p 53 google.com -v6

# Send ARP requests to
sudo nping --arp

# Send ARP requests to all host in network (inter-probe delay = 100ms)
sudo nping --arp --delay 100

# Send 300 TCP packets at a rate of 100pkts/sec
sudo nping --tcp google.com --rate 100 -c 300

# Send ICMP echo request wit custom ID and Seq fields
sudo nping google.com --icmp --icmp-type echo --icmp-id 31337 --icmp-seq 1

# Send ICMP echo reply
sudo nping google.com --icmp --icmp-type echo-reply

# Send ICMP Parameter problem with custom pointer
sudo nping google.com --icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem --icmp-param-pointer 9

# Send ICMP Source Quench
sudo nping google.com --icmp --icmp-type source-quench -v6

# Send ICMP Time Exceeded because time exceeded during reassembly
sudo nping google.com --icmp --icmp-type te --icmp-code frag-exc -v5

# Send ICMP Router Advertising with 2 entries
sudo nping google.com --icmp --icmp-type 9 --icmp-advert-entry,300 --icmp-advert-entry,12345 -v6

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