Nmap Development mailing list archives


From: Ron <ron () skullsecurity net>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2008 21:34:57 -0500

Hey guys,

As promised, I took apart smb-probe.nse and turned into a couple nselib
libraries. For anybody who hasn't done nselibs before, I'll just say for
the record -- it's extremely easy!

Anyways, I included smb-probe.nse for now, and it still works as it did
before, but it's only a demonstration of what smb.lua and netbios.lua
do. I'm going to re-write it as a handful of smaller and more targeted

So anyways, any thoughts on how this looks, or how it's set up? I'll
post a couple useful scripts later this week, hopefully.

Also, what's the best format to submit nselibs in, raw files or a patch?

--- Creates and parses NetBIOS traffic. The primary use for this is to send
--  NetBIOS name requests. 
--@author Ron Bowes <ron () skullsecurity net>
--@copyright See nmaps COPYING for licence

module(... or "netbios", package.seeall)

require 'bit'
require 'bin'

--- Encode a NetBIOS name for transport. Most packets that use the NetBIOS name
--  require this encoding to happen first. It takes a name containing any possible
--  character, and converted it to all uppercase characters (so it can, for example,
--  pass case-sensitive data in a case-insensitive way)
-- There are two levels of encoding performed:\n
-- L1: Pad the string to 16 characters withs spaces (or NULLs if it's the 
--     wildcard "*") and replace each byte with two bytes representing each
--     of its nibbles, plus 0x41. \n
-- L2: Prepend the length to the string, and to each substring in the scope
--     (separated by periods). \n
--@param name The name that will be encoded (eg. "TEST1"). 
--@param scope [optional] The scope to encode it with. I've never seen scopes used
--       in the real world (eg, "insecure.org"). 
--@return The L2-encoded name and scope 
--        (eg. "\x20FEEFFDFEDBCACACACACACACACACAAA\x08insecure\x03org")
function name_encode(name, scope)
        -- Truncate or pad the string to 16 bytes
        if(string.len(name) > 16) then
                name = string.sub(name, 1, 16)
                local padding = " "
                if name == "*" then
                        padding = "\0"

                        name = name .. padding
                until string.len(name) == 16

        -- Do the L1 encoding
        local L1_encoded = ""
        for i=1, string.len(name), 1 do
                local b = string.byte(name, i)
                L1_encoded = L1_encoded .. string.char(bit.rshift(bit.band(b, 0xF0), 4) + 0x41)
                L1_encoded = L1_encoded .. string.char(bit.rshift(bit.band(b, 0x0F), 0) + 0x41)

        -- Do the L2 encoding 
        local L2_encoded = string.char(32) .. L1_encoded

        if scope ~= nil then
                -- Split the scope at its periods
                local piece
                for piece in string.gmatch(scope, "[^.]+") do
                        L2_encoded = L2_encoded .. string.char(string.len(piece)) .. piece

        return L2_encoded

--- Does the exact opposite of name_encode. Converts an encoded name to
--  the string representation. If the encoding is invalid, it will still attempt
--  to decode the string as best as possible. 
--@param encoded_name The L2-encoded name
--@returns the decoded name and the scope. The name will still be padded, and the
--         scope will never be nil (empty string is returned if no scope is present)
function name_decode(encoded_name)
        local name = ""
        local scope = ""

        local len = string.byte(encoded_name, 1)
        local i

        for i = 2, len + 1, 2 do
                local ch = 0
                ch = bit.bor(ch, bit.lshift(string.byte(encoded_name, i)     - 0x41, 4))
                ch = bit.bor(ch, bit.lshift(string.byte(encoded_name, i + 1) - 0x41, 0))

                name = name .. string.char(ch)

        -- Decode the scope
        local pos = 34
        while string.len(encoded_name) > pos do
                local len = string.byte(encoded_name, pos)
                scope = scope .. string.sub(encoded_name, pos + 1, pos + len) .. "."
                pos = pos + 1 + len

        -- If there was a scope, remove the trailing period
        if(string.len(scope) > 0) then
                scope = string.sub(scope, 1, string.len(scope) - 1)

        return name, scope

--- Sends out a UDP probe on port 137 to get a human-readable list of names the
--  the system is using. 
--@param host The IP or hostname to check. 
--@param prefix [optional] The prefix to put on each line when it's returned. 
--@return (status, result) If status is true, the result is a human-readable 
--        list of names. Otherwise, result is an error message. 
function get_names(host, prefix)

        local status, names, name_count = do_nbstat(host)

        if(prefix == nil) then
                prefix = ""

        if(status) then
                local result = ""
                for i = 1, name_count, 1 do
                        result = result .. string.format("%s%s<%02x>\n", prefix, names[i][1], names[i][2])

                return true, result
                return false, names

--- Sends out a UDP probe on port 137 to get the server's name (that is, the
--  entry in its NBSTAT table with a 0x20 suffix). 
--@param host The IP or hostname of the server. 
--@return (status, result) If status is true, the result is the NetBIOS name. 
--        otherwise, result is an error message. 
function get_server_name(host)
        local status, names, name_count = do_nbstat(host)

        if(status) then
                local i
                for i = 1, name_count, 1 do
                        if names[i][2] == 0x20 then
                                return true, names[i][1]
                return false, names

        return false, "Couldn't find NetBIOS server name"

--- This is the function that actually handles the UDP query to retrieve
--  the NBSTAT information. 
-- The NetBIOS request's header looks like this:
--  --------------------------------------------------\n
--  |  15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 |\n
--  |                  NAME_TRN_ID                    |\n
--  | R |   OPCODE  |      NM_FLAGS      |   RCODE    | (FLAGS)\n
--  |                    QDCOUNT                      |\n
--  |                    ANCOUNT                      |\n
--  |                    NSCOUNT                      |\n
--  |                    ARCOUNT                      |\n
--  --------------------------------------------------\n
-- In this case, the TRN_ID is a constant (0x1337, what else?), the flags
-- are 0, and we have one question. All fields are network byte order. 
-- The body of the packet is a list of names to check for in the following
-- format:
-- (ntstring) encoded name
-- (2 bytes)  query type (0x0021 = NBSTAT)
-- (2 bytes)  query class (0x0001 = IN)
-- The response header is the exact same, except it'll have some flags set
-- (0x8000 for sure, since it's a response), and ANCOUNT will be 1. The format
-- of the answer is:\n
-- (ntstring) requested name\n
-- (2 bytes)  query type\n
-- (2 bytes)  query class\n
-- (2 bytes)  time to live\n
-- (2 bytes)  record length\n
-- (1 byte)   number of names\n
-- [for each name]\n
--  (16 bytes) padded name, with a 1-byte suffix\n
--  (2 bytes)  flags\n
--@param host The IP or hostname of the system. 
--@return (status, result) If status is true, then the servers names are
--        returned as an array of (name, suffix, flags). 
--        Otherwise, result is an error message. 
function do_nbstat(host)

        local socket = nmap.new_socket()
        local encoded_name = name_encode("*")

        -- Create the query header
        local query = bin.pack(">SSSSSS", 
                        0x1337,  -- Transaction id
                        0x0000,  -- Flags
                        1,       -- Questions
                        0,       -- Answers
                        0,       -- Authority
                        0        -- Extra

        query = query .. bin.pack(">zSS", 
                        encoded_name, -- Encoded name
                        0x0021,       -- Query type (0x21 = NBSTAT)
                        0x0001        -- Class = IN
        socket:connect(host, 137, "udp")

        local status, result = socket:receive_bytes(1);

        if(status) then
                local pos, TRN_ID, FLAGS, QDCOUNT, ANCOUNT, NSCOUNT, ARCOUNT, rr_name, rr_type, rr_class, rr_ttl
                local rrlength, name_count

                pos, TRN_ID, FLAGS, QDCOUNT, ANCOUNT, NSCOUNT, ARCOUNT = bin.unpack(">SSSSSS", result)

                -- Sanity check the result (has to have the same TRN_ID, 1 answer, and proper flags)
                if(TRN_ID ~= 0x1337) then
                        return false, string.format("Invalid transaction ID returned: 0x%04x", TRN_ID)
                if(ANCOUNT ~= 1) then
                        return false, "Server returned an invalid number of answers"
                if(bit.band(FLAGS, 0x8000) == 0) then
                        return false, "Server's flags didn't indicate a response"
                if(bit.band(FLAGS, 0x0007) ~= 0) then
                        return false, string.format("Server returned a NetBIOS error: 0x%02x", bit.band(FLAGS, 0x0007))

                -- Start parsing the answer field
                pos, rr_name, rr_type, rr_class, rr_ttl = bin.unpack(">zSSI", result, pos)

                -- More sanity checks
                if(rr_name ~= encoded_name) then
                        return false, "Server returned incorrect name"
                if(rr_class ~= 0x0001) then
                        return false, "Server returned incorrect class"
                if(rr_type ~= 0x0021) then
                        return false, "Server returned incorrect query type"

                pos, rrlength, name_count = bin.unpack(">SC", result, pos)

                local names = {}
                for i = 1, name_count do
                        local name, suffix, flags

                        -- Instead of reading the 16-byte name and pulling off the suffix, 
                        -- we read the first 15 bytes and then the 1-byte suffix. 
                        pos, name, suffix, flags = bin.unpack(">A15CS", result, pos)
                        name = string.gsub(name, "[ ]*$", "")
                        names[i] = { name, suffix, flags }
                return true, names, name_count

                return false, "Name query failed: " .. result

--- A library for SMB (Server Message Block) (aka CIFS) traffic. This traffic is normally
--  sent to/from ports 139 or 445 of Windows systems, although it's also implemented by
--  others (the most notable one being Samba). 
-- The intention of this library is toe ventually handle all aspects of the SMB protocol,
-- A programmer using this library must already have some knowledge of the SMB protocol, 
-- although a lot isn't necessary. You can pick up a lot by looking at the code that uses
-- this. The basic login is this:
-- To initially begin the connection, there are two options:
-- 1) Attempt to start a raw session over 445, if it's open. \n
-- 2) Attempt to start a NetBIOS session over 139. Although the 
--    protocol's the same, it requires a "session request" packet. 
--    That packet requires the computer's name, which is requested
--    using a NBSTAT probe over UDP port 137. \n
-- Once it's connected, a SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE_PROTOCOL packet is sent, 
-- requesting the protocol "NT LM 0.12", which is the most commonly
-- supported one. Among other things, the server's response contains
-- the host's security level, the system time, and the computer/domain
-- name.
-- If that's successful, SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX is sent. It is essentially the logon
-- packet, where the username, domain, and password are sent to the server for verification. 
-- The response to SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX is fairly simple, containing a boolean for 
-- success, along with the operating system and the lan manager name. 
-- After a successful SMB_COM_SESSION_START_ANDX has been made, a 
-- SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX packet can be sent. This is what connects to a share. 
-- The server responds to this with a boolean answer, and little more information. 

-- Each share will either return STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME if the share doesn't
-- exist, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED if it exists but we don't have access, or 
-- STATUS_SUCCESS if exists and we do have access. 
-- Thanks go to Christopher R. Hertel and Implementing CIFS, which 
-- taught me everything I know about Microsoft's protocols. 
--@author Ron Bowes <ron () skullsecurity net>
--@copyright See nmaps COPYING for licence
module(... or "smb", package.seeall)

require 'bit'
require 'bin'
require 'netbios'

--- Begins a raw SMB session, likely over port 445. Since nothing extra is required, this
--  function simply makes a connection and returns the socket. 
--  it off to smb_start(). 
-- [TODO] error handling
--@param host The host (or IP) to check.
--@param port The port to use (most likely 445).
--@return (status, socket) if status is true, result is the newly created socket. 
--        Otherwise, result is the error message. 
function start_raw(host, port)
        local socket = nmap.new_socket()

        socket:connect(host, port, "tcp")

        return true, socket

--- Begins a SMB session over NetBIOS. This requires a NetBIOS Session Start message to 
--  be sent first, which in turn requires the NetBIOS name. The name can be provided as
--  a parameter, or it can be automatically determined. 
--@param host The host (or IP) to check.
--@param port The port to use (most likely 139).
--@param name [optional] The NetBIOS name of the host. Will attempt to automatically determine
--            if it isn't given. 
--@return (status, port) if status is true, result is the port
--        Otherwise, result is the error message. 
function start_netbios(host, port, name)
        local pos, status, result, flags, length
        local socket = nmap.new_socket()

        if(name == nil) then
                -- Get the name of the server
                status, name = netbios.get_server_name(host)
                if(status == false) then
                        return false, result

        -- Request a NetBIOS session
        session_request = bin.pack(">CCSzz", 
                                0x81,                        -- session request
                                0x00,                        -- flags
                                0x44,                        -- length
                                netbios.name_encode(name),   -- server name
                                netbios.name_encode("NMAP")  -- client name
        socket:connect(host, port, "tcp")

        -- Receive the session response
        status, result = socket:receive_bytes(4);
        pos, result, flags, length = bin.unpack(">CCS", result)

        -- Check for a position session response (0x82)
        if result ~= 0x82 then
                return false, "Server refused to grant a NetBIOS session"

        return true, socket

--- Creates a string containing a SMB packet header. The header looks like this:\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- | 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |         0xFF           |          'S'          |        'M'            |         'B'           |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |        Command         |                             Status...                                 |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |    ...Status           |        Flags          |                    Flags2                     |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |                    PID_high                    |                  Signature.....               |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |                                        ....Signature....                                       |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |              ....Signature                     |                    Unused                     |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |                      TID                       |                     PID                       |\n
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
-- |                      UID                       |                     MID                       |\n
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n
-- All fields are, incidentally, encoded in little endian byte order. \n
-- For the purposes here, the program doesn't care about most of the fields so they're given default \n
-- values. The fields of interest are:\n
-- * Command -- The command of the packet (SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE, SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX, etc)\n
-- * UID/TID -- Sent by the server, and just have to be echoed back\n
--@param command The command to use.
--@param uid     The UserID, which is returned by SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX (0 otherwise)
--@param tid     The TreeID, which is returned by SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX (0 otherwise)
--@return A binary string containing the packed packet header. 
local function smb_encode_header(command, uid, tid)

        -- Used for the header
        local smb = string.char(0xFF) .. "SMB"

        -- Pretty much every flags is deprecated. We set these two because they're required to be on. 
        local flags  = bit.bor(0x10, 0x08) -- SMB_FLAGS_CANONICAL_PATHNAMES | SMB_FLAGS_CASELESS_PATHNAMES
        -- These flags are less deprecated. We negotiate 32-bit status codes and long names. We also don't include 
Unicode, which tells
        -- the server that we deal in ASCII. 
        local flags2 = bit.bor(0x4000, 0x0040, 0x0001) -- SMB_FLAGS2_32BIT_STATUS | SMB_FLAGS2_IS_LONG_NAME | 

        local header = bin.pack("<CCCCCICSSLSSSSS",
                                smb:byte(1),  -- Header
                                smb:byte(2),  -- Header
                                smb:byte(3),  -- Header
                                smb:byte(4),  -- Header
                                command,      -- Command
                                0,            -- status
                                flags,        -- flags
                                flags2,       -- flags2
                                0,            -- extra (pid_high)
                                0,            -- extra (signature)
                                0,            -- extra (unused)
                                tid,          -- tid
                                0,            -- pid
                                uid,          -- uid
                                0             -- mid

        return header

--- Converts a string containing the parameters section into the encoded parameters string. 
-- The encoding is simple:\n
-- (1 byte)   The number of 2-byte values in the parameters section\n
-- (variable) The parameter section\n
-- This is automatically done by smb_send(). 
-- @param parameters The parameters section. 
-- @return The encoded parameters. 
local function smb_encode_parameters(parameters)
        return bin.pack("<CA", string.len(parameters) / 2, parameters)

--- Converts a string containing the data section into the encoded data string. 
-- The encoding is simple:\n
-- (2 bytes)  The number of bytes in the data section\n
-- (variable) The data section\n
-- This is automatically done by smb_send(). 
-- @param data The data section. 
-- @return The encoded data.
local function smb_encode_data(data)
        return bin.pack("<SA", string.len(data), data)

--- Prepends the NetBIOS header to the packet, which is essentially the length, encoded
--  in 4 bytes of big endian, and sends it out. The length field is actually 17 or 24 bits 
--  wide, depending on whether or not we're using raw, but that shouldn't matter. 
-- [TODO] Error checking
--@param socket The socket to send the packet on.
--@param header The header, encoded with smb_get_header().
--@param parameters The parameters
--@param data The data
function smb_send(socket, header, parameters, data)
    local encoded_parameters = smb_encode_parameters(parameters)
    local encoded_data       = smb_encode_data(data)
    local len = string.len(header) + string.len(encoded_parameters) + string.len(encoded_data)
    local out = bin.pack(">I<AAA", len, header, encoded_parameters, encoded_data)


--- Reads the next packet from the socket, and parses it into the header, parameters, 
--  and data. 
-- [TODO] This assumes that exactly one packet arrives, which may not be the case. 
--        Some buffering should happen here. Currently, we're waiting on 32 bytes, which
--        is the length of the header, but there's no guarantee that we get the entire
--        body. 
--@param socket The socket to read the packet from
--@return (status, header, parameters, data) If status is true, the header, 
--        parameters, and data are all the raw arrays (with the lengths already
--        removed). If status is false, header contains an error message and parameters/
--        data are undefined. 
function smb_read(socket)
        local status, result
        local pos, length, header, parameter_length, parameters, data_length, data

        -- Receive the response
        -- [TODO] set the timeout length per jah's strategy:
        --   http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0702.html
        status, result = socket:receive_bytes(32);

        -- Make sure the connection is still alive
        if(status ~= true) then
                return false, result

        -- The length of the packet is 4 bytes of big endian (for our purposes).
        -- The header is 32 bytes.
        pos, length, header   = bin.unpack(">I<A32", result)
        -- The parameters length is a 1-byte value.
        pos, parameter_length = bin.unpack("<C",     result, pos)
        -- Double the length parameter, since parameters are two-byte values. 
        pos, parameters       = bin.unpack(string.format("<A%d", parameter_length*2), result, pos)
        -- The data length is a 2-byte value. 
        pos, data_length      = bin.unpack("<S",     result, pos)
        -- Read that many bytes of data.
        pos, data             = bin.unpack(string.format("<A%d", data_length),        result, pos)

        return status, header, parameters, data

--- Sends out SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE_PROTOCOL, which is typically the first SMB packet sent out. 
-- Sends the following:\n
-- * List of known protocols\n
-- Receives:\n
-- * The prefered dialect\n
-- * The security mode\n
-- * Max number of multiplexed connectiosn, virtual circuits, and buffer sizes\n
-- * The server's system time and timezone\n
-- * The "encryption key" (aka, the server challenge)\n
-- * The capabilities\n
-- * The server and domain names\n
--@param socket The socket, in the proper state (ie, newly connected). 
--@return (status, result) If status is false, result is an error message. Otherwise, result is a 
--        table with the following elements:\n
--      'security_mode'    Whether or not to use cleartext passwords, message signatures, etc.\n
--      'max_mpx'          Maximum number of multiplexed connections\n
--      'max_vc'           Maximum number of virtual circuits\n
--      'max_buffer'       Maximum buffer size\n
--      'max_raw_buffer'   Maximum buffer size for raw connections (considered obsolete)\n
--      'session_key'      A value that's basically just echoed back\n
--      'capabilities'     The server's capabilities\n
--      'time'             The server's time (in UNIX-style seconds since 1970)\n
--      'date'             The server's date in a user-readable format\n
--      'timezone'         The server's timezone, in hours from UTC\n
--      'timezone_str'     The server's timezone, as a string\n
--      'server_challenge' A random string used for challenge/response\n
--      'domain'           The server's primary domain\n
--      'server'           The server's name\n
function smb_negotiate_protocol(socket)
        local header, parameters, data
        local pos
        local header1, header2, header3, ehader4, command, status, flags, flags2, pid_high, signature, unused, pid, mid
        local dialect, security_mode, max_mpx, max_vc, max_buffer, max_raw_buffer, session_key, capabilities, time, 
timezone, key_length
        local server_challenge, date, timezone_str
        local domain, server
        local response = {}

        header     = smb_encode_header(0x72, 0, 0)

        -- Parameters are blank
        parameters = ""

        -- Data is a list of strings, terminated by a blank one. 
        data       = bin.pack("<CzCz", 2, "NT LM 0.12", 2, "")

        -- Send the negotiate request
        smb_send(socket, header, parameters, data)

        -- Read the result
        status, header, parameters, data = smb_read(socket)
        if(status ~= true) then
                return false, header

        -- Since this is our first response, parse out the header
        pos, header1, header2, header3, header4, command, status, flags, flags2, pid_high, signature, unused, tid, pid, 
uid, mid = bin.unpack("<CCCCCICSSlSSSSS", header)

        -- Parse the parameter section
        pos, dialect, security_mode, max_mpx, max_vc, max_buffer, max_raw_buffer, session_key, capabilities, time, 
timezone, key_length = bin.unpack("<SCSSIIIILsC", parameters)

        -- Convert the time and timezone to more useful values
        time = (time / 10000000) - 11644473600
        date = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time)
        timezone = -(timezone / 60)
        if(timezone == 0) then
                timezone_str = "UTC+0"
        elseif(timezone < 0) then
                timezone_str = "UTC-" .. math.abs(timezone)
                timezone_str = "UTC+" .. timezone

        -- Data section
        -- This one's a little messier, because I don't appear to have unicode support
        pos, server_challenge = bin.unpack(string.format("<A%d", key_length), data)

        -- Get the domain as a Unicode string
        local ch, dummy
        domain = ""
        pos, ch, dummy = bin.unpack("<CC", data, pos)
        while ch ~= 0 do
                domain = domain .. string.char(ch)
                pos, ch, dummy = bin.unpack("<CC", data, pos)

        -- Get the server name as a Unicode string
        server = ""
        pos, ch, dummy = bin.unpack("<CC", data, pos)
        while ch do
                server = server .. string.char(ch)
                pos, ch, dummy = bin.unpack("<CC", data, pos)

        -- Fill out response variables
        response['security_mode']    = security_mode
        response['max_mpx']          = max_mpx
        response['max_vc']           = max_vc
        response['max_buffer']       = max_buffer
        response['max_raw_buffer']   = max_raw_buffer
        response['session_key']      = session_key
        response['capabilities']     = capabilities
        response['time']             = time
        response['date']             = date
        response['timezone']         = timezone
        response['timezone_str']     = timezone_str
        response['server_challenge'] = server_challenge
        response['domain']           = domain
        response['server']           = server

        return true, response

--- Sends out SMB_COM_SESSION_START_ANDX, which attempts to log a user in. 
-- Sends the following:\n
-- * Negotiated parameters (multiplexed connections, virtual circuit, capabilities)\n
-- * Passwords (plaintext, unicode, lanman, ntlm, lmv2, ntlmv2, etc)\n
-- * Account name\n
-- * OS (I just send "Nmap")\n
-- * Native LAN Manager (no clue what that is, but it seems to be ignored)\n
-- Receives the following:\n
-- * User ID\n
-- * Server OS\n
--@param socket       The socket, in the proper state (ie, after protocol has been negotiated).
--@param username     The account name to use. For Null sessions, leave it blank (''). 
--@param session_key  The session_key value, returned by SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE_PROTOCOL.  
--@param capabilities The server's capabilities, returned by SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE_PROTOCOL. 
--@return (status, result) If status is false, result is an error message. Otherwise, result is a 
--        table with the following elements:\n
--      'uid'         The UserID for the session
--      'is_guest'    If set, the username wasn't found so the user was automatically logged in
--                    as the guest account
--      'os'          The operating system
--      'lanmanager'  The servers's LAN Manager
function smb_start_session(socket, username, session_key, capabilities)
        local status, result
        local header, parameters, data
        local pos
        local header1, header2, header3, header4, command, status, flags, flags2, pid_high, signature, unused, tid, 
pid, uid, mid 
        local andx_command, andx_reserved, andx_offset, action
        local os, lanmanager, domain
        local response = {}

        header     = smb_encode_header(0x73, 0, 0)

        -- Parameters
        parameters = bin.pack("<CCSSSSISSII", 
                                0xFF,        -- ANDX -- no further commands
                                0x00,        -- ANDX -- Reserved (0)
                                0x0000,      -- ANDX -- next offset
                                0x1000,      -- Max buffer size
                                0x0001,      -- Max multiplexes
                                0x0000,      -- Virtual circuit num
                                session_key, -- The session key
                                0,           -- ANSI/Lanman password length
                                0,           -- Unicode/NTLM password length
                                0,           -- Reserved
                capabilities -- Capabilities

        -- Data is a list of strings, terminated by a blank one. 
        data       = bin.pack("<zzzz", 
                                                -- ANSI/Lanman password
                                                -- Unicode/NTLM password
                                username,       -- Account
                                "",             -- Domain
                                "Nmap",         -- OS
                                "Native Lanman" -- Native LAN Manager
        -- Send the session setup request
        smb_send(socket, header, parameters, data)

        -- Read the result
        status, header, parameters, data = smb_read(socket)
        if(status ~= true) then
                return false, header

        -- Check if we were allowed in
        pos, header1, header2, header3, header4, command, status, flags, flags2, pid_high, signature, unused, tid, pid, 
uid, mid = bin.unpack("<CCCCCICSSlSSSSS", header)
        if(status ~= 0) then
                return false, status

        -- Parse the parameters
        pos, andx_command, andx_reserved, andx_offset, action = bin.unpack("<CCSS", parameters)

        -- Parse the data
        pos, os, lanmanager, domain = bin.unpack("<zzz", data)

        -- Fill in the response string
        response['uid']        = uid
        response['is_guest']   = bit.band(action, 1)
        response['os']         = os
        response['lanmanager'] = lanmanager

        return true, response

--- Sends out SMB_COM_SESSION_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX, which attempts to connect to a share. 
-- Sends the following:\n
-- * Password (for share-level security, which we don't support)\n
-- * Share name\n
-- * Share type (or "?????" if it's unknown, that's what we do)\n
-- Receives the following:\n
-- * Tree ID\n
--@param socket The socket, in the proper state. 
--@param path   The path to connect (eg, \\servername\C$)
--@param uid    The UserID, returned by SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX
--@return (status, result) If status is false, result is an error message. Otherwise, result is a 
--        table with the following elements:\n
--      'tid'         The TreeID for the session
function smb_tree_connect(socket, path, uid)
        local response = ""
        local header, parameters, data
        local pos
        local header1, header2, header3, header4, command, status, flags, flags2, pid_high, signature, unused, pid, mid 
        local andx_command, andx_reserved, andx_offset, action
        local response = {}

        header = smb_encode_header(0x75, uid, 0)
        parameters = bin.pack("<CCSSS", 
                                        0xFF,   -- ANDX no further commands
                                        0x00,   -- ANDX reserved
                                        0x0000, -- ANDX offset
                                        0x0000, -- flags
                                        0x0000 -- password length (for share-level security)
        data = bin.pack("zz", 
                                                -- Share-level password
                                        path,   -- Path
                                        "?????" -- Type of tree ("?????" = any)

        -- Send the tree connect request
        smb_send(socket, header, parameters, data)

        -- Read the result
        status, header, parameters, data = smb_read(socket)
        if(status ~= true) then
                return false, header

        -- Check if we were allowed in
        pos, header1, header2, header3, header4, command, status, flags, flags2, pid_high, signature, unused, tid, pid, 
uid, mid = bin.unpack("<CCCCCICSSlSSSSS", header)
        if(status ~= 0) then
                return false, status

        response['tid'] = tid

        return true, response

--- Probes a system running SMB (CIFS) for more information. 
-- Currently serving only as a demonstration stripped, will be re-tasked
-- shortly. 
-- nmap --script smb-probe.nse -p445\n
-- sudo nmap -sU -sS --script smb-probe.nse -p U:137,T:139\n
-- Against a weak box:
-- Host script results:\n
-- |  Probe SMB for information: \n
-- |  SMB Security: User-level authentication\n
-- |  SMB Security: Challenge/response passwords supported\n
-- |  SMB Security: Message signing supported\n
-- |  System time from SMB: 2008-09-07 00:56:02 [UTC-5]\n
-- |  Computer name from SMB: WORKGROUP\TEST1\n
-- |  OS detection from SMB: Windows 2000\n
-- |  Null sessions enabled\n
-- |  Found a share 'TEST'\n
-- |  Found a share 'TEST$'\n
-- |  Guest account enabled\n
-- |_ Guest account has access to share 'TEST'\n
-- Against a more locked down host:\n
-- Host script results:\n
-- |  Probe SMB for information:  \n
-- |  SMB Security: User-level authentication\n
-- |  SMB Security: Challenge/response passwords supported\n
-- |  SMB Security: Message signing required\n
-- |  System time from SMB: 2008-09-07 01:55:46 [UTC-5]\n
-- |  Computer name from SMB: WORKGROUP\TEST2\n
-- |  OS detection from SMB: Windows 2000\n
-- |  Null sessions disabled\n
-- |_ Guest account disabled\n


id = "Probe SMB for information"
description = "Elicits information from a host running NetBIOS/SMB"
author = "Ron Bowes"
copyright = "Ron Bowes"
license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html";
categories = {"version","intrusive"}

require 'bit'
require 'bin'
require 'netbios'
require 'smb'

-- The address being scanned
local address

-- Shares to try connecting to as Null session / GUEST
local shares = {"C", "D", "TEST", "SHARE", "HOME"}

--- Check whether or not this script should be fun. This script should 
--  run under two different conditions:
-- a) port tcp/445 is open (allowing us to make a raw connection)\n
-- b) ports tcp/139 and udp/137 are open (137 may not be known)\n
hostrule = function(host)

        local port_u137 = nmap.get_port_state(host, {number=137, protocol="udp"})
        local port_t139 = nmap.get_port_state(host, {number=139, protocol="tcp"})
        local port_t445 = nmap.get_port_state(host, {number=445, protocol="tcp"})

        if(port_t445 ~= nil and port_t445.state == "open") then
                 -- tcp/445 is open, we're good
                 return true

        if(port_t139 ~= nil and port_t139.state == "open") then
                 -- tcp/139 is open, check uf udp/137 is open or unknown
                 if(port_u137 == nil or port_u137.state == "open" or port_u137.state == "open|filtered") then
                          return true

        return false

--- Calls the functions to send out the packets, and puts together most of the results. 
--  This is basically the core function in this script, and where most of the future 
--  additions will happen. 
-- Currently, it does the following:\n
-- * Starts a NULL session\n
--   * Parses the OS\n
--   * Tries to connect to shares\n
-- * Tries to start a GUEST session\n
--   * Tries to connect to shares\n
-- * Tries to start an Administrator session (with a blank password)\n
--@param socket The socket to use for this connection (it is assumed that the function
--       can go ahead and start sending SMB traffic, so if the socket requires any kind
--       of startup, it has to be done already. 
function smb_start(host, port)

        local status, result
        local response = ""
        local os = ""
        local lanmanager = ""

        if(port == 445) then
                result, socket = smb.start_raw(host, port)
                result, socket = smb.start_netbios(host, port)

        if(result == false) then
                return false, socket

        -- Negotiate protocol
        status, result = smb.smb_negotiate_protocol(socket)
        if(status == false) then
                return false, result

        response = response .. string.format("Computer name from SMB: %s\\%s\n", result['domain'], result['server'])
        response = response .. string.format("System time from SMB: %s [%s]\n", result['date'], result['timezone_str'])
        -- Check the security mode
        if(bit.band(result['security_mode'], 1) == 1) then
                response = response .. "SMB Security: User-level authentication\n"
                response = response .. "SMB Security: Share-level authentication\n"
        -- Challenge/response supported?
        if(bit.band(result['security_mode'], 2) == 0) then
                response = response .. "SMB Security: Plaintext only\n"
                response = response .. "SMB Security: Challenge/response passwords supported\n"
        -- Message signing supported/required?
        if(bit.band(result['security_mode'], 8) == 8) then
                response = response .. "SMB Security: Message signing required\n"
        elseif(bit.band(result['security_mode'], 4) == 4) then
                response = response .. "SMB Security: Message signing supported\n"
                response = response .. "SMB Security: Message signing not supported\n"

        -- Start a null session
        status, result2 = smb.smb_start_session(socket, "", result['session_key'], result['capabilities'])
        if(status == true) then
                response = response .. string.format("OS detection from SMB: %s\n", get_windows_version(result2['os']))
                response = response .. string.format("LAN Manager from SMB: %s\n", result2['lanmanager'])

                -- See if it can connect to "IPC$"
                status, result3 = smb.smb_tree_connect(socket, string.format("\\\\%s\\IPC$", address), result2['uid'])
                if(status == true) then
                        response = response .. "Null sessions enabled\n"
                        response = response .. "Null sessions disabled\n"
                -- Loop through a couple common shares, see if Null session has access
                for i,share in ipairs(shares) do
                        -- Try and connect
                        status, result3 = smb.smb_tree_connect(socket, string.format("\\\\%s\\%s", address, share), 
                        if(status == true) then
                                response = response .. string.format("Null account has access to share '%s'\n", share)
                        elseif(result3 == 0xc0000022) then -- STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
                                response = response .. string.format("Found a share '%s'\n", share)
                        -- Try with a '$' on the end
                        status, result3 = smb.smb_tree_connect(socket, string.format("\\\\%s\\%s$", address, share), 
                        if(status == true) then
                                response = response .. string.format("Null account has access to share '%s$'\n", share)
                        elseif(result3 == 0xc0000022) then -- STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
                                response = response .. string.format("Found a share '%s$'\n", share)

        -- Start a guest session
        status, result2 = smb.smb_start_session(socket, "GUEST", result['session_key'], result['capabilities'])
        if(status == true) then

                -- See if it can connect to "IPC$"
                status = smb.smb_tree_connect(socket, string.format("\\\\%s\\IPC$", address), result2['uid'])
                if(status == true) then
                        response = response .. "Guest account enabled\n"
                        response = response .. "Guest account disabled\n"

                -- Loop through a couple common shares, see if GUEST has access
                for i,share in ipairs(shares) do
                        -- Try and connect
                        status = smb.smb_tree_connect(socket, string.format("\\\\%s\\%s", address, share), 
                        if(status == true) then
                                response = response .. string.format("Guest account has access to share '%s'\n", share)
                        -- Try with a '$' on the end
                        status = smb.smb_tree_connect(socket, string.format("\\\\%s\\%s$", address, share), 
                        if(status == true) then
                                response = response .. string.format("Guest account has access to share '%s$'\n", share)
                response = response .. "Guest account disabled\n"

        -- Check if 'Administrator' has a blank password
        status, result2 = smb.smb_start_session(socket, "ADMINISTRATOR", result['session_key'], result['capabilities'])
        if(status == true) then
                response = response .. "Administrator account has a blank password\n"
        elseif(result2 == 0xc000006e) then -- STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION
                response = response .. "Administrator account has a blank password (but can't use SMB)"

        return true, response

--- Converts numbered Windows versions (5.0, 5.1) to the names (Windows 2000, Windows XP). 
--@param os The name of the OS
--@return The actual name of the OS (or the same as the 'os' parameter)
function get_windows_version(os)

        if(os == "Windows 5.0") then
                return "Windows 2000"
        elseif(os == "Windows 5.1")then
                return "Windows XP"

        return os


action = function(host)

        local port_t139 = nmap.get_port_state(host, {number=139, protocol="tcp"})
        local port_t445 = nmap.get_port_state(host, {number=445, protocol="tcp"})

        address = host.ip

        if(port_t445 ~= nil and port_t445.state == "open") then
                status, result = smb_start(host.ip, 445)
                status, result = smb_start(host.ip, 139)

        return string.format(" \n%s", result)

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