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nwrap -- nmap stealth wrapper

From: HD Moore <nlog () ings com>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 12:43:55 -0500

I started working on some scripts to 'wrap' nmap and allow for
stealthier scanning routines.  The goals for this script include:

        Creating a host/port table and then randomizing it.
        Scanning each host/port combination in a random sequence.
        Easy creation of decoy addresses.
        Parallel scanning with child process management.
        Consolidation of log files into a nlog-style db or MySQL.

There are still a number of issues I am working on, if you have any
suggestions/complaints email me:

        Delay between scans should be a random number within a user-defined

        Decoy addresses should remain the same during each scan to eliminate
        of detection by coordinating traffic logs from each scanned host and
        the real address in each.

        Log file consolidation (maybe use -m - and read it all from an open

        Better option set for the nwrap script.

Attached is the protoype perl script, I wanted to get some feedback
about what stealth options/techniques people wanted to see implemented
in a nmap wrapper script.

-HD aka spinux


use Getopt::Long;

sub exitclean {
   my ($msg) = @_;
   print "$msg\n";
   exit 2;


&GetOptions("debug", \$OPTdebug,
            "p:s", \$OPTports,
            "i:s", \$OPTinput);

open (INPUT,"<".$OPTinput) || exitclean("Could not open host input file:  $!");
@targets = (<INPUT>);
close(INPUT) || debugprint("close() failed on INPUT: $!");

# create a host/port list and shuffle it

@targets = shuffle(\@targets);
@ports = parse_ports($OPTports);
@ports = shuffle(\@ports);

foreach $host (@targets)
    @ports = shuffle(\@ports);
    foreach $port (@ports)
        push @output, "$host $port";
@output = shuffle(\@output);

# now do something with that host/port list
foreach $out (@output)
 ($nmaptarget,$nmapport) = split(/\s+/,$out);
 $logfile = "$nmaptarget.$nmapport.log";
 print "Scanning port $nmapport on $nmaptarget...\n"; 
 system ("nmap -sS -m $logfile -P0 $nmaptarget -p$nmapport -D" . rdecoys(getpppip())) 
 || print "Could not launch nmap:  $!\n";



# Functions

sub getpppip {
    my $DATA=`ifconfig | grep P-t-P | awk \'\{ print \$2 \}\'`;
    my $crap;
    my $ip;
    ($crap,$ip) = split(/\:/,$DATA);
    return $ip;

sub rdecoys {
    my ($ip) = @_;
    my @octets = split(/\./,$ip);
    my $count;
    my @decoys = ();
    my $decoy;
    my $output;
    for ($count = 0; $count < 6 ; $count++)
    { $decoys[$count] = int(rand()*255); }

    foreach $decoy (@decoys)
        $output .= "$octets[0].$octets[1].$octets[2].$decoy,";
    $output .="ME";
    return $output;

sub debugprint {
  ($msg) = @_;
  print "[debug]  $msg\n" unless (!$OPTdebug);

sub sig_catch {
   my $signame = shift;
   print "\nRecieved SIG$signame, exiting...\n";
   exit 2;

#   Function:   shuffle
#   Purpose:    Randomize an array
#   To-Do:      Done
#   Date: 04/09/99
#   Comments:   This routine was pretty much ripped from 'Perl Cookbook' pg 121-122

sub shuffle {
    my $array = shift;
    my $i = scalar(@$array);
    my $j;
    foreach $item (@$array )
        $j = int rand ($i+1);
        next if $i == $j;
        @$array [$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i];
    return @$array;

#   Function:   parse_ports
#   Purpose:    Take in an nmap style port list and return an array
#   To-Do:      Add a check to make sure all the ports added are numeric
#   Date: 04/09/99

sub parse_ports {
    my ($portstring) = @_;
    my $splitter = ",";
    my @portlist = ();
    my @portsplit = ();
    my $port;
    @portsplit = split($splitter,$portstring);
    foreach $port (@portsplit)
        @range = split(/\-/,$port);
        if (scalar(@range) > 1)
            if ($range[0] > $range[1] || $range[0] < 0 || $range[0] > 65535 || $range[1] < 0 || $range[1] > 65535)
                print "Your range of $range[0] -> $range[1] is invalid!\n";
            for ($i = $range[0]; $i < $range[1] + 1; $i++)
                if ($i > 0 && $i < 65536)
                    push @portlist, $i;   
        } else {
            push @portlist, $port;
    return @portlist;

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