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Re: Redploying most of 127/8 as unicast public

From: Matthew Walster <matthew () walster org>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2021 11:16:59 +0000

On Sat, 20 Nov 2021, 09:21 Måns Nilsson, <mansaxel () besserwisser org> wrote:

Subject: Re: Redploying most of 127/8 as unicast public Date: Sat, Nov 20,
2021 at 10:26:33AM +0900 Quoting Masataka Ohta (
mohta () necom830 hpcl titech ac jp):

We cope,
because a lot of technical debt is amassed in corporate and ISP /
access provider networks that won't change.

Sounds like abstract nonsense.

No, it is the real reason that we still have v4 around.

The "real" reason we have IPv4 around is that it works. Having IPv4+IPv6 is
relatively easy, but dropping IPv4 to run IPv6 only is difficult. Some


1. Your power goes out. When it comes back up, your internet connection is
down. You want to log in to the router... Except you can't. You don't know
the address, and you won't have one until your ISP gives you one via DHCP
(or similar).

Sure, you could maybe provide the link-local address on the bottom of the
router, but expecting a user to get http://[fe80:211:aaff:febb:ccdd] right
(and you might even need interface scoping!) is boring to cause user
frustration when an ISP tech support tries to help, and having the provided
CPE using fe80::1 is probably a recipe for disaster.

Likewise, having an mdns broadcast (ssssh, I know) for "gateway" or
"router" is definitely not something standardised.

2. Your IPv6 prefix changes. With some ISPs, it can change every time your
router reboots, and if you're with my ISP, it crash-reboots about once a
week! If your CPE isn't providing your WiFi (range extender, mesh, nerd
etc) then the old prefix is still valid for a while. Yes, there's an RFC to
deal with this, but realistically it's not out there today.

Also, any local services are going to break if they're on static
addresses... I'm not just talking enterprise AD servers etc, it's also CCTV
cameras, raspberry pis, NAS units etc. DHCP registration of addresses in
DNS exists, yes, but it's just not used by most of these devices.

This could easily be fixed by having a well-known (and short/memorable!)
/48 set aside that would have NAT66 (1:1, not port overload) applied at the
router to the delegated prefix received from the ISP, but I'll be shouted
down to hell for even mentioning that idea.

3. IPv6 "port forwarding" isn't really an easy thing -- people are not used
to each machine having a global address. Sure, on many devices you can add
firewall rules to allow traffic in, but it's not like the "port forwarding"
concept people have gotten used to. I genuinely have no idea whether
upnp/nat-pmp has an IPv6 analogue that "just works" which things like
consoles (or apps like syncthing) can take advantage of.


IPv4 works. There is no appreciable benefit to the user in enabling IPv6,
but the ISP does it and it just works. The same can't be said of going IPv6
only -- you can easily provide IPv6 only with NAT64 and DNS64 or some
XLAT464 fun when you're dealing with public WiFi, but this is people's
homes and businesses.

Likewise, there's so many devices that are IPv4 only, and aren't getting
retired anytime soon. In fact, there's a lot of devices released in the
last few years that fully support IPv6, but only when it also has an IPv4
address. I believe either the new Xbox and/or PS5 fit into that category.

IPv4 is getting more expensive for ISPs because of addressing costs, but a
5-tuple CGNAT solution capable of saturating a 100Gb/s pipe is under $10k
these days if you're doing it on the cheap. Yes, this is massively

Not just that, if you have a CPE capable of doing MAP-T (RFC7599 et al)
then your CGNAT doesn't even need to track state, and you can probably do
it in ASIC, especially with a programmable dataplane (P4 etc).

IPv6 only is the goal. IPv4 is going to be with us for at least a decade.
Getting IPv6 up and running on a network requires a lot of effort when that
network is run by the IT PFY, but it will slowly get that wide penetration
desired... Turning off IPv4 for your regular residential and SME ISP
connections is such a PITA fraught with support problems that it is just
not practical outside of very limited conditions.

Certainly, on the content side, you can make all your HTTP services on IPv6
only servers, and have the IPv4 go to a proxy that routes based on Host
header or SNI, but you need some networking knowledge already to understand
what is going on there.

IPv4 isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Enabling IPv6 reduces IPv4 traffic
levels, it does not reduce IPv4 address usage.

Happy for someone to prove me wrong here, but don't use mobile as an
example. That's a very different market... I'm talking about residential
and SOHO internet access here only.


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